2,701 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Emerging Green Certificate Markets from a Computable General Equilibrium Perspective

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    Whether using market mechanisms to allocate green certificates in various countries is an optimal solution for stimulating green electricity production represents a question proposed by numerous recent comparative analyses, with opinions being split. Our paper proposes a differing perspective, employing modern computational economics techniques in order to study if general equilibrium is achievable, nationally and internationally, and how it compares with the non-market steady state. We analyse the field, determining exogenous and endogenous factors of influence that we cast into functional relationships via econometric estimation. Subsequently, we study four multi-period general equilibrium models, recursive and non-recursive, solving the latter ones via a Johansen/Euler method for simultaneous all-year computation. General equilibrium is shown to be achievable but dependent on country specific conditions, with optimality being relative in a globalised context. In closing, we present a case study focused on providing useful guidelines for future international marketing efforts in this domain.computational economics, general equilibrium, globalisation, multi-period model, optimising behaviour.


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    The aim of the ERP systems is to improve the activities that belong to the stage between acquiring an order from a client and issuing the invoice for that order and also the payment. The actual financial crisis, initially started in the USA as a subprime crisis, tends to be transformed in one of the most powerful economical crisis that was known in the last ten years, and some of the analysts predict that this crisis is even worse than the one that took place in the ’30 years. In these conditions, seems to be very natural for all the companies to look up for surviving solutions during this period, and one of the most popular methods to fight against the negative effects of the crisis applied by all the companies is the cost reduction. We may consider also that such a period could represent in the same time an opportunity for the companies to reconsider the business processes and repositioned in the actual context of the market, and for this a considerable help could be the implementation of an ERP systemERP, subprime crisis, business processes, company reorganization, IT system implementation

    Finantarea autoritatilor locale in Romania

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    This paper is trying to establish, in Romania, at macroeconomic level, quantitative and qualitative, relations between gross domestic product and governmental and local revenues.financing, local autonomy, evolution, econometric analysis

    Clinical Data Related to Breast Reconstruction; Looking Back on the 21th Century and Forward to the Next Steps

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    Breast reconstruction after breast cancer surgery represents a positive step in restoring a women’s idea of self by reestablishing her feminine features and confidence, thus improving essential aesthetic and emotional aspects. Regarded as the cornerstone in breast cancer management, the surgical treatment has come a long way since 1884 when W.S. Halsted performed the first radical mastectomy- a disfiguring procedure which was conducted until the late 70s when owing to contemporary advancements it was surpassed by modified radical mastectomies and other far less invasive approaches. Either performed in an immediate or a delayed fashion breast reconstruction can be achieved not only through alloplastic procedures using expander/ implant prosthesis but also through autologous tissue transfers wisely harvested from different parts of the body or through methods that combine the two. When planning a breast reconstruction, after the oncologist formally rules out any form of residual cancer, one must take into consideration several critical factors that will eventually condition the technique election process for example the possible local or systemic adjuvant therapy. Although a “one size fits all” breast reconstruction procedure has yet to prevail, the extensive volume of published literature regarding this matter enables a well-experienced plastic surgeon to proceed with careful procedural selection allowing for the best possible results

    Influence Factors for the Choice of a Software Development Methodology

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    The success rate of software development projects can be increased by using a methodology that is adequate for the specific characteristics of those projects. Over time a wide range of software development methodologies has been elaborated, therefore choosing one of them is not an easy task. Our research reviews the main categories of development methodologies and then focuses, for a detailed study, on three of them: Rational Unified Process (RUP), Rapid Application Development (RAD) and Extreme Programming (XP). For each methodology it is presented the structure of software life cycle, there are identified the situations in which the methodology can be used successfully and the situations in which it tends to fail. Based on the literature review of software development methodologies and on a series of surveys, published by different researchers, exploring the state of practices in this field, we have identified a number of factors that influence the decision of choosing the most adequate development methodology for a specific project. The methodologies that are subject of this study are evaluated in relation to these factors to find out which development methodology is the most adequate depending on the level of the factors for a specific project. The results of our research are useful for the developers by helping them to identify what software development methodology can be used with success for a specific project.Software development methodology, Rational Unified Process, Rapid Application Development, Extreme Programming, choosing the adequate methodology

    3rd workshop on hot topics in cloud computing performance (HotCloudPerf'20):Performance variability

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    The organizers of the Third Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing Performance (HotCloudPerf 2020) are delighted to welcome you to the workshop proceedings as part of the ICPE conference companion. The HotCloudPerf 2020 workshop is a full-day workshop on Tuesday, April 21, taking place jointly with WOSP-C as part of the ICPE conference week in Edmonton, Canada. Each year, the workshop chooses a focus theme to explore; for 2020, the theme is "Performance variability of cloud datacenters and the implications of such phenomena on application performance" Cloud computing is emerging as one of the most profound changes in the way we build and use IT. The use of global services in public clouds is increasing, and the lucrative and rapidly

    Considerations regarding the implementation of ERP systems within the actual economical-financial crisis

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    The aim of the ERP systems is to improve the activities that belong to the stage between acquiring an order from a client and issuing the invoice for that order and also the payment. The actual financial crisis, initially started in the USA as a subprime crisis, tends to be transformed in one of the most powerful economical crisis that was known in the last ten years, and some of the analysts predict that this crisis is even worse than the one that took place in the ’30 years. In these conditions, seems to be very natural for all the companies to look up for surviving solutions during this period, and one of the most popular methods to fight against the negative effects of the crisis applied by all the companies is the cost reduction. We may consider also that such a period could represent in the same time an opportunity for the companies to reconsider the business processes and repositioned in the actual context of the market, and for this a considerable help could be the implementation of an ERP system
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