12 research outputs found

    Importance of genotype for risk stratification in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy using the 2019 ARVC risk calculator

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    none41siTo study the impact of genotype on the performance of the 2019 risk model for arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC).Protonotarios, Alexandros; Bariani, Riccardo; Cappelletto, Chiara; Pavlou, Menelaos; García-García, Alba; Cipriani, Alberto; Protonotarios, Ioannis; Rivas, Adrian; Wittenberg, Regitze; Graziosi, Maddalena; Xylouri, Zafeirenia; Larrañaga-Moreira, José M; de Luca, Antonio; Celeghin, Rudy; Pilichou, Kalliopi; Bakalakos, Athanasios; Lopes, Luis Rocha; Savvatis, Konstantinos; Stolfo, Davide; Dal Ferro, Matteo; Merlo, Marco; Basso, Cristina; Freire, Javier Limeres; Rodriguez-Palomares, Jose F; Kubo, Toru; Ripoll-Vera, Tomas; Barriales-Villa, Roberto; Antoniades, Loizos; Mogensen, Jens; Garcia-Pavia, Pablo; Wahbi, Karim; Biagini, Elena; Anastasakis, Aris; Tsatsopoulou, Adalena; Zorio, Esther; Gimeno, Juan R; Garcia-Pinilla, Jose Manuel; Syrris, Petros; Sinagra, Gianfranco; Bauce, Barbara; Elliott, Perry MProtonotarios, Alexandros; Bariani, Riccardo; Cappelletto, Chiara; Pavlou, Menelaos; García-García, Alba; Cipriani, Alberto; Protonotarios, Ioannis; Rivas, Adrian; Wittenberg, Regitze; Graziosi, Maddalena; Xylouri, Zafeirenia; Larrañaga-Moreira, José M; de Luca, Antonio; Celeghin, Rudy; Pilichou, Kalliopi; Bakalakos, Athanasios; Lopes, Luis Rocha; Savvatis, Konstantinos; Stolfo, Davide; Dal Ferro, Matteo; Merlo, Marco; Basso, Cristina; Freire, Javier Limeres; Rodriguez-Palomares, Jose F; Kubo, Toru; Ripoll-Vera, Tomas; Barriales-Villa, Roberto; Antoniades, Loizos; Mogensen, Jens; Garcia-Pavia, Pablo; Wahbi, Karim; Biagini, Elena; Anastasakis, Aris; Tsatsopoulou, Adalena; Zorio, Esther; Gimeno, Juan R; Garcia-Pinilla, Jose Manuel; Syrris, Petros; Sinagra, Gianfranco; Bauce, Barbara; Elliott, Perry

    A real-world retrospective, observational study of first-line pembrolizumab plus chemotherapy for metastatic non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer with PD-L1 tumor proportion score < 50% (PEMBROREAL)

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    IntroductionThe phase III Keynote-189 trial established a first-line treatment combining pembrolizumab with pemetrexed and platinum as a standard treatment for patients with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) without known EGFR and ALK driver mutations and independent of programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) expression. However, in Italy, eligibility for the National Health Service payment program is limited to patients with PD-L1 &lt;50%. The PEMBROREAL study assesses the real-world effectiveness and safety of pembrolizumab in patients eligible for the National Health Service payment program.MethodsPEMBROREAL is a retrospective, observational study on patients with NSCLC who started pembrolizumab combined with pemetrexed and platinum within the reimbursability time window, considered as December 2019 to December 2020. The primary endpoints were to assess progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS; using the Kaplan–Meier method), response to therapy, and tolerability.ResultsUntil February 2022, 279 patients (median follow-up: 19.7 months) have been observed. The median PFS was 8.0 months (95% confidence interval: 6.5–9.2). OS was not reached, but we can estimate a 12- to 24-month survival rate for the combined treatment: 66.1% and 52.5%, respectively. PD-L1 expression and Eastern Cooperative Group (ECOG) Performance Status were both associated with PFS and OS. Overall, only 44.4% of patients reported an adverse event, whereas toxicity led to a 5.4% discontinuation rate.ConclusionThe results of the PEMBROREAL study have shown that the combined treatment of pembrolizumab with pemetrexed and platinum is effective for metastatic non-squamous NSCLC, even for patients with PD-L1 levels below 50%, despite the differences in patient demographics and pathological features compared to the Keynote-189 study. The adverse events reported during the study were more typical of chemotherapy treatment rather than immunotherapy, and physicians were able to manage them easily

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    Predicting Local Failure after Partial Prostate Re-Irradiation Using a Dosiomic-Based Machine Learning Model

