3 research outputs found

    Intervención educativa sobre cáncer bucal en pacientes de alto riesgo entre 35-59 años

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    Introduction: mortality from oropharyngeal cancer ranked tenth among cancer types in Cuba in 2020 and 2021. Objective: to implement an educational intervention on oral cancer in high-risk patients between 35-59 years old. Method: an educational intervention with a quasi-experimental design, before-after type, was carried out in consulting room 19, La Demajagua, Isla de la Juventud between April-September 2023. The population was 126 patients, the sample being made up of 80 at high risk of oral cancer. Theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical methods were used and the variables were used: risk to predict oral cancer, risk factors, oral hygiene, teaching aids and level of knowledge about oral cancer, oral hygiene, risk factors and oral self-examination. Results: the risk of suffering from oral cancer was high in 63 % of the patients between 35-59 years old in the study office. Before the intervention, bad knowledge predominated, representing 48,7 % of the sample, managing to raise it to good after the intervention by 96,3 % . The Wilcoxon test demonstrated highly significant differences. Conclusions: the main risk factors were: poor oral hygiene, smoking, consumption of hot or spicy foods and stress. The use of the website contributed to raising knowledge about oral cancer, the main risk factors associated with its appearance and oral self-examination, allowing the transformation of modes of action and the evaluation of the educational intervention implemented in high-risk patients between 35 and 35 years old as satisfactory.Introducción: la mortalidad por cáncer orofaríngeo ocupó el décimo lugar entre los tipos de cáncer en Cuba en 2020 y 2021. Objetivo: implementar una intervención educativa sobre cáncer bucal en pacientes de alto riesgo entre 35-59 años. Método: se realizó una intervención educativa con diseño cuasi-experimental, tipo antes-después, en el consultorio 19, La Demajagua, Isla de la Juventud entre abril-septiembre de 2023. La población fue de 126 pacientes, quedando conformada la muestra por 80 con alto riesgo a padecer cáncer bucal. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos, empíricos y matemáticos-estadísticos y las variables: riesgo para predecir cáncer bucal, factores de riesgo, higiene bucal, medios de enseñanza y nivel de conocimiento sobre cáncer bucal, higiene bucal, factores de riesgo y autoexamen bucal. Resultados: el riesgo a padecer cáncer bucal fue alto en el 63 % de los pacientes entre 35-59 años del consultorio en estudio. Antes de la intervención predominó un conocimiento malo representando el 48,7 % de la muestra, logrando elevarlo a bueno después de la misma en un 96,3 % . La prueba de Wilcoxon demostró diferencias altamente significativas. Conclusiones: los principales factores de riesgo fueron: mala higiene bucal, tabaquismo, consumo de alimentos calientes o picantes y el estrés. El uso de la página web contribuyó a elevar el conocimiento sobre cáncer bucal, los principales factores de riesgo asociados a su aparición y el autoexamen bucal, permitiendo transformar los modos de actuación y evaluar como satisfactoria la intervención educativa implementada en pacientes de alto riesgo entre 35-59 años

    Erratum to: Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition) (Autophagy, 12, 1, 1-222, 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356

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    Charged-particle multiplicity fluctuations in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV

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    Measurements of event-by-event fluctuations of charged-particle multiplicities in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN−−−√ = 2.76 TeV using the ALICE detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are presented in the pseudorapidity range |η|<0.8 and transverse momentum 0.2<pT<2.0 GeV/c. The amplitude of the fluctuations is expressed in terms of the variance normalized by the mean of the multiplicity distribution. The η and pT dependences of the fluctuations and their evolution with respect to collision centrality are investigated. The multiplicity fluctuations tend to decrease from peripheral to central collisions. The results are compared to those obtained from HIJING and AMPT Monte Carlo event generators as well as to experimental data at lower collision energies. Additionally, the measured multiplicity fluctuations are discussed in the context of the isothermal compressibility of the high-density strongly-interacting system formed in central Pb–Pb collisions