19 research outputs found

    Simulation of the AGATA spectrometer and coupling with ancillary detectors

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    The design study of the AGATA array began with the development of the AGATA simulation code using GEANT4. The latter played a key part in the final design of the array and provided a cost effective solution for the early development of the tracking algorithm. The code has since been maintained and developed by the collaboration to provide more realistic simulations, with reaction chambers, ancillary detectors and surrounding mechanical structures completing the entire setup

    Gamma decay of pygmy states in 90,94Zr from inelastic scattering of light ions

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    We performed experiments to study the low-energy part of the E1 response (Pygmy Dipole Resonance) in 90,94Zr nuclei, by measuring the (p,p'γ) and (α,α'γ) inelastic scattering reactions at energies Ebeam,p = 80 MeV and Ebeam,α = 130 MeV respectively. The inelastically scattered particles were measured by employing the high-resolution spectrometer Grand Raiden. The gamma-rays emitted following the de-excitation of the Zr target nuclei were detected using both the clover type HPGe detectors of the CAGRA array and the large volume LaBr3:Ce scintillation detectors from the HECTOR+ array. Some preliminary results are presented here

    Search for in-band transitions in the candidate superdeformed band in Si 28

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    Background: Superdeformed (SD) bands are suggested by theory around Ca40 and in lighter alpha-conjugate nuclei such as Mg24, Si28, and S32. Such predictions originate from a number of theoretical models including mean-field models and antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD) calculations. While SD bands have been identified in Ca40 and its near neighbors, evidence of their existence in the lighter, midshell nuclei is circumstantial at best. The key evidence of superdeformation would be the observation of transitions with high B(E2) transition strengths connecting states in a rotational sequence. This is challenging information to obtain since the bands lie at a high excitation energy and competition from out-of-band decay is dominant. Purpose: The purpose of the present study is to establish a new methodology to circumvent the difficulties in identifying and quantifying in-band transitions through directly populating candidate states in the SD band in Si28 through inelastic alpha scattering, selecting such states with a spectrometer, and measuring their gamma-ray decay with a large array of high-purity germanium detectors, allowing direct access to electromagnetic transition strengths. Methods: Excited states in Si28 were populated in the Si28(α,α′) reaction using a 130-MeV He4 beam from the K140 AVF cyclotron at the Research Center for Nuclear Physics. Outgoing alpha particles were analyzed using the Grand Raiden spectrometer positioned at an angle of 9.1° to favor the population of states with J≈4. Coincident gamma rays were detected with the CAGRA array of 12 HPGe clover detectors augmented by a set of four large LaBr3 detectors. Results: Data analysis showed that it was possible to identify additional low-energy transitions in competition with high-energy decays from excited states in Si28 in the vicinity of 10 MeV. However, while the candidate 4+ SD state at 10.944 MeV was populated, a 1148-keV transition to the candidate 2+ SD state at 9.796 MeV was not observed, and only an upper limit for its transition strength of B(E2)<43 W.u. could be established. This contradicts AMD predictions of ≈200 W.u. for such a transition. Conclusion: The present study strongly rejects the hypothesis that the candidate set of states identified in Si28 represents an SD band, which demonstrates the potential of the methodology devised here

    Evidence for spherical-oblate shape coexistence in Tc 87

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    Excited states in the neutron-deficient nucleus Tc87 have been studied via the fusion-evaporation reaction Fe54(Ar36,2n1p)Tc87 at 115 MeV beam energy. The AGATA γ-ray spectrometer coupled to the DIAMANT, NEDA, and Neutron Wall detector arrays for light-particle detection was used to measure the prompt coincidence of γ rays and light particles. Six transitions from the deexcitation of excited states belonging to a new band in Tc87 were identified by comparing γ-ray intensities in the spectra gated under different reaction channel selection conditions. The constructed level structure was compared with the shell model and total Routhian surface calculations. The results indicate that the new band structure in Tc87 is built on a spherical configuration, which is different from that assigned to the previously identified oblate yrast rotational band

    Complete set of bound negative-parity states in the neutron-rich nucleus 18N

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    High-resolution -ray spectroscopy of is performed with the Advanced GAmma Tracking Array, following deep-inelastic processes induced by an beam on a target. Six states are newly identified, which together with the three known excitations exhaust all negative-parity excited states expected in below the neutron threshold. Spin and parities are proposed for all located states on the basis of decay branchings and comparison with large-scale shell-model calculations performed in the p-sd space, with the YSOX interaction. Of particular interest is the location of the and excitations, which provide strong constrains for cross-shell p-sd matrix elements based on realistic interactions and help to simultaneously reproduce the ground and first-excited states in and , for the first time. Understanding the structure may also have significant impact on neutron-capture cross-section calculations in r-process modeling including light neutron-rich nuclei

    Testing ab initio nuclear structure in neutron-rich nuclei: Lifetime measurements of second 2+ state in 16C and 20O

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    To test the predictive power of ab initio nuclear structure theory, the lifetime of the second 2+ state in neutron-rich O20,τ(22+)=150-30+80fs, and an estimate for the lifetime of the second 2+ state in C16 have been obtained for the first time. The results were achieved via a novel Monte Carlo technique that allowed us to measure nuclear state lifetimes in the tens-to-hundreds of femtoseconds range by analyzing the Doppler-shifted γ-transition line shapes of products of low-energy transfer and deep-inelastic processes in the reaction O18(7.0MeV/u)+Ta181. The requested sensitivity could only be reached owing to the excellent performances of the Advanced γ-Tracking Array AGATA, coupled to the PARIS scintillator array and to the VAMOS++ magnetic spectrometer. The experimental lifetimes agree with predictions of ab initio calculations using two-and three-nucleon interactions, obtained with the valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group for O20 and with the no-core shell model for C16. The present measurement shows the power of electromagnetic observables, determined with high-precision γ spectroscopy, to assess the quality of first-principles nuclear structure calculations, complementing common benchmarks based on nuclear energies. The proposed experimental approach will be essential for short lifetime measurements in unexplored regions of the nuclear chart, including r-process nuclei, when intense beams, produced by Isotope Separation On-Line (ISOL) techniques, become available

    The decay of the 21.47-MeV stretched resonance in 13C: A precise probe of the open nuclear quantum system description

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    The decay of the 21.47-MeV stretched resonance in 13C, arising from p3/2→d5/2 nucleon excitation coupled to maximum spin, was investigated in a (p,p′) experiment at 135 MeV proton bombarding energy, performed at the Cyclotron Centre Bronowice (CCB) at IFJ PAN in Krakow. First experimental information on the proton and neutron decay branches from this state was obtained by using coincidence measurement of protons inelastically scattered on a 13C target and γ rays from daughter nuclei, namely, 12B (proton decay) and 12C (neutron decay). The main branches lead to the Jπ=2+, first-excited state at 0.953 MeV in 12B, and to the Jπ=1+, T=1 level at 15.110 MeV in 12C. The results were compared with predictions from the Gamow Shell Model (GSM), which was used to describe the stretched resonance in terms of its energy, width, electromagnetic transition strengths and decay pattern. A very good agreement was obtained between the measured and calculated properties of the 21.47-MeV stretched resonance in 13C, demonstrating the high-quality and precision of the GSM wave function calculations, which include coupling to the resonant and non-resonant particle continuum