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    The aim of this study is to predict local failure after partial prostate re-irradiation for the treatment of isolated locally recurrent prostate cancer by using a machine learning classifier based on radiomic features from pre-treatment computed tomography (CT), positron-emission tomography (PET) and biological effective dose distribution (BED) of the radiotherapy plan. The analysis was conducted on a monocentric dataset of 43 patients with evidence of isolated intraprostatic recurrence of prostate cancer after primary external beam radiotherapy. All patients received partial prostate re-irradiation delivered by volumetric modulated arc therapy. The gross tumor volume (GTV) of each patient was manually contoured from planning CT, choline-PET and dose maps. An ensemble machine learning pipeline including unbalanced data correction and feature selection was trained using the radiomic and dosiomic features as input for predicting occurrence of local failure. The model performance was assessed using sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and area under receiver operating characteristic curves of the score function in 10-fold cross validation repeated 100 times. Local failure was observed in 13 patients (30%), with a median time to recurrence of 36.7 months (range = 6.1&ndash;102.4 months). A four variables ensemble machine learning model resulted in accuracy of 0.62 and AUC 0.65. According to our results, a dosiomic machine learning classifier can predict local failure after partial prostate re-irradiation

    Inflammation on Endomyocardial Biopsy Predicts Risk of MACE in Undefined Left Ventricular Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy

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    Background: Predictors of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) in patients with undefined left ventricular arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ULVACM) have not been described. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the prognostic value of genetic testing and histology in a cohort of ULVACM patients. Methods: We identified 313 patients with ULVACM defined by new-onset ventricular arrhythmia (VA), nonischemic pattern of late gadolinium enhancement limited to the left ventricle (LV), and no severe dilated cardiomyopathy (LV ejection fraction ≥40%) from a retrospective multicenter registry. Patients undergoing next generation sequencing (NGS) for cardiomyopathy genes and endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) were compared with subjects without these studies. The primary endpoint was the occurrence of MACE, defined as the composite of cardiac death, heart transplantation, and malignant VA (ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, appropriate implantable cardioverter-defibrillator treatment), at 60 months after clinical presentation. Results: Of the whole cohort (age 46 ± 14 years, 63% men, LV ejection fraction 55% ± 7%), 160 (51%) and 198 patients (63%), respectively, underwent NGS and EMB. NGS identified pathogenic or likely-pathogenic cardiomyopathy variants (pathogenic variants/likely pathogenic variants) in 25 of 160 cases (16%). EMB showed active myocardial inflammation (AM) in 102 of 198 patients (52%), 47 of whom (46%) received immunosuppressive therapy. After 58-month median follow-up, 93 of 313 patients (30%) experienced MACE. On multivariable analysis, presentation with malignant VA and EMB-proven AM were positively associated with the primary endpoint (HR: 2.8; 95% CI: 1.4-5.5; P = 0.003; and HR: 3.9; 95% CI: 1.9-7.5; P < 0.001, respectively), whereas immunosuppressive therapy showed a reverse association with MACE at 60 months (HR: 0.10; 95% CI: 0.05-0.40; P < 0.001). Conclusions: Presentation with malignant VA or AM associates with MACE in ULVACM patients

