6,988 research outputs found

    Modeling Grain Boundaries using a Phase Field Technique

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    We propose a two dimensional frame-invariant phase field model of grain impingement and coarsening. One dimensional analytical solutions for a stable grain boundary in a bicrystal are obtained, and equilibrium energies are computed. We are able to calculate the rotation rate for a free grain between two grains of fixed orientation. For a particular choice of functional dependencies in the model the grain boundary energy takes the same analytic form as the microscopic (dislocation) model of Read and Shockley.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Clonal Interference, Multiple Mutations, and Adaptation in Large Asexual Populations

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    Two important problems affect the ability of asexual populations to accumulate beneficial mutations, and hence to adapt. First, clonal interference causes some beneficial mutations to be outcompeted by more-fit mutations which occur in the same genetic background. Second, multiple mutations occur in some individuals, so even mutations of large effect can be outcompeted unless they occur in a good genetic background which contains other beneficial mutations. In this paper, we use a Monte Carlo simulation to study how these two factors influence the adaptation of asexual populations. We find that the results depend qualitatively on the shape of the distribution of the effects of possible beneficial mutations. When this distribution falls off slower than exponentially, clonal interference alone reasonably describes which mutations dominate the adaptation, although it gives a misleading picture of the evolutionary dynamics. When the distribution falls off faster than exponentially, an analysis based on multiple mutations is more appropriate. Using our simulations, we are able to explore the limits of validity of both of these approaches, and we explore the complex dynamics in the regimes where neither are fully applicable.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

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    Proactive or Reactive? Optimal Management of an Invasive Forest Pest in a Spatial Framework

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    This paper offers a preliminary investigation into the conditions under which it might be optimal to engage in proactive management of a non-timber forest resource in the presence of an invasive species whose spread is unaffected by management action. Proactive management is defined as treating an uninfected area in order to encourage healthy ecosystem function, given that the arrival of the invasive is inevitable. Inspired by the problem of white pine blister rust in the Rocky Mountain west, the model was solved under varying assumptions concerning the scale of management action, benefit and costs, the discount rate, and uncertainty of spread. Results showed that proactive strategies tended to be optimal when, ceteris paribus, a) more resources are available for treatment; b) the costs of treatment are rapidly increasing in forest health, or conversely, the benefits of healthy and unhealthy stands are relatively similar; and c) the discount rate is low. The introduction of uncertainty did not significantly affect the likelihood of a proactive management strategy being optimal, but did show that the conditional probabilities of infection play important role in the decision of which uninfected stand should be treated if a choice is available to the manager.Crop Production/Industries, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Improving the worthiness of the Elder problem as a benchmark for buoyancy driven convection models

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    An important trapping mechanism associated with the geosequestration of CO~2~ is that of dissolution into the formation water. Although supercritical CO~2~ is significantly less dense than water, experimental data reported in the literature show that the density of an aqueous solution of CO~2~ could be slightly greater. Under normal situations, the transfer of gas to solution is largely controlled by the relatively slow process of molecular diffusion. However, the presence of variable densities can trigger off gravity instabilities leading to much larger-scale convection processes. Such processes can potentially enhance rates of dissolution by an order of magnitude. Consequently there is a need for future performance assessment models to incorporate buoyancy driven convection (BDC). A major issue associated with BDC models is that of grid convergence when benchmarking to the Elder problem. The Elder problem originates from a heat convection experiment whereby a rectangular Hele-Shaw cell was heated over the central half of its base. A quarter of the way through the experiment, Elder (1967) observed six plumes, with four narrow plumes in the center and two larger plumes at the edges. As the experiment progressed, only four plumes remained. The issue is that depending on the grid resolution used when seeking to model this problem, modelers have found that different schemes yield steady states with either one, two or three plumes. The aim of this paper is to clarify and circumvent the issue of multiple steady state solutions in the Elder problem using a pseudospectral method

    Adaptive driver modelling in ADAS to improve user acceptance: A study using naturalistic data

