994 research outputs found

    The ACOS CO_2 retrieval algorithm – Part II: Global X_(CO_2) data characterization

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    Here, we report preliminary estimates of the column averaged carbon dioxide (CO_2) dry air mole fraction, X_(CO_2), retrieved from spectra recorded over land by the Greenhouse gases Observing Satellite, GOSAT (nicknamed "Ibuki"), using retrieval methods originally developed for the NASA Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) mission. After screening for clouds and other known error sources, these retrievals reproduce much of the expected structure in the global X_(CO_2) field, including its variation with latitude and season. However, low yields of retrieved X_(CO_2) over persistently cloudy areas and ice covered surfaces at high latitudes limit the coverage of some geographic regions, even on seasonal time scales. Comparisons of early GOSAT X_(CO_2) retrievals with X_(CO_2) estimates from the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) revealed a global, −2% (7–8 parts per million, ppm, with respect to dry air) X_(CO_2) bias and 2 to 3 times more variance in the GOSAT retrievals. About half of the global X_(CO_2) bias is associated with a systematic, 1% overestimate in the retrieved air mass, first identified as a global +10 hPa bias in the retrieved surface pressure. This error has been attributed to errors in the O_2 A-band absorption cross sections. Much of the remaining bias and spurious variance in the GOSAT X_(CO_2) retrievals has been traced to uncertainties in the instrument's calibration, oversimplified methods for generating O_2 and CO_2 absorption cross sections, and other subtle errors in the implementation of the retrieval algorithm. Many of these deficiencies have been addressed in the most recent version (Build 2.9) of the retrieval algorithm, which produces negligible bias in X_(CO_2) on global scales as well as a ~30% reduction in variance. Comparisons with TCCON measurements indicate that regional scale biases remain, but these could be reduced by applying empirical corrections like those described by Wunch et al. (2011b). We recommend that such corrections be applied before these data are used in source sink inversion studies to minimize spurious fluxes associated with known biases. These and other lessons learned from the analysis of GOSAT data are expected to accelerate the delivery of high quality data products from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2), once that satellite is successfully launched and inserted into orbit

    Delay-dependent amplification of a probe pulse via stimulated Rayleigh scattering

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    Stimulated Rayleigh scattering of pump and probe light pulses of close carrier frequencies is considered. A nonzero time delay between the two pulses is shown to give rise to amplification of the delayed (probe) pulse accompanied by attenuation of the pump, both on resonance and off resonance. In either case, phase-matching effects are shown to provide a sufficiently large gain, which can exceed significantly direct one-photon-absorption losses

    Prozessmanagement als Gestaltungshebel der digitalen Transformation?

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    Bietet das Hype-Thema «digitale Transformation» die Chance, Prozessmanagement in ein ganz neues Licht zu rĂŒcken? Ist Prozessmanagement vielleicht sogar eine wesentliche Voraussetzung, um den digitalen Wandel zielgenauer zu gestalten? Oder wird Prozessmanagement im Zeitalter der selbstorganisierenden Teams und Customer Journeys letztlich ĂŒberflĂŒssig? Nicht nur Branchen, sondern auch Managementdisziplinen sind herausgefordert, sich mit der Relevanz der digitalen Transformation zu beschĂ€ftigen, sich neu zu ordnen, sich besser zu verzahnen und sich letztlich zu wandeln. Ziel der Business-Process-Management-Studie 2016, mit der das Institut fĂŒr Wirtschaftsinformatik der ZĂŒrcher Hochschule fĂŒr Angewandte Wissenschaften, School of Management and Law seit 2011 regelmĂ€ssig Status quo und Best Practices im deutschsprachigen Raum erhebt, war es, die Rolle des Prozessmanagements als Gestaltungshebel der digitalen Transformation zu beleuchten

    Precision requirements for space-based X_(CO_2) data

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    Precision requirements are determined for space-based column-averaged CO_2 dry air mole fraction (X_(CO)_2) data. These requirements result from an assessment of spatial and temporal gradients in (X_(CO)_2) the relationship between (X_(CO)_2) precision and surface CO_2 flux uncertainties inferred from inversions of the (X_(CO)_2) data, and the effects of (X_(CO)_2) biases on the fidelity of CO_2 flux inversions. Observational system simulation experiments and synthesis inversion modeling demonstrate that the Orbiting Carbon Observatory mission design and sampling strategy provide the means to achieve these (X_(CO)_2) data precision requirements

    Examining the effect of ionic constituents on crystallization fouling on heat transfer surfaces

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    The effect of the most abundant constituents in potable water on fouling of aluminium surface has been studied systematically in this work. The role of sodium, chloride, magnesium and sulphate ions and total organic carbon (TOC) on the fouling kinetics and morphology was assessed using a once-through open flow cell. The findings showed that the fouling resistance to heat transfer increases with the concentration of chloride and sodium. A complex influence of magnesium was found on the scaling process, varying between inhibition and promotion of scale formation depending on the concentration. At high concentrations of Mg2+, the formed scale layer consists of needle-like aragonite coated by a crust of magnesium deposits. The inhibitory performance of sulphate SO42− was found to be insignificant when compared with Mg2+ under similar conditions. Even though it is undesirable in potable water, inhibition efficiencies of TOC were 31.3% and 47.9% at concentrations of 2 and 4.3 mg/L respectively. The morphology observations illustrated that the presence of TOC produces a rough scale layer

    Inorganic mineral precipitation from potable water on heat transfer surfaces

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    In this study, an experimental approach mimicking processes encountered in electric kettles has been designed toinvestigate the influence of heating and cooling rate, and water composition on the kinetics of inorganic saltprecipitation taking place when water is heated from ambient temperature up to its boiling point. The kinetics ofsalt precipitation in the bulk solution have been monitored through turbidity measurements as well as trackingion concentration throughout the heating/cooling process and the experimentalfindings highlight the criticalrole of the cooling step on the overall amount of salts that precipitate. The presence of magnesium ions in thewater was found to influence the precipitation of calcium carbonate which was found to be the dominant saltcrystallising out of solution; calcium sulphate was not observed

    KSU Men\u27s Ensemble and Chamber Singers, Mass

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    KSU School of Music presents Men\u27s Ensemble and Chamber Singers, Mass.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1216/thumbnail.jp

    An argument for the use of Aristotelian method in bioethics

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    The main claim of this paper is that the method outlined and used in Aristotle's Ethics is an appropriate and credible one to use in bioethics. Here “appropriate” means that the method is capable of establishing claims and developing concepts in bioethics and “credible” that the method has some plausibility, it is not open to obvious and immediate objection. It begins by suggesting why this claim matters and then gives a brief outline of Aristotle's method. The main argument is made in three stages. First, it is argued that Aristotelian method is credible because it compares favourably with alternatives. In this section it is shown that Aristotelian method is not vulnerable to criticisms that are made both of methods that give a primary place to moral theory (such as utilitarianism) and those that eschew moral theory (such as casuistry and social science approaches). As such, it compares favourably with these other approaches that are vulnerable to at least some of these criticisms. Second, the appropriateness of Aristotelian method is indicated through outlining how it would deal with a particular case. Finally, it is argued that the success of Aristotle's philosophy is suggestive of both the credibility and appropriateness of his method.</p
