542 research outputs found

    Plasma flows and magnetic field interplay during the formation of a pore

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    We studied the formation of a pore in AR NOAA 11462. We analysed data obtained with the IBIS at the DST on April 17, 2012, consisting of full Stokes measurements of the Fe I 617.3 nm lines. Furthermore, we analysed SDO/HMI observations in the continuum and vector magnetograms derived from the Fe I 617.3 nm line data taken from April 15 to 19, 2012. We estimated the magnetic field strength and vector components and the LOS and horizontal motions in the photospheric region hosting the pore formation. We discuss our results in light of other observational studies and recent advances of numerical simulations. The pore formation occurs in less than 1 hour in the leading region of the AR. The evolution of the flux patch in the leading part of the AR is faster (< 12 hour) than the evolution (20-30 hour) of the more diffuse and smaller scale flux patches in the trailing region. During the pore formation, the ratio between magnetic and dark area decreases from 5 to 2. We observe strong downflows at the forming pore boundary and diverging proper motions of plasma in the vicinity of the evolving feature that are directed towards the forming pore. The average values and trends of the various quantities estimated in the AR are in agreement with results of former observational studies of steady pores and with their modelled counterparts, as seen in recent numerical simulations of a rising-tube process. The agreement with the outcomes of the numerical studies holds for both the signatures of the flux emergence process (e.g. appearance of small-scale mixed polarity patterns and elongated granules) and the evolution of the region. The processes driving the formation of the pore are identified with the emergence of a magnetic flux concentration and the subsequent reorganization of the emerged flux, by the combined effect of velocity and magnetic field, in and around the evolving structure.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Comparing Machine Learning Strategies for SoH Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries Using a Feature-Based Approach

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    Lithium-ion batteries play a vital role in many systems and applications, making them the most commonly used battery energy storage systems. Optimizing their usage requires accurate state-of-health (SoH) estimation, which provides insight into the performance level of the battery and improves the precision of other diagnostic measures, such as state of charge. In this paper, the classical machine learning (ML) strategies of multiple linear and polynomial regression, support vector regression (SVR), and random forest are compared for the task of battery SoH estimation. These ML strategies were selected because they represent a good compromise between light computational effort, applicability, and accuracy of results. The best results were produced using SVR, followed closely by multiple linear regression. This paper also discusses the feature selection process based on the partial charging time between different voltage intervals and shows the linear dependence of these features with capacity reduction. The feature selection, parameter tuning, and performance evaluation of all models were completed using a dataset from the Prognostics Center of Excellence at NASA, considering three batteries in the dataset

    State of Health Estimation Procedure for Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Partial Discharge Data and Support Vector Regression

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    Battery aging is a complex phenomenon, and precise state of health (SoH) monitoring is essential for effective battery management. This paper presents a data-driven method for SoH estimation based on support vector regression (SVR), utilizing features built from both full and partial discharge capacity curves, as well as battery temperature data. It provides an in-depth discussion of the novel features constructed from different voltage intervals. Moreover, three combinations of features were analyzed, demonstrating how their efficacy changes across different voltage ranges. Successful results were obtained using the full discharge capacity curves, built from the full interval of 2 to 3.4 V and achieving a mean R2 value of 0.962 for the test set, thus showcasing the adequacy of the selected SVR strategy. Finally, the features constructed from the full voltage range were compared with ones built from 10 small voltage ranges. Similar success was observed, evidenced by a mean R2 value ranging between 0.939 and 0.973 across different voltage ranges. This indicates the practical applicability of the developed models in real-world scenarios. The tuning and evaluation of the proposed models were carried outusing a substantial dataset created by Toyota, consisting of 124 lithium iron phosphate batteries

    On-line image analysis of explosive activity captured by surveillance cameras allows major eruptive events forecasting

