39 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Oral Lesions in Hospitalized Patients with Infectious Diseases in Northern Brazil

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    The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of oral lesions in infectious-contagious diseases patients being treated in the University Hospital of the Federal University of Pará, northern Brazil. One hundred seven patients with infectious diseases were clinically investigated for oral lesions at the University Hospital of Pará, northern Brazil. From total sample, most patients were men (65.7%) with a mean age of 45.4 years. About prevalence of systemic diseases, tuberculosis was the most frequent illness, followed by AIDS, hepatitis types B and C, leishmaniasis, and meningitis. Analyzing oral manifestations, periodontal diseases and candidiasis were the most prevalent diseases in both genders, followed by recurrent aphthous ulcers, saburral tongue, simplex herpes, and squamous cell carcinoma. Of all 107 patients, only 10 males and 6 females did not present any oral manifestation. There was no statistical difference between genders with any systemic condition (P>0.05). The great prevalence of oral manifestations in hospitalized patients with systemic disorder emphasizes the need of integral dental care in this context, aiming at a multidisciplinary approach of patients. Therefore, presence of some oral conditions, such as candidiasis, should be an alert to different systemic conditions, once in assistance with physicians; dentists can influence the early diagnosis and treatment

    Interstitial and Langerhans' dendritic cells in chronic periodontitis and gingivitis

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    The aim of the present study was to compare quantitatively the distribution of dendritic cell subpopulations in chronic periodontitis and gingivitis. Fourteen biopsies from patients with chronic periodontitis and fifteen from patients with gingivitis were studied. An immunoperoxidase technique was used to quantify the number of Langerhans' cells (CD1a) and interstitial dendritic cells (factor XIIIa) in the oral and sulcular and junctional/pocket epithelia and in the lamina propria. A greater number of factor XIIIa+ dendritic cells in the lamina propria and CD1a+ dendritic cells in the oral epithelium were observed in gingivitis compared to the periodontitis group (p = 0.05). In the sulcular and junctional/pocket epithelia and in the lamina propria, the number of CD1a+ dendritic cells was similar in the gingivitis and periodontitis groups. In conclusion, the number of Langerhans' cells in the oral epithelium and interstitial dendritic cells in the lamina propria is increased in gingivitis compared to periodontitis, which may contribute to the different pattern of host response in these diseases

    Prevalence of Oral Lesions in Hospitalized Patients with Infectious Diseases in Northern Brazil

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    Brazil. One hundred seven patients with infectious diseases were clinically investigated for oral lesions at the University Hospital of Pará, northern Brazil. From total sample, most patients were men (65.7%) with a mean age of 45.4 years. About prevalence of systemic diseases, tuberculosis was the most frequent illness, followed by AIDS, hepatitis types B and C, leishmaniasis, and meningitis. Analyzing oral manifestations, periodontal diseases and candidiasis were the most prevalent diseases in both genders, followed by recurrent aphthous ulcers, saburral tongue, simplex herpes, and squamous cell carcinoma. Of all 107 patients, only 10 males and 6 females did not present any oral manifestation. There was no statistical difference between genders with any systemic condition ( > 0.05). The great prevalence of oral manifestations in hospitalized patients with systemic disorder emphasizes the need of integral dental care in this context, aiming at a multidisciplinary approach of patients. Therefore, presence of some oral conditions, such as candidiasis, should be an alert to different systemic conditions, once in assistance with physicians; dentists can influence the early diagnosis and treatment

    Análise multifatorial de segundo tumor primário em pacientes com carcinoma espinocelular primário de boca: estudo retrospectivo de 848 casos

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    O avanço técnico-científico da oncologia nas últimas décadas acarretou em aumento da sobrevida dos pacientes portadores de câncer. Com sobrevida maior, os oncologistas começaram a observar o aumento do número de pacientes que apresentavam outras neoplasias. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar possíveis fatores demográficos, clínicos e terapêuticos em pacientes com primeiro tumor primário de boca e que desenvolveram um segundo tumor primário (stp). Foram analisados 848 prontuários de pacientes admitidos para tratamento no Departamento de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço do Hospital do Câncer Antônio Cândido Camargo, no período de janeiro de 1984 a dezembro de 1994. Destes, 126 (14,9%) desenvolveram um stp. A principal localização do stp foi trato aerodigestivo superior com 53 casos (58,7%), estando divididos em: boca com 29 casos (23,0%), faringe com 15 (11,9%) e laringe com 9 (7,1%). As conclusões foram: dados demográficos não interferiram no desenvolvimento do stp, a variável sexo interferiu no prognóstico dos pacientes; pacientes com classificação TNM inicial apresentaram maior probabilidade de desenvolver stp; a categoria T interferiu na sobrevida dos pacientes do Grupo Controle e do Grupo STP, enquanto a categoria N interferiu somente na sobrevida dos pacientes do Grupo Controle; a actinoterapia não interferiu no aparecimento de stp; o tipo de tratamento realizado apresentou importância na sobrevida dos pacientes.Over the last decades, technical-scientific advances of oncology have brought about an increased survival rate for cancer patients. As a result, oncologists have detected an increased number of patients presenting with other neoplasms. The aim of this study was to analyze possible demographic, clinical and therapeutic factors in patients with mouth fpt who developed a spt. Medical charts of 848 patients neoplasm admitted for treatment at the Head and Neck Surgery Department of the “Hospital do Câncer, Antônio Cândido Camargo”, Brazil, from January of 1984 to December, were analysed. Of these, 126 (14,9%) developed a spt. The main location of the spt was upper aerodigestive tract, with 53 cases (58,7%), being divided in: mouth with 29 cases (23,0%), pharynx with 15 (11,9%) and larynx with 9 (7,1%) cases. The conclusions were: demographic data didn’t interfere in the development of the stp, the variable sex interfered in the prognostic of patients; patient with classification TNM initial have larger probability of developing spt; the category T interfered in the patients’ prognostic in the groups Control and SPT, while the category N only interfered in the patients' prognostic in the Group Control; the radiotheray didn't interfere in the spt emergence; the type of accomplished treatment presented importance in the patients' survival, for being directly related to the clinical stadium.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Espectroscopia FT-Raman no diagnóstico do carcinoma espinocelular de mucosa bucal: estudo ex vivo em humanos

