542 research outputs found

    3+1 spinfoam model of quantum gravity with spacelike and timelike components

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    We present a spinfoam formulation of Lorentzian quantum General Relativity. The theory is based on a simple generalization of an Euclidean model defined in terms of a field theory over a group. The model is an extension of a recently introduced Lorentzian model, in which both timelike and spacelike components are included. The spinfoams in the model, corresponding to quantized 4-geometries, carry a natural non-perturbative local causal structure induced by the geometry of the algebra of the internal gauge (sl(2,C)). Amplitudes can be expressed as integrals over the spacelike unit-vectors hyperboloid in Minkowski space, or the imaginary Lobachevskian space.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    Spin foam model for Lorentzian General Relativity

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    We present a spin foam formulation of Lorentzian quantum General Relativity. The theory is based on a simple generalization of an Euclidean model defined in terms of a field theory over a group. Its vertex amplitude turns out to be the one recently introduced by Barrett and Crane. As in the case of its Euclidean relatives, the model fully implements the desired sum over 2-complexes which encodes the local degrees of freedom of the theory.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    The linearization of the Kodama state

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    We study the question of whether the linearization of the Kodama state around classical deSitter spacetime is normalizable in the inner product of the theory of linearized gravitons on deSitter spacetime. We find the answer is no in the Lorentzian theory. However, in the Euclidean theory the corresponding linearized Kodama state is delta-functional normalizable. We discuss whether this result invalidates the conjecture that the full Kodama state is a good physical state for quantum gravity with positive cosmological constant.Comment: 14 pages, statement on the corresponding Yang-Mills case correcte

    LQG propagator: III. The new vertex

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    In the first article of this series, we pointed out a difficulty in the attempt to derive the low-energy behavior of the graviton two-point function, from the loop-quantum-gravity dynamics defined by the Barrett-Crane vertex amplitude. Here we show that this difficulty disappears when using the corrected vertex amplitude recently introduced in the literature. In particular, we show that the asymptotic analysis of the new vertex amplitude recently performed by Barrett, Fairbairn and others, implies that the vertex has precisely the asymptotic structure that, in the second article of this series, was indicated as the key necessary condition for overcoming the difficulty.Comment: 9 page

    Schroedinger's cat and the clock: Lessons for quantum gravity

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    I review basic principles of the quantum mechanical measurement process in view of their implications for a quantum theory of general relativity. It turns out that a clock as an external classical device associated with the observer plays an essential role. This leads me to postulate a ``principle of the integrity of the observer''. It essentially requires the observer to be part of a classical domain connected throughout the measurement process. Mathematically this naturally leads to a formulation of quantum mechanics as a kind of topological quantum field theory. Significantly, quantities with a direct interpretation in terms of a measurement process are associated only with amplitudes for connected boundaries of compact regions of space-time. I discuss some implications of my proposal such as in-out duality for states, delocalization of the ``collapse of the wave function'' and locality of the description. Differences to existing approaches to quantum gravity are also highlighted.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX + AMS + eps; introduction, section numbers and two references adde

    Positivity in Lorentzian Barrett-Crane Models of Quantum Gravity

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    The Barrett-Crane models of Lorentzian quantum gravity are a family of spin foam models based on the Lorentz group. We show that for various choices of edge and face amplitudes, including the Perez-Rovelli normalization, the amplitude for every triangulated closed 4-manifold is a non-negative real number. Roughly speaking, this means that if one sums over triangulations, there is no interference between the different triangulations. We prove non-negativity by transforming the model into a ``dual variables'' formulation in which the amplitude for a given triangulation is expressed as an integral over three copies of hyperbolic space for each tetrahedron. Then we prove that, expressed in this way, the integrand is non-negative. In addition to implying that the amplitude is non-negative, the non-negativity of the integrand is highly significant from the point of view of numerical computations, as it allows statistical methods such as the Metropolis algorithm to be used for efficient computation of expectation values of observables.Comment: 13 page

    Finiteness and Dual Variables for Lorentzian Spin Foam Models

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    We describe here some new results concerning the Lorentzian Barrett-Crane model, a well-known spin foam formulation of quantum gravity. Generalizing an existing finiteness result, we provide a concise proof of finiteness of the partition function associated to all non-degenerate triangulations of 4-manifolds and for a class of degenerate triangulations not previously shown. This is accomplished by a suitable re-factoring and re-ordering of integration, through which a large set of variables can be eliminated. The resulting formulation can be interpreted as a ``dual variables'' model that uses hyperboloid variables associated to spin foam edges in place of representation variables associated to faces. We outline how this method may also be useful for numerical computations, which have so far proven to be very challenging for Lorentzian spin foam models.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Spin Foam Models for Quantum Gravity

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    In this article we review the present status of the spin foam formulation of non-perturbative (background independent) quantum gravity. The article is divided in two parts. In the first part we present a general introduction to the main ideas emphasizing their motivations from various perspectives. Riemannian 3-dimensional gravity is used as a simple example to illustrate conceptual issues and the main goals of the approach. The main features of the various existing models for 4-dimensional gravity are also presented here. We conclude with a discussion of important questions to be addressed in four dimensions (gauge invariance, discretization independence, etc.). In the second part we concentrate on the definition of the Barrett-Crane model. We present the main results obtained in this framework from a critical perspective. Finally we review the combinatorial formulation of spin foam models based on the dual group field theory technology. We present the Barrett-Crane model in this framework and review the finiteness results obtained for both its Riemannian as well as its Lorentzian variants.Comment: Topical review, to appear in CQG. Typos corrected and new references adde

    Spacetime geometry from algebra: spin foam models for non-perturbative quantum gravity

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    This is an introduction to spin foam models for non-perturbative quantum gravity, an approach that lies at the point of convergence of many different research areas, including loop quantum gravity, topological quantum field theories, path integral quantum gravity, lattice field theory, matrix models, category theory, statistical mechanics. We describe the general formalism and ideas of spin foam models, the picture of quantum geometry emerging from them, and give a review of the results obtained so far, in both the Euclidean and Lorentzian case. We focus in particular on the Barrett-Crane model for 4-dimensional quantum gravity.Comment: 68 pages, 16 figures, LaTex; v2: minor changes; v3: several points clarified, references added; to appear in Rep. Prog. Phy
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