35 research outputs found

    Parallel Genetic Algorithms for calibrating Cellular Automata models: Application to lava flows

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    Cellular Automata are highly nonlinear dynamical systems which are suitable for simulating natural phenomena whose behaviour may be specified in terms of local interactions. The Cellular Automata model SCIARA, developed for the simulation of lava flows, demonstrated to be able to reproduce the behaviour of Etnean events. However, in order to apply the model for the prediction of future scenarios, a thorough calibrating phase is required. This work presents the application of Genetic Algorithms, general-purpose search algorithms inspired to natural selection and genetics, for the parameters optimisation of the modelSCIARA. Difficulties due to the elevated computational time suggested the adoption a Master-Slave Parallel Genetic Algorithm for the calibration of the model with respect to the 2001 Mt. Etna eruption. Results demonstrated the usefulness of the approach, both in terms of computing time and quality of performed simulations

    Lichens as bioindicators of atmospheric heavy metal deposition in Valencia, Spain

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    The lichens due to their symbiotic nature have unique characteristics that confer them a key role as bioindicators of the environmental contamination. Many investigations have been done using epiphytic lichens as bioindicators, but only a few of these studies have used epilithiccrustose lichens. Three different epilithic-crustose lichens species: Candelariella sp., Lecanora sp. and Caloplaca sp. were studied as bioindicators of V, Cr,Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Rb, Sr,Mo, Cd, Sb, Ba, Pb, Bi and U trace elements. Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry routine procedure is used to determining these element concentrations. Two sites were selected for lichens sampling according to environmental contamination. The lichens were collected on the facade of the Santos Juanes church in an urban area of Valencia; and on the rural area of Albarracin. The main aim of this work is showing the efficacy of the epilithic-crustose lichens as bioindicators of the air pollution. This study shows that the city of Valencia, compared with the rural area has high levels of Cu and Pb as detected using lichens as bioindicators. Therefore on the basis of these results, it can be hypothesized that Candelariella sp., Lecanora sp. and Caloplaca sp. are good accumulators of air borne heavy metals.This work has financial support of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion with a Ph.D. scholarship for Pilar Bosch Roig (BES-2006-12110) and with a three months stay scholarship to do this research in the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, Italy with Doctor Carlo Lalli. The authors wish to thank to the priest of the Santos Juanes Church of Valencia; the Direccion General de Patrimonio; to Prof. Pilar Roig Picazo and Prof. Ignacio Bosch Reig; the Instituto Universitario de Restauracion del Patrimonio from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia; to the Ministero per I Beni Culturali; Italy.Bosch Roig, MDP.; Barca, D.; Crisci, G.; Lalli Galliano, C. (2013). Lichens as bioindicators of atmospheric heavy metal deposition in Valencia, Spain. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry. 70(4):373-388. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10874-013-9273-6S373388704Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). Toxicological profile for lead. Atlanta, GA.; 2007. http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/tp.asp?id=96&tid=22 . Accessed August 2010Ausset, P., Crovisier, J.L., Del Monte, M., Furlan, V., Girardet, F., Hammecker, C., Jeannette, D., Lefevre, A.: Experimental study of limestone and sandstone sulphation in polluted realistic conditions: the Lausanne Atmospheric Simulation Chamber (LASC). Atmos. Environ. 30, 3197–3207 (1996)Bajpai, D., Upreti, K., Dwivedi, S.K.: Arsenic accumulation in lichens of Mandav monuments, Dhar district, Madhya Pradesh, India. Environ. Monit. Assess. 159(1–4), 437–442 (2009)Bajpai, D., Upreti, K., Dwivedi, S.K.: Passive monitoring of atmospheric heavy metals in a historical city of central India by Lepraria lobificans Nyl. 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Bryologist 88, 5–7 (1985)Hawksworth, D.L., MCManus, P.M.: Lichen recolonization in London under conditions of rapidly falling sulphur dioxide and the concept of zone skipping. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 100, 99 (1989)Hawksworth, D.L.: In: Woodwell, G.M. (ed.) The earth in transition: patterns and processes of biotic impoverishment. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1990)Hawksworth, D.L., Iturriaga, T., Crespo, A.: Rev. Líquenes como bioindicadores inmediatos de contaminación y cambios medio-ambientales en los trópicos. Rev. Iberoam. Micol. 22, 71–82 (2005)ICOMOS-ISCS: Illustrated glossary on stone deterioration patterns. Ateliers 30, Champigny/Marne, France V. Vergès-Belmin (eds). (2008)Kircher, G., Daillant, Q.: The potential of lichens as long term bioindicators of natural and artificial radionuclides. Environ. Pollut. 120, 145–150 (2002)Kularatne, K.I.A., de Freitas, C.R.: Epiphytic lichens as biomonitors of airborne heavy metal pollution. Environ. Exp. 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    Mineralogical, petrographic and chemical analyses for the study of the canvas "Cristo alla Colonna" from Cosenza, Italy : a case study

