1,629 research outputs found


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    The firm, considered to be a unitary system, disposes of a functioning mechanism defined by a few characteristics, which include: - it is a unitary ensemble with an established juridical regime and a certain functional autonomy; - it has specific in and out parameters; - it is capable of self-adjusting its activity through its own management of informational links. To do so, an important role is held by the analises of the logistical system, which implies the component of logistics, and the physics and informational flow."

    Consumption For The Fulfillment Of Human Life

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    The present moment is characterized by the syntagm of „hiperconsumption society”, as we assist to an unprecedented augmentation of our desires to consume, associated with a fundamental change of values. The study analyzes, based on the vast scientific literature, the causes and the effects of this hypertrophy of consumption, based on the assumption of Oswald „Economic performance is not intrinsically interesting... Economic things matter only in so far as they make people happier.” Also, as a new paradigm on economic development is being outlined in the economic science, using „health of the living” as a fundamental value, understood as an ensemble of parameters that create the frame for what must be a normal and desired evolution, we analyzed the means that are available and can be used for the transition towards a healthy model of consumption. From the perspective of consumers’ protection, we consider that education for a healthy consumption is an appropriate answer that can generate a durable change of the present pattern towards a more generous consumption from an intergenerational point of view that can also sustain a high quality of life for the generations that coexists and succeed themselves.healthy consumption, consumer⁳ education, the right to education, underconsumption and hyperconsumption, paradox of happiness, imperatives of human life


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    The official control of wine products is done by the speciality inspector of the State Inspection for the Technical Wine Control.The aim of the study is to analyse: the types of nonconformities existing in the wines displayed for marketing, the number of wine samples with detected additions that are not allowed, the geographic area that they come from and the evolution of nonconformities during the studied period.The analysis of the wines existing in the commercial network of Dolj County during the period 2006-2012 highlights nonconformities and falsifications of the wines through the dilution of the wine with water, through hiding some faults or alterations of the wine, through additions and the use of any practices that are illegal according to the current wine law

    The effectiveness of the cardiac resynchronization in a patient with ischemic cardiomyopathy

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    Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in multiple and large trials has been demonstrated to improve symptoms and decrease hospitalization and mortality of patients when used in addition to optimal medical therapy. The global mechanical performance of the heart is affected in subjects with heart failure by atrio-ventricular, interventricular, or intraventricular conduction disorders, which lead to the desynchronization of electrical activity. Cardiac resynchronization therapy can effectively improve the clinical and haemodynamic status of these patients. According to literature data, CRT is performed only on well-selected patients (who qualify for CRT based on current indications), and approximately 70% of those patients respond favorably. We present the case of a patient responsive to cardiac resynchronization therapy which led to lowering of his NYHA classification and to improvement of left ventricle hemodynamics. The benefits of cardiac resynchronization therapy were multiple in this case, including improved tolerance to physical exercise and a decreased rate of hospitalization, which overall led to improved quality of life

    Is online moral outrage outrageous? Rethinking the indignation machine

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    Moral outrage is often characterized as a corrosive emotion, but it can also inspire collective action. In this article we aim to deepen our understanding of the dual nature of online moral outrage which divides people and contributes to inclusivist moral reform. We argue that the specifics of violating different types of moral norms will influence the effects of moral outrage: moral outrage against violating harm-based norms is less antagonistic than moral outrage against violating loyalty and purity/identity norms. We identify which features of social media platforms shape our moral lives. Connectivity, omniculturalism, online exposure, increased group identification and fostering what we call "expressionist experiences", all change how moral outrage is expressed in the digital realm. Finally, we propose changing the design of social media platforms and raise the issue of moral disillusion when ample moral protest in the online environment does not have the expected effects on the offline world

    Respecting older adults: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated many social problems and put the already vulnerable, such as racial minorities, low-income communities, and older individuals, at an even greater risk than before. In this paper we focus on older adults' well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic and show that the risk-mitigation measures presumed to protect them, alongside the generalization of an ageist public discourse, exacerbated the pre-existing marginalization of older adults, disproportionately affecting their well-being. This paper shows that states have duties to adopt and put into practice redress measures to compensate for the negative consequences of COVID-19 public health policies on older adults' overall well-being. These duties flow from the minimal ethical requirement of respect for persons. We show that respect is a morally basic attitude that presupposes taking the others' interests into account, with the aim of advancing their well-being. This duty is not limited to kinship, relatives, and friends but it extends to states and the rest of the civil society. In the conclusion, we draw lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic and sketch some redress measures that could compensate for the decrease in older adults' well-being as a result of the adoption of measures to contain the spread of the virus

    Comparison of variational discretizations for a convection-diffusion problem

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    For a model convection-diffusion problem, we obtain new error estimates for a general upwinding finite element discretization based on bubble modification of the test space. The key analysis tool is based on finding representations of the optimal norms on the trial spaces at the continuous and discrete levels. We analyze and compare the standard linear discretization, the saddle point least square and upwinding Petrov-Galerkin methods. We conclude that the bubble upwinding Petrov-Galerkin method is the most performant discretization for the one dimensional model. Our results for the model convection-diffusion problem can be extended for creating new and efficient discretizations for the multidimensional cases.Comment: 22 pages, no figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2402.0331

    Paternalistic AI: the case of aged care

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    In this paper, we argue that AI systems for aged care can be paternalistic towards older adults. We start by showing how implicit age biases get embedded in AI technologies, either through designers’ ideologies and beliefs or in the data processed by AI systems. Thereafter, we argue that ageism oftentimes leads to paternalism towards older adults. We introduce the concept of technological paternalism and illustrate how it works in practice, by looking at AI for aged care. We end by analyzing the justifications for paternalism in the care of older adults to show that the imposition of paternalistic AI technologies to promote the overall good of older adults is not justified

    Peripheral mechanisms of neuropathic pain following nerve lesion: electrophysiological and behavioural experiments

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    In the present study the neurophysiological changes in lesioned and regenerating afferent fibres and intact afferent nerve fibres, innervating a territory adjacent to a denervated area, were investigated. Two models of nerve lesion in the rat were used: 1. The sural nerve was lesioned and the nerve fibres were allowed to regenerate to the target tissue (Regeneration Model). 2. The tibial and common peroneal nerves were ligated and sectioned, leaving the sural nerve intact (Spared Nerve Injury [SNI] Model). Spontaneous activity (SA), mechanosensitivity (MS) and thermosensitivity (TS) of the sural afferent myelinated (A-) and unmyelinated (C-) fibres were investigated neurophysiologically in vivo within both nerve lesion models. In the SNI model pain-like behaviour of the rats to mechanical and thermal stimulation of the skin was tested. A. Regeneration Model. The lesioned and regenerating MS and TS fibres with receptive fields in the lesioned nerve had lower activation thresholds and a higher incidence of SA than the intact nerve fibres in control rats. B. SNI Model. Following SNI rats developed signs of pain-like behaviour to innocuous mechanical and cold stimuli. The incidence of SA C-fibres was significantly higher, but the proportion and the activation threshold of the MS A- and C-fibres were not significantly different following SNI compared to control animals. The proportion of cold sensitive C-fibres was significantly higher and their activation threshold was significantly lower following SNI compared to control animals. These alterations might be the basis for abnormal reactions to innocuous cold stimuli of SNI rats. C. Conclusions: Neuropathic pain in patients with nerve injury may be related to increased sensitivity of lesioned and unlesioned primary afferent neurones. Unravelling the underlying cellular mechanisms of this increased sensitivity to innocuous stimuli could lead to new therapeutic tools in treatment of neuropathic pain