26 research outputs found

    Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of European Catfish (Silurus glanis) Flesh

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    Quantitative and qualitative flesh production in the Silurus glanis species was comparatively studied between two fish groups: one from aquaculture (AG) and the other from a natural environment, the Prut River (RG). Morphometry was carried out on the fish, and then biometric and conformational indices were calculated. Better values were found in the aquaculture catfish. The Fulton coefficient was 0.82 in the Prut River fish and 0.91% in the farmed ones. The fleshy index reached 19.58% in the AG fish and 20.79% in the RG fish, suggesting better productive capabilities in the AG fish. Postslaughter, the flesh yield and its quality were assessed at different moments throughout the refrigeration period (0–15 days), and chemical compound loss occurred. In the AG samples, the water content decreased by 8.87%, proteins by 27.66%, and lipids by 29.58%. For the RG samples, the loss reached 8.59% in water, 25.16% in proteins, and 29%in lipids. By studying the fatty acids profile and sanogenic indices, good levels of PUFA (31–35%) were found, and the atherogenic index reached 0.35–0.41 while the thrombogenic index ranged between 0.22 and 0.27. Consequently, it can be stated that fish origin and especially the refrigeration period influence the flesh proximate composition and nutritional value of European catfish

    Qualitative and Nutritional Evaluation of Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) Meat Production

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    Polyodon spathula is a valuable species of sturgeon native to North America that has acclimatized very well in Europe. Detailed knowledge of the quantitative and qualitative productive performance of paddlefish meat is of interest. Through this article, we aimed to highlight the chemical composition, cholesterol, and collagen content of fillets issued from paddlefish aged two and three summers and to highlight, as well as the nutritional value, the profile of fatty acids and amino acids, the sanogenic indices and the biological value of proteins for the epaxial and hypaxial muscle groups. The chemical analysis of the fillets by age indicated slightly higher values in summer three, compared to summer two: +5.32% dry matter, +0.89% protein, +41.21% fat, therefore +10.94% gross energy and for collagen by 2.94%; instead, for water, minerals and the W/P ratio the values were lower by 1.52%, 10.08%, and 2.29%. The nutritional assessment revealed that paddlefish has a meat with high PUFA content (approx. 22% of total fatty acids) and good values of sanogenic indices (Polyunsaturation Index = 7.01–8.77; Atherogenic Index = 0.57; Thrombogenic Index = 0.38–0.39; Hypocholesterolemic Fatty Acids = 33.01–41.34; Hypocholesteromic/Hypercolesteromic Fatty Acids ratio = 1.9). Also, the proteins of these fish are of good quality for young and adult consumers (EAA index = 156.11; Biological Value = 158.46; Nutritional Index (%) = 28.30) and good enough for children (Essential Amino Acids Index = 96.41; Biological Value = 93.39; Nutritional Index (%) = 17.45)

    Research regarding effect of monosodium glutamate on health of laboratory mice

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    Utilization of food additives represents a technique which is more and more present in modern food industry but this one doesn’t have always favourable effects on human organism but on contrary. The study carried out by us aimed to present the impact of one of the most controversial food additives, monosodium glutamate, on organism of laboratory mice and implicit on human organism. Research were carried out on three mice batches, each with 10 individuals, from which one was the control batch LM and two experimental batches LE1 and LE2. Mice from LM received specific nourishment and the animals belonging to the other two batches received besides that specific food different doses of monosodium glutamate, respectively 3% at batch LE1 and 5% for batch LE2. Experimental mice have enjoyed water at their discretion during the whole research period. Research took place during a period of 28 days. In the whole period has been monitored feed consumption, dynamic of corporal mass, and at the end were gathered blood samples for study of some haematological indexes and some parameters connected with blood biochemistry. At the end of the study we observed that MSG induced higher corporal mass gains with 38.4–59.4% at mice from experimental batches face to the ones from control batch, and feed consumption was higher with 7.5–13.8% at experimental batches face to the same reference batch – fact which leads to obesity. Blood analysis show the fact that at animals from experimental batches was recorded a qualitative degradation of blood and very high deviations for the majority of analysed sanguine biochemical parameters. Those aspects show a severe degradation of mice’s health state which formed the experimental batches

    A synthetic profile of the rural tourism consumer

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    The rural tourism and, in particular, the agritourism have become increasingly popular activities, as a result of the multiple benefits generated. The rural tourism is attractive for visitors with different motivations and different market profiles. This paper aims to find the most common profile of the tourists visiting the rural areas. In order to segment the rural tourism market, a series of customer indicators can be used, such as: reasons, preferences, needs and expected benefits; geographical origin; economic and demographic status; psychographic characteristics and consumer behavior etc. As the consumer needs and expectations regarding the rural tourism products are highly varied, there are several types of tourists, the differences being determined mainly by geographical origin, but also by the different perceptions on the quality of tourism products and services. In general, it can be said that these tourists come mainly from urban areas, are middle-aged or above middle-aged, have a high level of education and training, have above-average incomes and travel in small groups, usually with family and friends