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    A multi-technique study on materials used for the painting "Cristo alla Colonna" by Luigi Bria (private collection, Cosenza, Italy) was carried out for the first time during the restoration plan. Pigments, binder media and raw materials used for the application of ground and priming layers were studied using optical (OM) and electronic microscopy equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy qualitative microanalysis (SEM-EDS), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The goal of this study was to characterize this canvas and to set up a scientific aid and guide for its restoration, taking into account the, severe damage not exclusively due to natural decay processes. Our data can provide information about historical and stylistic background as well as advises for correct planning of the cleaning procedures. Riassunto - II dipinto su tela "Cristo alla Colonna", opera di Luigi Bria (collezione privata, Cosenza, Italia), \ue8 stato sottoposto, durante le fasi di restauro, per la prima volta ad indagine strumentale tramite varie tecniche analitiche. I pigmenti, i leganti ed altri materiali utilizzati per la sua realizzazione sono stati analizzati tramite microscopia ottica (OM), microscopia elettronica e microanalisi tramite spettrometria a dispersione di energia (SEM-EDS), spettroscopia infrarossa (FTIR) e gascromatografia accoppiata spettrometria di massa (CG/MS). Lo scopo del lavoro \ue8 stato quello di offrire una caratterizzazione dell'opera pittorica, nonch\ue9 fornire un supporto scientifico ad un un corretto intervento di restauro su un'opera fortemente degradata. I risultati hanno permesso di fornire informazioni di natura storico-artistico nonch\ue9 informazioni utili ad un corretto intervento di pulitura della tela oggetto di questo studio

    Consolidating Properties Of Regalrez 1126 And Paraloid B72 Applied To Wood

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    This study is aimed at an assessment of the properties oftwopolymeric products applied toNorwayspruce (Picea abies) and White poplar (Populus alba)woodspecies. It contributes to ongoing research experiments on the consolidating properties of two synthetic resins and their potential synergic action on wood, resulting from their different interaction with the substrate: Paraloid B72 and Regalrez 1126. Experiments were carried out on a series of samples of the two wood varieties. The consolidants were applied alone and one after the other, with one coat of Regalrez and then one of Paraloid. Porosity and variations in pore size distribution were ascertained by mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP). Colorimetric and IR spectroscopic measurements were also taken before and after aging by solar radiation and freeze/thaw cycles, to verify the possible slowing of photodegradation of the treated wood and the consolidating resistance. Results confirm that both products penetrate the wood with a different behaviour. After double treatment with Regalrez + Paraloid, a significant advantage was observed in terms of mechanical resistance and pore size distribution, although no advantages as regards resistance to photo-oxidizing processes or colour changes were observed

    Archeologia di un cantiere curtense: il caso del castello di Donoratico tra IX e X secolo. Sequenze stratigrafiche e analisi archeometriche

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    Le indagini archeologiche svolte nel castello di Donoratico tra il 2000 e il 2010 hanno portato alla luce un’eccezionale sequenza insediativa compresa tra il IV secolo a. C. ed il XV secolo. Particolarmente interessanti le stratigrafie attribuibili al tardo IX secolo, momento in cui furono edificate una cinta difensiva, un ridotto fortificato, una torre e una chiesa, adottando la pietra come materiale da costruzione e l’insediamento, legato al potente monastero di San Pietro in Palazzuolo, assunse notevole rilevanza nelle strategie di controllo e sfruttamento del territorio. Le caratteristiche del cantiere di costruzione emerse dalla rielaborazione dei dati di scavo e dalle puntuali analisi archeometriche costituiscono uno dei più chiari parametri di lettura per capire il quadro economico e politico di quei decenni, di poco successivi allo sfaldamento del regno carolingio. Le importanti innovazioni tecnologiche adottate, come i tre miscelatori da calce, si spiegano alla luce di un circuito di circolazione di maestranze itineranti con particolari specialismi, probabilmente provenienti anche da territori extra regionali

