7 research outputs found

    Extending William Baumol’s theory on entrepreneurship and institutions: lessons from post-Second World War Greece

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    This article examines William Baumol’s theory about the interaction between taxation and entrepreneurship and proposes an extension to it. The analysis shows that the traditional form of Baumol’s model, focusing mainly on the level of taxes, cannot be used in order to explain what happened in the Greek case. Utilising historical evidence from the mid 1950s to the late 1980s, this article confirms that problematic tax rules create difficulties for entrepreneurship and can lead to unproductive forms of it, as Baumol suggests. However, the focus here is on aspects of the system of taxation that Baumol’s model, examining solely tax rates and levels of taxation, neglected. It is shown that, as far as Greek entrepreneurship is concerned, the adverse effects of the system of taxation came not from the level of taxes, but mostly from a series of issues that increased its perceived unfairness and illegitimacy. Some of such issues were the complexity and frequent change of legislation, the insufficient organisation of the tax bureaus as well as the lack of adequate training and arbitrariness of the members of tax services. The evidence presented here suggests that Baumol’s model can be enriched by taking into consideration these aspects of taxation too

    Visión económica de la Constitución de 1980

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    The author wishes to propose what he calls a different vision, which is to look at the Constitution from a less normative and more positive analysis, seeking to contribute to this debate from a less ideological and more technical perspective.El autor desea plantear lo que denomina una visión distinta, que es mirar la Constitución desde un análisis menos normativo y más positivo, buscando contribuir a ese debate desde una perspectiva menos ideologizada y más técnica

    Visión económica de la Constitución de 1980

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    "...Estoy informado que el debate se ha referido a cuán ideológica o cuán neutral es el contenido de nuestra Constitución política en sus normas económicas. Algunos de los expositores que me han antecedido critican a la actual constitución económica por ser ideológica y, por lo tanto, ser sesgada en una dirección. Deseo plantear una visión distinta, que es mirar la Constitución desde un análisis menos normativo y más positivo. En consecuencia voy a tratar de contribuir a ese debate desde una perspectiva menos ideologizada y más técnica