    Iconographie du quotidien dans l’art provincial romain : modèles régionaux

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    Ce volume rassemble une grande partie des communications qui ont été présentées lors du XIVe congrès international d'art provincial romain, qui s'est tenu à Dijon (Bourgogne) du 1er au 6 juin 2015, sur le thème Iconographie du quotidien dans l'art provincial romain : modèles régionaux. Traitant d'une thématique qui jusque-là n'avait pas été évoquée dans le cadre des précédents congrès, il s'inscrit dans la continuité d'une réflexion portant sur la sculpture romaine issue des provinces. Rassemblés en quatre parties, les textes proposés par des chercheurs venant de toute l'Europe, mais aussi d'Afrique du Nord, évoquent les stèles, reliefs, sculptures qui racontent la vie quotidienne des populations de l'Empire romain, le plus souvent figurée sur des monuments funéraires. Sont ainsi évoqués la formation des enfants, divers métiers d'artisans ou de boutiquiers, les loisirs... : ces scènes sont autant de « saisies sur le vif » de ce quotidien qui nous échappe trop souvent et auquel les sources littéraires prêtent en général peu attention. Ces représentations, la nature des thématiques et des modalités d'exécution sont très liées au contexte de réalisation : le choix des ateliers, leurs pratiques en fonction des ressources locales permettent de mettre en évidence des différences perceptibles d'une région à l'autre au sein du vaste Empire romain. Une place particulière a été faite aux découvertes récentes et à l'exposition Pax Romana - Scènes du quotidien en Gaule romaine, au musée archéologique de Dijon, qui accompagnait la réunion scientifique. Abondamment illustré, ce volume offre un large panorama de la vie quotidienne des sujets de l'Empire, depuis la conquête de leur territoire jusqu'à la christianisation de l'espace romain.Dieser Band beinhaltet einen Großteil der Beiträge die auf dem XIVe congrès international d'art provincial romain (1.-6. Juni 2015 Dijon, Departement Bourgogne) zum Thema Ikonographie des Alltags in der provinzialrömischen Kunst : regionale Muster vorgestellt wurden. Er behandelt ein Thema, das in den vorangegangenen Kongressen nicht angesprochen wurde und knüpft an eine Betrachtung der römischen Skulptur aus den Provinzen an. In vier Abschnitten behandeln die Beiträge der Forscher aus ganz Europa und Nordafrika die Grabstelen, Reliefs und Skulpturen, die von dem sehr oft auf den Grabmonumenten dargestellten Alltag der Bevölkerungen im römischen Reich erzählen. Die Szenen behandeln Themen wie Schulbildung, Handels- und Handwerksberufe, Freizeit... : „aus dem Leben gegriffene Szenen" des Alltags, von dem wir nur selten eine genaue Vorstellung haben, und dem die literarischen Quellen im Allgemeinen nur wenig Aufmerksamkeit widmen. Diese Darstellungen, die Themen und deren Ausführungen stehen in enger Beziehung mit dem Kontext ihrer Realisierung : die Wahl der Werkstätten und die von den lokalen Quellen abhängigen Techniken erlauben es Unterschiede aufzuzeigen, die in diesem großen Reich zwischen den Provinzen erkennbar sind. Ein besonderer Platz wurde den neueren Entdeckungen eingeräumt sowie der Ausstellung Pax Romana - Scènes du quotidien en Gaule romaine im archäologischen Museum von Dijon, die den Kongress begleitete. Der vorliegende reich bebilderte Band bietet einen Überblick über den Alltag der Untertanen des römischen Reiches von der Eroberung ihres jeweiligen Territoriums bis zur Christianisierung

    "Delirium Day": A nationwide point prevalence study of delirium in older hospitalized patients using an easy standardized diagnostic tool

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    Background: To date, delirium prevalence in adult acute hospital populations has been estimated generally from pooled findings of single-center studies and/or among specific patient populations. Furthermore, the number of participants in these studies has not exceeded a few hundred. To overcome these limitations, we have determined, in a multicenter study, the prevalence of delirium over a single day among a large population of patients admitted to acute and rehabilitation hospital wards in Italy. Methods: This is a point prevalence study (called "Delirium Day") including 1867 older patients (aged 65 years or more) across 108 acute and 12 rehabilitation wards in Italian hospitals. Delirium was assessed on the same day in all patients using the 4AT, a validated and briefly administered tool which does not require training. We also collected data regarding motoric subtypes of delirium, functional and nutritional status, dementia, comorbidity, medications, feeding tubes, peripheral venous and urinary catheters, and physical restraints. Results: The mean sample age was 82.0 ± 7.5 years (58 % female). Overall, 429 patients (22.9 %) had delirium. Hypoactive was the commonest subtype (132/344 patients, 38.5 %), followed by mixed, hyperactive, and nonmotoric delirium. The prevalence was highest in Neurology (28.5 %) and Geriatrics (24.7 %), lowest in Rehabilitation (14.0 %), and intermediate in Orthopedic (20.6 %) and Internal Medicine wards (21.4 %). In a multivariable logistic regression, age (odds ratio [OR] 1.03, 95 % confidence interval [CI] 1.01-1.05), Activities of Daily Living dependence (OR 1.19, 95 % CI 1.12-1.27), dementia (OR 3.25, 95 % CI 2.41-4.38), malnutrition (OR 2.01, 95 % CI 1.29-3.14), and use of antipsychotics (OR 2.03, 95 % CI 1.45-2.82), feeding tubes (OR 2.51, 95 % CI 1.11-5.66), peripheral venous catheters (OR 1.41, 95 % CI 1.06-1.87), urinary catheters (OR 1.73, 95 % CI 1.30-2.29), and physical restraints (OR 1.84, 95 % CI 1.40-2.40) were associated with delirium. Admission to Neurology wards was also associated with delirium (OR 2.00, 95 % CI 1.29-3.14), while admission to other settings was not. Conclusions: Delirium occurred in more than one out of five patients in acute and rehabilitation hospital wards. Prevalence was highest in Neurology and lowest in Rehabilitation divisions. The "Delirium Day" project might become a useful method to assess delirium across hospital settings and a benchmarking platform for future surveys