    Diagnostic investigation for the study of the fresco titled “Madonna con il bambino”, in Cosenza, southern Italy : a case study

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    This study had been focused on the diagnostic analysis of the fresco "Madonna con il bambino" dated back to the late nineteenth century and located in the cave hosting the sanctuary of \u201cSan Michele Arcangelo\u201d in San Donato Ninea (Cosenza), Calabria, southern Italy. A multi-technique investigation on constituting materials was carried out before the restoration procedures [1-2] in 2011. Raw materials, execution techniques and possible previous restorations evidences have been identified [3]. Pigments and raw materials used for the application of the ground and the painting layers were studied using optical investigations (optical and stereo microscopy), electronic microscopy, equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy qualitative microanalysis (SEM-EDS) and infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) [4]. Furthermore, the characterization of historical and stylistic background of these paintings, and the evaluation of the decay phenomena affecting them, provided a scientific aid and guide to identify the most suitable and durable restoration process for the mural paint. The collected data were used for the choice of cleaning and consolidation procedures of the whole artwork, demonstrating the importance of a preliminary diagnostic study before a restoration

    Studio degli effetti prodotti dai funghi da carie bianca e bruna su legno trattato con prodotti consolidanti

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    The present work intends to illustrate problems linked to wood conservation and protection in the case of biological attack. The experimentation regards effects produced by white and brown rot, on White poplar (Populus alba) and Fir spruce (Picea abies), treated with two consolidants, Paraloid B72 and Regalrez 1126, both applied individually as well as together, with the aim of obtaining a different level of penetration in the wood. The aim was to test whether these products, wich are generally applied during restoration, can have biocid actions on healthy wood, evaluating changes both on a morphological and chemical level induced by fungus attack, analysing susceptibility to biological colonisation and testing protective efficacy. The obtained results for Fir spruce showed how different penetration of the two type of consolidands favoured selective development of only one of the two rots, slowing down, but not blocking, biological growth. On White poplar samples both consolidants showed, over all, a good protective efficacy

    Studio preliminare dei parametri termoigrometrici e delle loro variazioni all’interno della chiesa di S. Adriano in San Demetrio Corone (CS).

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    Gli obiettivi specifici di questa analisi microclimatica sono stati quelli di determinare gli andamenti di temperatura e umidità relativa all’interno della chiese di S. Adriano. Le differenze dei parametri misurati nel corso del tempo dovrebbero consentire successivamente di misurare le variazione tra l’ambiente e i manufatti, considerando che questi gradienti sono la principale causa di degrado delle opere d’arte, con conseguente formazione di flussi di calore e di vapore tra manufatto e ambiente esterno. Le modalità operative, in genere, consistono nell’effettuare campagne di misura significative per ogni stagione, tenendo conto che i dati vanno poi messi in correlazione ai periodi di rilevamento e, nelle 24h, in relazione all’ora in cui si effettua la misura. In questo studio si è preso in considerazione il periodo invernale, con rilevazioni che iniziano nel mese di novembre e che si concludono nel mese gennaio. Il range temporale qui riportato è di circa trenta giorni, considerando che i dati saranno poi integrati con le misure ancora in fieri nei siti in esame. Dai dati rilevati è stato possibile seguire gli andamenti dei parametri di temperatura e umidità relativa sia nell’arco delle 24h (come misure puntuali e come medie delle misure su tutto il periodo in esame) che in tutto il periodo di rilevazione, con le medie calcolate giorno per giorno. In base all’elaborazione di queste misure, è stato possibile elaborare dei tracciati su sezione orizzontale delle chiese che visualizzano l’andamento dei parametri in esame