30 research outputs found

    Traintrack Calabi-Yaus from Twistor Geometry

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    We describe the geometry of the leading singularity locus of the traintrack integral family directly in momentum twistor space. For the two-loop case, known as the elliptic double box, the leading singularity locus is a genus one curve, which we obtain as an intersection of two quadrics in P3\mathbb{P}^{3}. At three loops, we obtain a K3 surface which arises as a branched surface over two genus-one curves in P1×P1\mathbb{P}^{1} \times \mathbb{P}^{1}. We present an analysis of its properties. We also discuss the geometry at higher loops and the supersymmetrization of the construction.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    On the Geometry of Null Polygons in Full N=4 Superspace

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    We discuss various formulations of null polygons in full, non-chiral N=4 superspace in terms of spacetime, spinor and twistor variables. We also note that null polygons are necessarily fat along fermionic directions, a curious fact which is compensated by suitable equivalence relations in physical theories on this superspace.Comment: 25 pages, v2: comment on correlation functions adde

    Smooth Wilson Loops in N=4 Non-Chiral Superspace

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    We consider a supersymmetric Wilson loop operator for 4d N=4 super Yang-Mills theory which is the natural object dual to the AdS_5 x S^5 superstring in the AdS/CFT correspondence. It generalizes the traditional bosonic 1/2 BPS Maldacena-Wilson loop operator and completes recent constructions in the literature to smooth (non-light-like) loops in the full N=4 non-chiral superspace. This Wilson loop operator enjoys global superconformal and local kappa-symmetry of which a detailed discussion is given. Moreover, the finiteness of its vacuum expectation value is proven at leading order in perturbation theory. We determine the leading vacuum expectation value for general paths both at the component field level up to quartic order in anti-commuting coordinates and in the full non-chiral superspace in suitable gauges. Finally, we discuss loops built from quadric splines joined in such a way that the path derivatives are continuous at the intersection.Comment: 44 pages. v2 Added some clarifying comments. Matches the published versio

    Null Polygonal Wilson Loops in Full N=4 Superspace

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    We compute the one-loop expectation value of light-like polygonal Wilson loops in N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory in full superspace. When projecting to chiral superspace we recover the known results for tree-level next-to-maximally-helicity-violating (NMHV) scattering amplitude. The one-loop MHV amplitude is also included in our result but there are additional terms which do not immediately correspond to scattering amplitudes. We finally discuss different regularizations and their Yangian anomalies.Comment: 55 pages, v2: reference adde

    Steinmann Relations and the Wavefunction of the Universe

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    The physical principles of causality and unitarity put strong constraints on the analytic structure of the flat-space S-matrix. In particular, these principles give rise to the Steinmann relations, which require that the double discontinuities of scattering amplitudes in partially-overlapping momentum channels vanish. Conversely, at cosmological scales, the imprint of causality and unitarity is in general less well understood---the wavefunction of the universe lives on the future space-like boundary, and has all time evolution integrated out. In the present work, we show how the flat-space Steinmann relations emerge from the structure of the wavefunction of the universe, and derive similar relations that apply to the wavefunction itself. This is done within the context of scalar toy models whose perturbative wavefunction has a first-principles definition in terms of cosmological polytopes. In particular, we use the fact that the scattering amplitude is encoded in the scattering facet of cosmological polytopes, and that cuts of the amplitude are encoded in the codimension-one boundaries of this facet. As we show, the flat-space Steinmann relations are thus implied by the non-existence of codimension-two boundaries at the intersection of the boundaries associated with pairs of partially-overlapping channels. Applying the same argument to the full cosmological polytope, we also derive Steinmann-type constraints that apply to the full wavefunction of the universe. These arguments show how the combinatorial properties of cosmological polytopes lead to the emergence of flat-space causality in the S-matrix, and provide new insights into the analytic structure of the wavefunction of the universe

    Rooting out letters:octagonal symbol alphabets and algebraic number theory

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    It is widely expected that NMHV amplitudes in planar, maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory require symbol letters that are not rationally expressible in terms of momentum-twistor (or cluster) variables starting at two loops for eight particles. Recent advances in loop integration technology have made this an `experimentally testable' hypothesis: compute the amplitude at some kinematic point, and see if algebraic symbol letters arise. We demonstrate the feasibility of such a test by directly integrating the most difficult of the two-loop topologies required. This integral, together with its rotated image, suffices to determine the simplest NMHV component amplitude: the unique component finite at this order. Although each of these integrals involve algebraic symbol alphabets, the combination contributing to this amplitude is---surprisingly---rational. We describe the steps involved in this analysis, which requires several novel tricks of loop integration and also a considerable degree of algebraic number theory. We find dramatic and unusual simplifications, in which the two symbols initially expressed as almost ten million terms in over two thousand letters combine in a form that can be written in five thousand terms and twenty-five letters.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures; detailed results available as ancillary file

    Embedding Feynman integral (Calabi-Yau) geometries in weighted projective space

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    It has recently been demonstrated that Feynman integrals relevant to a wide range of perturbative quantum field theories involve periods of Calabi-Yaus of arbitrarily large dimension. While the number of Calabi-Yau manifolds of dimension three or higher is considerable (if not infinite), those relevant to most known examples come from a very simple class: degree-2k2k hypersurfaces in kk-dimensional weighted projective space WP1,…,1,k\mathbb{WP}^{1,\ldots,1,k}. In this work, we describe some of the basic properties of these spaces and identify additional examples of Feynman integrals that give rise to hypersurfaces of this type. Details of these examples at three and four loops are included as ancillary files to this work.Comment: 44 pages, 31 figures; detailed examples given in ancillary file. Updated to reflect revisions for publicatio

    All Two-Loop MHV Amplitudes in Multi-Regge Kinematics From Applied Symbology

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    Recent progress on scattering amplitudes has benefited from the mathematical technology of symbols for efficiently handling the types of polylogarithm functions which frequently appear in multi-loop computations. The symbol for all two-loop MHV amplitudes in planar SYM theory is known, but explicit analytic formulas for the amplitudes are hard to come by except in special limits where things simplify, such as multi-Regge kinematics. By applying symbology we obtain a formula for the leading behavior of the imaginary part (the Mandelstam cut contribution) of this amplitude in multi-Regge kinematics for any number of gluons. Our result predicts a simple recursive structure which agrees with a direct BFKL computation carried out in a parallel publication.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures. v2: minor correction

    Twistors, Harmonics and Holomorphic Chern-Simons

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    We show that the off-shell N=3 action of N=4 super Yang-Mills can be written as a holomorphic Chern-Simons action whose Dolbeault operator is constructed from a complex-real (CR) structure of harmonic space. We also show that the local space-time operators can be written as a Penrose transform on the coset SU(3)/(U(1) \times U(1)). We observe a strong similarity to ambitwistor space constructions.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figures, v2: replaced with published version, v3: Added referenc