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    The use of stationary remote cameras for visual monitoring of the eruptive activity was implemented in the monitoring system of Etna and Stromboli volcanoes since 1993 and 1994 respectively. Camera records of eruptive activity became the major information source for describing eruptive phenomena occurred at Etna and Stromboli in the last years. However, the main goal of the continuous visual monitoring of active basaltic volcanoes is to analyze eruptive activity images in search of precursors of the paroxysmal events that suddenly interrupt the persistent mild strombolian activity. Stromboli represent the perfect test site for this investigation because its typical activity consists of intermittent mild explosions lasting a few seconds, which take place at different vents and at variable intervals. However, the routine activity can be interrupted by more violent, paroxysmal explosions, that eject m-sized scoriaceous bombs and lava blocks to a distance of several hundreds of meters from the craters, endangering the numerous tourists that watch the spectacular activity from the volcano's summit located about two hundreds meters from the active vents. Using image analysis we identified any change of the explosive activity trend that preceded a particular eruptive event, like paroxysmal explosions, fire fountains and lava flows. The analysis include the counting of the explosions occurred at the different craters and the parameterization in classes of intensity for each explosion on the base of tephra dispersion and kinetics energy. From September 2001 an on-line image analyzer called VAMOS (Volcanic Activity MOnitoring System) operates detection and classification of explosive events in quasi real-time. The system has automatically recorded and analyzed the change in the energetic trend that preceded the 20 October 2001 paroxysmal explosion that killed a woman and the strong explosive activity that preceded the onset of 28 December 2002 lava flow and landslide forming eruption

    Smart virtual sensors for real-time assessment of Volcanic activity

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    Monitoring is mandatory in hazardous areas with active volcanoes. South Italy countries are seriously affected by continuous risk of volcanic ash emissions, explosions and eruptions. In particular, Mt. Etna and Stromboli volcanoes requires great efforts by the scientific community to develop efficient monitoring systems. Several tasks in surveillance are already being managed by authority; anyway, innovative techniques are required to improve the performance of the monitoring task which is mandatory to improve the quality of public safety. Synergy between competence on geophysical and engineer disciplines must be reinforced to develop monitoring systems aimed to increase information needed to promptly manage crisis arising from volcanic activities. In this paper an innovative monitoring system is proposed. The system is based on smart virtual sensors, which assures real-time management of the volcanic activity by providing a large amount of information on the time evolution of the observed phenomena. The system performs in two parallel tasks: the first aims to optimise the amount of the recorded data by a smart real-time processing of the gathered images and gives very rough set of information on the ongoing events (explosions, eruptions, ash emissions, etc.), while the second task is aimed to a deep analysis of the recorded data to compute statistic indexes characterizing the evolution of the volcanic activity observed (area, height, width, aspect ratio, magma flow rate, etc.). The prototype of the proposed system is composed by a thermal camera sensor and a PC-based environment for data analysis. In particular, two computation tools were developed in the LabVIEW environment which provide the above mentioned information on the ongoing activity along with a smart processing of the acquired data. The system will be aimed to give useful information to the surveillance authority which, on the basis of the obtained results, can suitably manage the incoming events

    On-line image analysis of the Stromboli volcanic activity recorded by the surveillance camera helps the forecasting of the major eruptive events

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    The typical activity of Stromboli consists of intermittent mild explosions lasting a few seconds, which take place at different vents and at variable intervals, the most common time interval being 10-20 minutes. However, the routine activity can be interrupted by more violent, paroxysmal explosions, that eject m-sized scoriaceous bombs and lava blocks to a distance of several hundreds of meters from the craters, endangering the numerous tourists that watch the spectacular activity from the volcano's summit located about two hundreds meters from the active vents. On average, 1-2 paroxysmal explosions occurred per year over the past century, but this statistic may be underestimated in absence of continuous monitoring. For this reason from summer 1996 a remote surveillance camera works on Stromboli recording continuously the volcanic activity. It is located on Pizzo Sopra la Fossa, 100 metres above the crater terrace where are the active vents. Using image analysis we seeks to identify any change of the explosive activity trend that could precede a particular eruptive event, like paroxysmal explosions, fire fountains, lava flows. From the day of the camera installation up to present 12 paroxysmal events and lava flows occurred. The analysis include the counting of the explosions occurred at the different craters and the parameterization in classes of intensity for each explosion on the base of tephra dispersion and kinetics energy. The plot of dissipated energy by each crater versus time shows a cyclic behavior with max and min of explosive activity ranging from a few days to a month. Often the craters show opposite trends so when the activity decreases in a crater, increases in the other. Before every paroxysmal explosions recorded, the crater that produced the event decreased and then stopped its activity from a few days to weeks before. The other crater tried to compensate increasing its activity and when it declined the paroxysmal explosion occurred suddenly at the former site. From September 2001 an on-line image analyzer called VAMOS (Volcanic Activity MOnitoring System) operates detection and classification of explosive events in quasi real-time. The system has automatically recorded and analyzed the change in the energetic trend that preceded the 20 October 2001 paroxysmal explosion that killed a woman and the strong explosive activity that preceded the onset of 28 December 2002 lava flow eruption