    Analysis in dynamics of tourism offer in Botoşani county during 2009-2018

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    Analysis of absolute and relative dynamics of touristy accommodation capacity which exist in Botoşani County, during 2009-2018, shown the fact that number of accommodation places increased in 2018 face to 2009 with 51.64%. The highest increases face to reference year was recorded in 2017 with 56.58%; face to previous year was recorded increases up to 29.09% (in 2012). Per ensemble the mean level of existent accommodation capacity recorded a number of 1045.1 places, with an absolute mean increase of 45.33 places, respectively a relative increase of 4.6%. Analysis of absolute and relative dynamics of functional accommodation capacity revealed the fact that these one increased in 2018 face to 2009 with 60.21%; faces to previous year were recorded increases up to 19.88% (in 2011). Generally speaking mean level of functional accommodation capacity recorded 364.44 thousands places-days/year, with an absolute mean increase of 17.14 thousands places-days/year, respectively with a relative increase of 5.3%. Net utilization index of functional touristy accommodation capacity, in Botoşani County during 2009- 2018 recorded fluctuating values, the highest value, 22.7%, being recorded in 2017

    Evaluation of water quality in the Prut River, Sculeni-Iasi Area by determining some physical-chemical indicators

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    In 2018, a series of researches were carried out regarding the main water quality indicators in the Prut river, Iasi county, Sculeni area. Following the taking and carrying out of physico-chemical analyzes on the collected samples, it was found that most of the water indicators in the Prut river do not exceed the maximum allowable concentration, according to the norms written in the specialized literature. Small exceedances were registered for the following indicators: chlorides, CCO-Cr, Ca2+, Mg2+, which indicates that the water in the Prut river has a relatively good quality, most indicators fall within the limits imposed for surface water of category II

    The environmental impacts of rural tourism

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    Tourism development in rural areas has drawn attention not only to its economic and social effects, but also to its ecological impact, being closely related to the quality of the natural and man-made environment. Rural tourism takes place in areas that usually are sensitive to external pressures and the impact of tourism on the ecological environment is more visible in rural areas. Tourism can have a useful influence on the rural tourist destination, but it can also be a detrimental factor. There are various studies claiming that the development of rural tourism can also have both positive and negative consequences. Between tourism and environment is a very close relationship, environmental degradation contributing overwhelmingly to the loss of tourist value. Thus, environmental conservation and protection are more important than some potential economic and social benefits. The negative effects are multiple and their intensity and origin depend on different elements that influence the sustainability of tourism. In general, it is estimated that the positive aspects of rural tourism are much more numerous than the negative ones

    Studiu cu privire la caracteristicile chimice ale ouălor provenite de la găini crescute în sisteme agreate de Uniunea Europeană

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    Analysis of which results are presented in the current paper are part of an ample study in which wefocused on the influence of rearing systems on quality of eggs destined to human consumption.Regarding water content in yolk, we mention the fact that the highest value was founded at the eggs gathered from hens reared on ground with access to external paddock (56.12±0.006%) while the lowest value was recorded at the eggs gathered from hens reared in battery, 55.02±0.006%.For dry matter content the obtained mean values were 43.88±0.005% for yolk of the eggs gathered from hens reared on ground with accessto external paddock, 44.06±0.004% for the one gathered from hens reared in loft and 44.98±0.004% at the ones reared in battery.Protein content from albumen recorded a calculated mean value of 12.17±0.032%for hens reared in free-range system.For hens reared in loft, protein content in mélange was 12.12±0.036% with variation limits which oscillated between 11.93% and12.22%.For the eggs gathered from hens reared in battery, protein level in mélangewas 12.21±0.035.In the case of fat content the calculated mean value for eggs gathered from hens reared on ground with access to external paddock was 10.64±0.045%;11.18±0.041% for the ones reared in loft and 11.22±0.049% for the eggs gathered from hens reared in battery

    Study of traditional technological flow and physicochemical analysis on goat milk yogurt obtained into a small range unit from Iaşi county, Romania

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    The aim of the paper is to present the traditional technological flow utilised for goat milk yogurt obtained into a small range unit from Iaşi County, Romania and also to effectuate a physicochemical analyse for this product. From physicochemical analysis view point, the aims of the current paper were focused on the following parameters: fat content, protein content, acidity and dry matter content. At the end of the study we can affirm that the goat milk yogurt obtained fulfilled the technological demands and flow, being a traditionally made product. The quality of the product is a very good one, being recorded superior values for all the analysed physicochemical indicators which had superior values to those imposed by nowadays legislation