6 research outputs found

    Efficient cellular and humoral immune response and production of virus-neutralizing antibodies by the Hepatitis B Virus S/preS1 16-42 antigen

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    Despite the availability of improved antiviral therapies, infection with Hepatitis B virus (HBV) remains a3 significant health issue, as a curable treatment is yet to be discovered. Current HBV vaccines relaying on the efficient expression of the small (S) envelope protein in yeast and the implementation of mass vaccination programs have clearly contributed to containment of the disease. However, the lack of an efficient immune response in up to 10% of vaccinated adults, the controversies regarding the seroprotection persistence in vaccine responders and the emergence of vaccine escape virus mutations urge for the development of better HBV immunogens. Due to the critical role played by the preS1 domain of the large (L) envelope protein in HBV infection and its ability to trigger virus neutralizing antibodies, including this protein in novel vaccine formulations has been considered a promising strategy to overcome the limitations of S only-based vaccines. In this work we aimed to combine relevant L and S epitopes in chimeric antigens, by inserting preS1 sequences within the external antigenic loop of S, followed by production in mammalian cells and detailed analysis of their antigenic and immunogenic properties. Of the newly designed antigens, the S/preS116–42 protein assembled in subviral particles (SVP) showed the highest expression and secretion levels, therefore, it was selected for further studies in vivo. Analysis of the immune response induced in mice vaccinated with S/preS116–42- and S-SVPs, respectively, demonstrated enhanced immunogenicity of the former and its ability to activate both humoral and cellular immune responses. This combined activation resulted in production of neutralizing antibodies against both wild-type and vaccine-escape HBV variants. Our results validate the design of chimeric HBV antigens and promote the novel S/preS1 protein as a potential vaccine candidate for administration in poor-responders to current HBV vaccines.publishedVersio

    Efficient cellular and humoral immune response and production of virus-neutralizing antibodies by the Hepatitis B Virus S/preS116-42 antigen

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    Despite the availability of improved antiviral therapies, infection with Hepatitis B virus (HBV) remains a3 significant health issue, as a curable treatment is yet to be discovered. Current HBV vaccines relaying on the efficient expression of the small (S) envelope protein in yeast and the implementation of mass vaccination programs have clearly contributed to containment of the disease. However, the lack of an efficient immune response in up to 10% of vaccinated adults, the controversies regarding the seroprotection persistence in vaccine responders and the emergence of vaccine escape virus mutations urge for the development of better HBV immunogens. Due to the critical role played by the preS1 domain of the large (L) envelope protein in HBV infection and its ability to trigger virus neutralizing antibodies, including this protein in novel vaccine formulations has been considered a promising strategy to overcome the limitations of S only-based vaccines. In this work we aimed to combine relevant L and S epitopes in chimeric antigens, by inserting preS1 sequences within the external antigenic loop of S, followed by production in mammalian cells and detailed analysis of their antigenic and immunogenic properties. Of the newly designed antigens, the S/preS116–42 protein assembled in subviral particles (SVP) showed the highest expression and secretion levels, therefore, it was selected for further studies in vivo. Analysis of the immune response induced in mice vaccinated with S/preS116–42- and S-SVPs, respectively, demonstrated enhanced immunogenicity of the former and its ability to activate both humoral and cellular immune responses. This combined activation resulted in production of neutralizing antibodies against both wild-type and vaccine-escape HBV variants. Our results validate the design of chimeric HBV antigens and promote the novel S/preS1 protein as a potential vaccine candidate for administration in poor-responders to current HBV vaccines

    Challenges and prospects of plant-derived oral vaccines against hepatitis b and c viruses

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    Hepatitis B and C viruses chronically affect approximately 3.5% of the global population, causing more than 800,000 deaths yearly due to severe liver pathogenesis. Current HBV vaccines have significantly contributed to the reduction of chronic HBV infections, supporting the notion that virus eradication is a feasible public health objective in the near future. In contrast to HBV, a prophylactic vaccine against HCV infection is not available yet; however, intense research efforts within the last decade have significantly advanced the field and several vaccine candidates are shortlisted for clinical trials. A successful vaccine against an infectious disease of global importance must not only be efficient and safe, but also easy to produce, distribute, administer, and economically affordable to ensure appropriate coverage. Some of these requirements could be fulfilled by oral vaccines that could complement traditional immunization strategies. In this review, we discuss the potential of edible plant-based oral vaccines in assisting the worldwide fight against hepatitis B and C infections. We highlight the latest research efforts to reveal the potential of oral vaccines, discuss novel antigen designs and delivery strategies, as well as the limitations and controversies of oral administration that remain to be addressed to make this approach successful.publishedVersio

    Abnormalities in soluble CD147 / MMPs / TIMPs axis in Ankylosing Spondylitis patients with and without a history of Acute Anterior Uveitis / Anomalii ale axei CD147 solubil / MMPs / TIMPs la pacienții cu spondilită anchilozantă cu sau fără uveită acută anterioară