    Kinematics and Magnetic Properties of a Light Bridge in a Decaying Sunspot

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    We present the results obtained by analyzing high spatial and spectral resolution data of the solar photosphere acquired by the CRisp Imaging SpectroPolarimeter at the Swedish Solar Telescope on 6 August 2011, relevant to a large sunspot with a light bridge (LB) observed in NOAA AR 11263. These data are complemented by simultaneous Hinode Spectropolarimeter (SP) observation in the Fe I 630.15 nm and 630.25 nm lines. The continuum intensity map shows a discontinuity of the radial distribution of the penumbral filaments in correspondence with the LB, which shows a dark lane (about 0.3" wide and about 8.0" long) along its main axis. The available data were inverted with the Stokes Inversion based on Response functions (SIR) code and physical parameters maps were obtained. The line-of-sight (LOS) velocity of the plasma along the LB derived from the Doppler effect shows motions towards and away from the observer up to 0.6 km/s, which are lower in value than the LOS velocities observed in the neighbouring penumbral filaments. The noteworthy result is that we find motions toward the observer up to 0.6 km/s in the dark lane where the LB is located between two umbral cores, while the LOS velocity motion toward the observer is strongly reduced where the LB is located between an umbral core at one side and penumbral filaments on the other side. Statistically, the LOS velocities correspond to upflows/downflows andcomparing these results with Hinode/SP data, we conclude that the surrounding magnetic field configuration (whether more or less inclined) could have a role in maintaining the conditions for the process of plasma piling up along the dark lane. The results obtained from our study support and confirm outcomes of recent magnetohydro-dynamic simulations showing upflows along the main axis of a LBs

    A Bayesian approach for the assessment of shallow and deep aquifers susceptibility to point sources contamination in the Province of Milan, Italy

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    In densely populated areas, urban and industrial activities are responsible for groundwater quality deterioration due to point sources contamination (Kuroda and Fukushi, 2008). In the Province of Milan (Northern Italy), the available water-quality data indicate the occurrence of high PCE+TCE and chromium concentrations in the unconfined shallow as well as in the confined deep aquifers. To cope with this problem, statistical methods can represent reliable tools to provide key information for groundwater management and protection

    Characterizing high energy explosive eruptions at Stromboli volcano using multidisciplinary data: An example from the 9 January 2005 explosion

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    Stromboli is well known for its persistent, normal explosive activity, consisting of intermittent, mild to moderate, Strombolian explosions that typically occur every 10–20 min. All tephras erupted during this activity usually fall back into the crater terrace, and consist of volatile-poor scoriae fed by Highly Porphyritic (HP) magma. More occasionally, large explosions or “paroxysms” eject a greater quantity of tephra, mainly consisting of HP scoriae and pumice clasts of Low Porphyritic (LP) magma, but also including large lithic blocks. In addition to this activity, between 2004 and 2006 high energy explosions, displaying an intermediate eruptive style between that of normal and paroxysmal explosions in terms of column height, duration and tephra dispersal, were observed to occur at a frequency of one to eight events per year. While many volcanological, geochemical and geophysical studies have focused in the last few years on the two endmembers of activity, i.e. normal or paroxysmal, a detailed investigation on these intermediate types of events has not been carried out yet. Here we report of a study on the 9 January 2005 explosion, one of the high energy explosions during which the main fountaining phase lasted nearly a minute causing ejection of coarse bombs up to a height of 120 m, and of ash and lapilli to N200 m. An accompanying ash plume rose up to 500 m at the end of the explosion. We present a multidisciplinary approach that integrates the results from analysis of live-camera images with compositional and textural characterization of the erupted products. Major element composition of glassy groundmass and 3D views of textures in the erupted scoriae support the hypothesis based on volcanological observations that this explosion falls between normal and paroxysmal activity, for which we use the term “intermediate”. By comparing the video-camera images of the 9 January 2005 explosion with volcanological features of other high energy explosions that occurred at Stromboli between June 2004 and October 2006, we find that three additional events can be considered intermediate explosions, suggesting that this type of activity may be fairly common on this volcano. The results of this study, although preliminary given our limited dataset, clearly indicate that the methodology used here can be successfully applied to better define the range of eruptive styles typifying the normal explosive activity, potentially improving our capability of eruption forecasting and assessing volcanic hazard at Stromboli
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