Studiu cu privire la caracteristicile chimice ale ouălor provenite de la găini crescute în sisteme agreate de Uniunea Europeană


Analysis of which results are presented in the current paper are part of an ample study in which wefocused on the influence of rearing systems on quality of eggs destined to human consumption.Regarding water content in yolk, we mention the fact that the highest value was founded at the eggs gathered from hens reared on ground with access to external paddock (56.12±0.006%) while the lowest value was recorded at the eggs gathered from hens reared in battery, 55.02±0.006%.For dry matter content the obtained mean values were 43.88±0.005% for yolk of the eggs gathered from hens reared on ground with accessto external paddock, 44.06±0.004% for the one gathered from hens reared in loft and 44.98±0.004% at the ones reared in battery.Protein content from albumen recorded a calculated mean value of 12.17±0.032%for hens reared in free-range system.For hens reared in loft, protein content in mélange was 12.12±0.036% with variation limits which oscillated between 11.93% and12.22%.For the eggs gathered from hens reared in battery, protein level in mélangewas 12.21±0.035.In the case of fat content the calculated mean value for eggs gathered from hens reared on ground with access to external paddock was 10.64±0.045%;11.18±0.041% for the ones reared in loft and 11.22±0.049% for the eggs gathered from hens reared in battery

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