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    Spondilita Anchilozantă (SA) este prototipul formei axiale a spondiloartritelor. În pofida studiilor extinse, sunt încă incomplet înțelese mecansimele complexe legate de procesele celulare și moleculare anormale din SA. Printre mediatorii inflamației, cum ar fi citokinele proinflamatoare, NOS-2, chemokinele, care conduc la inflamație, metaloproteinazele de matrice (MMPs) joacă un rol important în procesele inflamatoare care caracterizează SA. De aceea, ne-am propus să evaluăm dacă perturbări ale homeostaziei inductorului extracelular de MMPs (EMMPRIN/CD147), MMPs și inhibitorilor tisulari ai MMPs (TIMPs) joacă un rol în evoluția SA în special la pacienții care au în istoricul lor Uveită Acută Anterioară (UAA). În acest scop seruri de la pacienți cu SA și de la donatori sănătoși (DS) au fost analizate pentru nivelurile de CD147 solubil (sCD147), MMP-3 și TIMP-1 prin tehnica imunoenzimatica ELISA și pentru activitatea gelatinazelor MMP-2 si MMP-9 folosind gelatin zimografia. Rezultatele experimentale au arătat că nivelurile de sCD147, MMP-3 si TIMP-1 sunt semnificativ crescute la pacienții cu SA comparativ cu DS. sCD147 ca și raportul MMP-2/sCD147 a diferențiat pacienții cu UAA de cei fără UAA în istoricul lor. La pacienții cu SA rapoartele MMP-2/sCD147, MMP-3/sCD147 și MMP-3/TIMP-1 au sugerat dezechilibrul dintre MMPs și reglatorii lor. Aceste rezultate sugerează că rapoartele MMPs/sCD147 pot deveni biomarkeri potențiali pentru întărirea caracterizării pacienților cu SA și pentru a prognoza evoluția bolii. Corelațiile pozitive și negative dintre anumite caracteristici experimentale și/sau clinice ale pacienților cu SA și terapie subliniază de asemenea utilitatea evaluării acestor biomarkeri pentru a identifica o terapie individualizată și eficientă

    Technology transfer of oil-in-water emulsion adjuvant manufacturing for pandemic influenza vaccine production in Romania: preclinical evaluation of split virion inactivated H5N1 vaccine with adjuvant

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    Millions of seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccine doses containing oil-in-water emulsion adjuvant have been administered in order to enhance and broaden immune responses and to facilitate antigen sparing. Despite the enactment of a Global Action Plan for Influenza Vaccines and a multi-fold increase in production capabilities over the past 10 years, worldwide capacity for pandemic influenza vaccine production is still limited. In developing countries, where routine influenza vaccination is not fully established, additional measures are needed to ensure adequate supply of pandemic influenza vaccines without dependence on the shipment of aid from other, potentially impacted first-world countries. Adaptation of influenza vaccine and adjuvant technologies by developing country influenza vaccine manufacturers may enable antigen sparing and corresponding increases in global influenza vaccine coverage capacity. Following on previously described work involving the technology transfer of oil-in-water emulsion adjuvant manufacturing to a Romanian vaccine manufacturing institute, we herein describe the preclinical evaluation of inactivated split virion H5N1 influenza vaccine with emulsion adjuvant, including immunogenicity, protection from virus challenge, antigen sparing capacity, and safety. In parallel with the evaluation of the bioactivity of the tech-transferred adjuvant, we also describe the impact of concurrent antigen manufacturing optimization activities. Depending on the vaccine antigen source and manufacturing process, inclusion of adjuvant was shown to enhance and broaden functional antibody titers in mouse and rabbit models, promote protection from homologous virus challenge in ferrets, and facilitate antigen sparing. Besides scientific findings, the operational lessons learned are delineated in order to facilitate adaptation of adjuvant technologies by other developing country institutes to enhance global pandemic influenza preparedness

    Establishing a novel European hospital surveillance platform in response to a newly emerging infection lessons from the I-MOVE-COVID-19 hospital network

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    Background: The first signal of a new infection is often severe cases presenting at hospital. Enhanced surveillance of these cases is critical to learning more about disease epidemiology and patient outcomes, but nationallevel surveillance can lack power to draw conclusions. In response to the emergence of SARS-CoV-2, the Influenza-Monitoring Vaccine Effectiveness (I-MOVE) network, founded in 2007, expanded to establish the I-MOVE-COVID-19 Consortium in February 2020. The Consortium’s surveillance objectives included using pooled data to describe clinical and epidemiological characteristics of hospitalised COVID-19 patients across Europe, in order to contribute to the knowledge base, guide patient management, and inform public health response. Methods: Eleven study sites participated in the surveillance, including 23 hospitals across six EU Member States and Albania, and hospitals nationally in England and Scotland. A standardised protocol and dataset for collection was agreed by April 2020. In England and Scotland, data were generated by linkage of routine datasets; other sites used bespoke paper or electronic questionnaires. Data were submitted, pooled and analysed quarterly. Results: Data were received regarding 84,297 COVID-19 patients hospitalised between 1 February 2020 and 31 January 2021. Three surveillance bulletins were published between September 2020 and March 2021, providing key insights into severe COVID-19 at European level. However, the unexpected, overwhelming workload at participating sites, and difficulties securing data protection and ethics permissions, delayed data submissions and presented challenges for timely analysis. Conclusions: Building on an existing network facilitated a novel European multicentre hospital surveillance system to be implemented during a pandemic; however, timeliness was nonetheless problematic. In future, processes could be streamlined e.g. by developing pre-approved template protocols with information governance and ethical approvals in place during the inter- pandemic period.The I-MOVE-COVID-19 network has received funding from the European Commission (from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101003673).N/