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    O câncer é uma das doenças mais sérias que têm ameaçado a saúde e a vida e sua influência tem aumentado. Dentre os cânceres, o de boca constitui-se um grave problema de saúde pública em várias regiões do mundo, inclusive em países desenvolvidos, estando entre os 10 tipos mais comuns. A espectroscopia FT-Raman é uma ferramenta analítica moderna cujo uso no diagnóstico do câncer poderá apresentar inúmeras vantagens para os pacientes, resultados mais rápidos com o mínimo de invasibilidade. Neste estudo, foram analisados espectros FT-Raman de 81 amostras de tecido neoplásico e 48 de mucosa bucal normal, de 26 e 18 pacientes, respectivamente. Um laser Nd:YAG à 1064nm foi utilizado como fonte de excitação no FT-Raman, RFS 100/S Espectrômetro, BrukerÒ, Alemão. As biópsias foram divididas em dois fragmentos, um seguiu a rotina de procedimentos para diagnóstico. O outro foi imediatamente armazenado em tubo criogênico de 1,2 ml Nalgene® e congelado em galão de nitrogênio líquido, numa temperatura de 196ºC negativos, para preservação e manutenção de todas as estruturas teciduais. Os espectros FT-Raman obtidos foram analisados através da Análise dos Componentes Principais (PCA). A análise foi executada comparando o tecido normal com o CEC. A PCA foi usada para verificar as diferenças estatísticas na amostra. A técnica de PCA provou ser eficiente para análise, mostrando que a Espectroscopia FT-Raman apresentou resultados significativos.Cancer is one of the most serious diseases threatening human health and life, and the influence of this disease becomes increasing. Among the cancers, oral cancer is constituted in a serious health problem in several areas of the world even in developed countries. Globally oral cancer is one among the 10 most common cancers. FT-Raman spectroscopy is a modern analytical tool and it is believed that its use for cancer diagnosis will lead to several advantages for patients, faster results and a minimization of invasivity. In this study, were analyzed FT-Raman spectra of 81 sample of malignant human oral lesions, Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) and 48 of non-diseased, of 26 and 18 patient, respectively. A Nd: YAG laser at 1064nm was used as the excitation source in the FT-Raman, RFS 100/S Spectrometer, BrukerÒ, Germany. The biopsies were divided in two fragments, one followed the routine of procedures for diagnosis. The other was stored immediately in cryogenic tube of 1,2 ml Nalgene® and frozen in gallon of liquid nitrogen, in a temperature of 196ºC negative, for preservation and maintenance of all the tissues structures. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was applied to FT-Raman spectra of non-diseased and SCC. PCA was used to verify the statistical differences in the sample. The technique of PCA proved to be efficient for analysis, showing that FT-Raman Spectroscopy showed significant results.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    STAT3 expression in salivary gland tumours

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT3) expression, which is constitutively active in different types of malignant tumours, in salivary gland tumours. Fifty biopsies of salivary gland tumours (9 pleomorphic adenomas, 12 adenoid cystic carcinomas, 7 epithelial-myoepithelial carcinomas, 10 polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinomas and 12 mucoepidermoid carcinomas) and 10 normal. salivary glands were immunohistochemically labeled for STAT3 and Phospho-STAT3 (STAT3P). The labeled sections were quatitatively and quantitatively evaluated. The results showed that, in normal salivary gland, STAT3 was expressed in cytoplasm and STAT3P in nuclei of all tissue cells, except in large mucous acinar cells for which both antibodies were negative. In pleomorphic adenoma, the expression was the same as in normal glands. In malignant tumours, there were variations in the expression of these antibodies. The most important one was the presence of STAT3 in the nuclei of the malignant tumour cells, most evident in the cribriform-type of adenoid cystic carcinoma. Both toss and variation of STAT3P expression were also observed. The presence of STAT3 in the nuclei of malignant salivary gland tumours may represent an important event in oncogenesis probably contributing to tumour cell proliferation white blocking apoptosis. However, further investigation will. be necessary to support this hypothesis44543944

    Peroxiredoxin I, Platelet-derived Growth Factor A, And Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha Are Overexpressed In Carcinoma Ex Pleomorphic Adenoma: Association With Malignant Transformation.

