3 research outputs found

    Sterilization of swine wastewater treated by anaerobic reactors using UV photo-reactors

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    The use of ultraviolet radiation is an established procedure with growing application forthe disinfection of contaminated wastewater. This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of artificial UV radiation, as a post treatment of liquid from anaerobic reactors treating swine effluent. The UV reactors were employed to sterilize pathogenic microorganisms. To this end, two photo-reactors were constructed using PVC pipe with100 mm diameter and 1060 mmlength, whose ends were sealed with PVC caps. The photo-reactors were designed to act on the liquid surface, as the lamp does not get into contact with the liquid. To increase the efficiency of UV radiation, photo-reactors were coated with aluminum foil. The lamp used in the reactors was germicidal fluorescent, with band wavelength of 230 nm, power of 30 Watts and manufactured by Techlux. In this research, the HRT with the highest removal efficiency was 0.063 days (90.6 minutes), even treating an effluent with veryhigh turbidity due to dissolved solids. It was concluded that the sterilization method using UV has proved to be an effective and appropriate process, among many other procedures. 

    Partida de reator anaeróbio compartimentado em série com um reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo, utilizando parâmetros de sedimentabilidade para formação da biomassa

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    Este estudo objetivou avaliar a formação da biomassa de boa qualidade tanto no reator anaeróbio compartimentado (RAC) quanto no reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo (UASB), aplicando parâmetros adequados à sedimentação dos sólidos sedimentáveis (SS) presentes na água residuária de suinocultura (ARS). O RAC e o UASB operaram em série com os tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDHs) de 15 e 9h, respectivamente, correspondendo a cargas orgânicas volumétricas (COVs) médias de 53,8 e 36,2 kg.m³.d¹ em termos de DQOT, respectivamente. As eficiências médias de remoção de DBO520°C, durante o processo de partida e formação da biomassa, foram: 68% para RAC e 55% para UASB, e em termos de DQO: 78% para RAC e 70% para UASB, respectivamente. Os autores concluíram que é possível, mediante os parâmetros de sedimentação adotados, formar uma biomassa peletizada, mesmo operando o sistema com altas cargas orgânicas.This study aimed to evaluate anaerobic biomass formation in anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) and sequentialy in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor, using the solids liable to sedimentation present in swine wastewater (SW). The ABR and UASB reactors operated in series with hydraulic retention times (HRT) of 15 and 9. The average volumetric organic loading rates (VOLR) was about 53.8, and 36.2 kg.m-3 d¹ in terms of total COD, respectively. The average removal efficiencies, during the starting up process and biomass formation concernig BOD520°C about 68% (ABR) and 55% (UASB), and in terms of COD about 78% (ABR) and 70% (UASB), respectively. The authors concluded that it is possible, using the sedimentation parameters adopted, to form a granulated biomass, even operating with high organic loadings