3 research outputs found

    NASA ROVER, Tackling Citizen Science With Grand Challenges and Everyday Problems

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    ROVER is the Citizen Science arm of the NASA Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) Students' Cloud Observations On-Line (S'COOL) Project. Since 2007, participants around the world have been making and reporting ground truth observations of clouds to assist in the validation of the NASA CERES satellite instrument. NASA scientists are very interested in learning how clouds affect our atmosphere, weather, and climate (relating to climate change). It is the clouds, in part, that affect the overall temperature and energy balance of the Earth. The more we know about clouds, the more we will know about our Earth as a system and citizen scientists are an important piece of that puzzle! As a ROVER cloud observer, all participants follow simple online tutorials to collect data on cloud type, height, cover and related conditions. Observations are sent to NASA to be matched to similar information obtained from satellites and sent back to participants for comparison and analysis. The supporting ROVER website houses a searchable database archiving all participant reports and matching satellite data. By involving Citizen Scientists in cloud observations and reporting we can gain a valuable set of data that would have been previously unavailable to science teams due to funding, manpower, and resource limitations or would have taken an unreasonable amount of time to collect. Reports from a wide range of Citizen Scientist locations are helpful to assess the satellite data under different conditions. With nothing more than their eyes and an internet connection participants provide a different perspective and analysis of clouds, adding to a more complete picture of what's happening in the atmosphere in which we live

    Various Layers in Social Psychology

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    Understanding humans through social influence is always needed. Through an analysis of specific topics of social psychology, a bridge between issues can be created. This research aims to understand the various layers in social psychology using secondary data. The methodology used in this study is qualitative research, particularly literature review. The subject of this study is some literatures in databases, and other scholarly articles to use as supporting evidence for this work about the study of social psychology. The results provide understanding of layers on social psychology including how individuals interact and function in the day-to-day lives. Human can learn how to better recognize the information process happening in their brains and how to manipulate it in different social situations. The depth of how human relate to each other, and their surroundings is seen through social psychology's "social" aspect. Individuals thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are unique and influenced by social norms' real or imagined presence. This study has theoretical implication on how social psychology has layers to explain how human interact in social context.   Pemahaman tentang manusia melalui pengaruh sosial selalu dibutuhkan. Melalui analisis topik-topik tertentu psikologi sosial, jembatan antar permasalahan dapat diciptakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami berbagai lapisan dalam psikologi sosial dengan menggunakan data sekunder. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif khususnya tinjauan pustaka. Subyek penelitian ini adalah beberapa literatur dalam database, dan artikel ilmiah lainnya yang digunakan sebagai bukti pendukung karya tentang studi psikologi sosial ini. Hasilnya memberikan pemahaman tentang lapisan psikologi sosial termasuk bagaimana individu berinteraksi dan berfungsi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Manusia dapat belajar bagaimana mengenali dengan lebih baik proses informasi yang terjadi di otaknya dan bagaimana memanipulasinya dalam berbagai situasi sosial. Kedalaman hubungan manusia satu sama lain, dan lingkungannya dilihat melalui aspek “sosial” psikologi sosial. Pikiran, perasaan, dan perilaku individu bersifat unik dan dipengaruhi oleh kehadiran norma-norma sosial yang nyata atau yang dibayangkan. Kajian ini mempunyai implikasi teoritis mengenai bagaimana psikologi sosial mempunyai lapisan-lapisan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana manusia berinteraksi dalam konteks sosial