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    Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma is a rare salivary gland malignancy. It constitutes an important model for the study of carcinogenesis, as it can display the tumor in different stages of progression, from benign pleomorphic adenoma to frankly invasive carcinoma. Growth signaling pathways undergo continuous activation in human tumors, commonly as a consequence of the overexpression of ligands and receptors such as platelet-derived growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor receptor. Hydrogen peroxide is produced after platelet-derived growth factor receptor activation, and it is essential for the sequential phosphorylation cascade that drives cell proliferation and migration. By their ability to degrade hydrogen peroxide, peroxiredoxins are involved in growth factor signaling regulation and in the oxidative stress response. To verify the potential association of peroxiredoxin I, platelet-derived growth factor-A, and platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha with carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma progression, we investigated the expression of these molecules in carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma showing different degrees of invasion. The peroxiredoxin I, platelet-derived growth factor-A, and platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha proteins were present in remnant pleomorphic adenoma to only a small extent, but, collectively, they were highly expressed as soon as the malignant phenotype was achieved and remained at elevated concentrations during progression to the advanced stages of carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma. In addition, their locations overlapped significantly, strengthening their connection to this growth-signaling pathway. Our results indicate that carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma cells acquire at least 2 significant advantages relative to their normal counterparts: resistance to oxidative stress-induced apoptosis, conferred by high peroxiredoxin I concentrations, and sustained growth, reflecting platelet-derived growth factor-A and platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha overexpression.40390-

    Immunohistochemical study of stromal and vascular components of tonsillar polyps: high endothelial venules as participants of the polyp's lymphoid tissue

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    Tonsillar polyps are nonneoplastic lesions usually composed of variable amounts of lymphoid and vascular and connective tissues. All of them are generally assumed to be hamartomatous proliferations, but the profile of vascular and connective components has yet to be explored. The vascular system of the tonsils is complex and includes highly specialized structures (i.e., high endothelial venules (HEVs)) involved in lymphocyte homing into lymphoid tissues. In 14 tonsillar polyps and 26 control tonsils, an immunohistochemical study was performed using CD34 (blood vessels and HEVs), MECA-79 (HEVs), D2-40 (lymphatic vessels), Ki-67, collagens I and III, fibronectin, and tenascin-C. The polyps showed increased total lymphatic area, whereas the number of blood vessels and lymphatics and the blood vascular area did not differ significantly from those of control tonsils. Rare Ki-67+ endothelial cells were found. In the polyps, we detected, possibly for the first time, HEVs amid lymphoid tissue, and that the amount of the latter correlated positively with HEV density. The polyps also presented lesser amounts of fibronectin and collagens I and III than in normal tonsils, which were distributed in a disorganized fashion. Tenascin-C expression was uncommon in the polyps and control tonsils. Tonsillar polyps are composed of disorganized connective tissue and lymphatic channels which can be considered hamartomatous proliferations. However, the lymphoid component is possibly reactive due to its relationship with the HEVs. The highly differentiated phenotype of the HEVs and their complex biology are not in agreement with what would be expected for a component of hamartomatous nature45916571FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP04/13759-6; 10/51571-

    Immunohistochemical study of stromal and vascular components of tonsillar polyps: high endothelial venules as participants of the polyp`s lymphoid tissue

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    Tonsillar polyps are nonneoplastic lesions usually composed of variable amounts of lymphoid and vascular and connective tissues. All of them are generally assumed to be hamartomatous proliferations, but the profile of vascular and connective components has yet to be explored. The vascular system of the tonsils is complex and includes highly specialized structures (i.e., high endothelial venules (HEVs)) involved in lymphocyte homing into lymphoid tissues. In 14 tonsillar polyps and 26 control tonsils, an immunohistochemical study was performed using CD34 (blood vessels and HEVs), MECA-79 (HEVs), D2-40 (lymphatic vessels), Ki-67, collagens I and III, fibronectin, and tenascin-C. The polyps showed increased total lymphatic area, whereas the number of blood vessels and lymphatics and the blood vascular area did not differ significantly from those of control tonsils. Rare Ki-67+ endothelial cells were found. In the polyps, we detected, possibly for the first time, HEVs amid lymphoid tissue, and that the amount of the latter correlated positively with HEV density. The polyps also presented lesser amounts of fibronectin and collagens I and III than in normal tonsils, which were distributed in a disorganized fashion. Tenascin-C expression was uncommon in the polyps and control tonsils. Tonsillar polyps are composed of disorganized connective tissue and lymphatic channels which can be considered hamartomatous proliferations. However, the lymphoid component is possibly reactive due to its relationship with the HEVs. The highly differentiated phenotype of the HEVs and their complex biology are not in agreement with what would be expected for a component of hamartomatous nature.FAPESP (Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo)[04/13759-6]FAPESP (Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo)[10/51571-0