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    Accurate understanding of driver behaviour is crucial for future Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving. For user acceptance it is important that ADAS respect individual driving styles and adapt accordingly. Using data collected during a naturalistic driving study carried out at the University of Southampton, we assess existing models of driver acceleration and speed choice during car following and when cornering. We observe that existing models of driver behaviour that specify a preferred inter-vehicle spacing in car-following situations appear to be too prescriptive, with a wide range of acceptable spacings visible in the naturalistic data. Bounds on lateral acceleration during cornering from the literature are visible in the data, but appear to be influenced by the minimum cornering radii specified in design codes for UK roadway geometry. This analysis of existing driver models is used to suggest a small set of parameters that are sufficient to characterise driver behaviour in car-following and curve driving, which may be estimated in real-time by an ADAS to adapt to changing driver behaviour. Finally, we discuss applications to adaptive ADAS with the objectives of improving road safety and promoting eco-driving, and suggest directions for future researc

    Combining Livetext With A Mastery Approach To Meet AACSB Assessment Requirements

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    Program assessment is an active component of AACSB standards that involves the systematic gathering, analyzing and interpreting of data on degree program effectiveness. The standard ensures that business schools assess degree programs, recommend needed improvements, and implement changes ‘that represent contemporary theory and practice.’ Livetext is an online suite of tools that permit instructors to actively track and monitor student progress while capturing needed assessment data. In this study we examine the experience at a Midwestern university in implementing Livetext and a ‘mastery approach’ as vehicles to facilitate course level as well as program and university level assessment. The paper concludes with lessons garnered from the experience

    Aircraft interior noise reduction by alternate resonance tuning

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    Existing interior noise reduction techniques for aircraft fuselages perform reasonably well at higher frequencies, but are inadequate at lower, particularly with respect to the low blade passage harmonics with high forcing levels found in propeller aircraft. A method is being studied which considers aircraft fuselages lines with panels alternately tuned to frequencies above and below the frequency to be attenuated. Adjacent panels would oscillate at equal amplitude, to give equal source strength, but with opposite phase. Provided these adjacent panels are acoustically compact, the resulting cancellation causes the interior acoustic modes to become cut off and therefore be non-propagating and evanescent. This interior noise reduction method, called Alternate Resonance Tuning (ART), is currently being investigated both theoretically and experimentally. This new concept has potential application to reducing interior noise due to the propellers in advanced turboprop aircraft as well as for existing aircraft configurations. This program summarizes the work carried out at Duke University during the third semester of a contract supported by the Structural Acoustics Branch at NASA Langley Research Center

    The digital divide and K-12 student computer use

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    The divide between those who have computer and Internet access and those who do not appears to be narrowing, however overall statistics may be misleading. Measures of computer availability in schools often include cases where computers are only available for administration or are available only on a very limited basis (Gootman, 2004). Access to a computer and the Internet outside of school helps to reinforce student learning and emphasize the importance of using technology. Recent U.S. statistics indicate that ethnic background and other demographic characteristics still have substantial impact on the availability and use of computers by students outside of the classroom. This paper examines recent census data to determine the impact of the household on student computer use outside of the classroom. Encouragingly, the findings of this study suggest that use of a computer at school substantially increases the chance that a student will use a computer outside of class. Additionally, this study suggests that computer use outside of the classroom is positively and significantly impacted by being in a household with adults who either use a computer at work or work in an industry where computers are extensively used

    Oxidation processes in magneto-optic and related materials

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    The surface oxidation processes of thin films of magneto-optic materials, such as the rare-earth transition metal alloys have been studied, starting in ultrahigh vacuum environments, using surface analysis techniques, as a way of modeling the oxidation processes which occur at the base of a defect in an overcoated material, at the instant of exposure to ambient environments. Materials examined have included FeTbCo alloys, as well as those same materials with low percentages of added elements, such a Ta, and their reactivities to both O2 and H2O compared with materials such as thin Fe films coated with ultrathin adlayers of Ti. The surface oxidation pathways for these materials is reviewed, and XPS data presented which indicates the type of oxides formed, and a critical region of Ta concentration which provides optimum protection