831 research outputs found

    Models of financing research: public funding mechanisms for universities in Flanders

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    This paper gives an overview of the models of financing research at universities in Flanders, Belgium. The Flemish government installed parallel mechanisms to distribute financial means for scientific research at the universities: research is supported via the allocation of block grants to the universities based on specific interuniversity allocation keys on the one hand and via project-based funding allocated on competitive basis by public funding agencies on the other hand. The composition of the allocation key of both the Special Research Fund and the Industrial Research Fund and the impact of the research performance-based parameters of these allocation keys on the research policy of universities and on the peer-reviewed assessment of the quality of research proposals submitted to the Fund for Scientific Research – Flanders, one of the Flemish public funding agencies, are discussed

    A systematic appraisal of the Eriophyoidea (Acari Prostigmata)

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    The diversity of the Eriophyoidea is largely unknown and their systematic study mostly entails alpha-taxonomy which is critically important for these mites. Eriophyoid morphology is almost exclusively studied on slide-mounted specimens, and truly permanent specimen slides cannot be prepared and are eventually lost. Shortcomings in taxon descriptions are persistent, and too few morphological characters are available for systematic use, particularly for phylogenetic studies. The fragile, simplified and minute eriophyoid bodies, and the inadequacy of study methods and technology, including preparation and light microscopy, contribute to these problems. The present eriophyoid classification is widely accepted, relatively stable and useful. The major part of the classification, however, is probably artificial, and some taxon delimitations and identifications are becoming increasingly difficult. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is only sporadically used to supplement conventional descriptions of eriophyoid mites, and their phylogeny has hardly been studied. In the present study some aspects of eriophyoid systematics and its improvements by incorporating SEM for morphological study and phylogenetic analyses for testing and improving the naturalness of the present eriophyoid classification, are used and appraised. The morphology of about 64 species, mostly from South Africa, was studied with low-temperature (cryo) SEM. The specimens remained turgid and the shape of the mites largely unaltered. A general overview of the contribution of the SEM study towards systematic morphology of the Eriophyoidea is presented. Discrepancies between species descriptions from slide-mounted specimens and the SEM images were found. These include body form, interpretation of structures, resolution and information on minute morphology, and the presence of secretions. Some of these differences were caused by artefacts introduced with slide-mounting of specimens. The SEM study includes a comparative morphological study of the gnathosoma, including a review and appraisal of characters presently used in eriophyoid systematics. New morphological information was found, including new characters that may be of systematic use. Morphology studied with SEM should be routinely incorporated into eriophyoid descriptions, which is not presently the case. The phylogeny of the Eriophyoidea was studied at genus level, using morphological data, to test the monophyly of the present suprageneric taxa. Three data matrices with 66, 60 and 27 informative characters of 316 (including most Diptilomiopus spp.), 64 and 17 eriophyoid ingroup species respectively were analyzed with parsimony analyses, and trees were searched under different parameters. This was done to find different hypotheses regarding the taxon relationships, to roughly assess the robustness of the tree groups, and to use different approaches: a very comprehensive taxon sample, but with low ratio of characters to taxa; an exemplar species sample to improve the ratio between characters to taxa; and a very small taxon sample with a good ratio between characters and taxa, but very little inclusion of variation found in the Eriophyoidea. Most groups found were supported only by homoplasy, but many made biological sense and various potentially monophyletic groups, additional to taxa in the present classification, are proposed for further study. The robustness and convergence of these groups on monophyly are discussed. The Phytoptidae was found to be polyphyletic. Part of the Nalepellinae is probably positioned outside the remainder of the Eriophyoidea, while the rest of the Phytoptidae were positioned in smaller subgroups among the Eriophyidae. The Phytoptinae and Sierraphytoptinae, including Pentasetacus, may group together. The Eriophyidae never grouped together with much support, and the family is both polyphyletic and paraphyletic. The Diptilomiopidae was largely found to be monophyletic, with a relatively strong phylogenetic structure. The Rhyncaphytoptinae is mainly paraphyletic, and the Diptilomiopinae polyphyletic, but part of the Diptilomiopinae may be monophyletic. Three new Diptilomiopus spp. from South Africa are described as part of the study: D. faurius sp. nov. from Faurea rochetiana (A. Rich.) Pic. Serm. (Proteaceae); D. apobrevus sp. nov. and D. apolongus sp. nov. from Apodytes dimidiata E. Mey. ex Arn. (Icacinaceae). They were leaf vagrants not causing any observable symptoms.Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011.Zoology and Entomologyunrestricte

    How does light intensity physical activity associate with adult cardiometabolic health and mortality? Systematic review with meta-analysis of experimental and observational studies

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    Aim To assess the relationship between time spent in light physical activity and cardiometabolic health and mortality in adults. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis. Data sources Searches in Medline, Embase, PsycInfo, CINAHL and three rounds of hand searches. Eligibility criteria for selecting studies Experimental (including acute mechanistic studies and physical activity intervention programme) and observational studies (excluding case and case-control studies) conducted in adults (aged >= 18 years) published in English before February 2018 and reporting on the relationship between light physical activity (<3 metabolic equivalents) and cardiometabolic health outcomes or all-cause mortality. Study appraisal and synthesis Study quality appraisal with QUALSYST tool and random effects inverse variance meta-analysis. Results Seventy-two studies were eligible including 27 experimental studies (and 45 observational studies). Mechanistic experimental studies showed that short but frequent bouts of light-intensity activity throughout the day reduced postprandial glucose (-17.5%; 95% CI -26.2 to -8.7) and insulin (-25.1%; 95% CI -31.8 to -18.3) levels compared with continuous sitting, but there was very limited evidence for it affecting other cardiometabolic markers. Three light physical activity programme intervention studies (n ranging from 12 to 58) reduced adiposity, improved blood pressure and lipidaemia; the programmes consisted of activity of > 150 min/week for at least 12 weeks. Six out of eight prospective observational studies that were entered in the meta-analysis reported that more time spent in daily light activity reduced risk of all-cause mortality (pooled HR 0.71; 95% CI 0.62 to 0.83). Conclusions Light-intensity physical activity could play a role in improving adult cardiometabolic health and reducing mortality risk. Frequent short bouts of light activity improve glycaemic control. Nevertheless, the modest volume of the prospective epidemiological evidence base and the moderate consistency between observational and laboratory evidence inhibits definitive conclusions

    Using the intervention mapping protocol to reduce European preschoolers' sedentary behavior, an application to the ToyBox-study

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    Background: High levels of sedentary behavior are often measured in preschoolers, but only a few interventions have been developed to counteract this. Furthermore, detailed descriptions of interventions in preschoolers targeting different forms of sedentary behavior could not be located in the literature. The aim of the present paper was to describe the different steps of the Intervention Mapping Protocol used towards the development of an intervention component of the ToyBox-study focusing on decreasing preschoolers' sedentary behavior. The ToyBox-study focuses on the prevention of overweight in 4- to 6-year-old children by implementing a multi-component kindergarten-based intervention with family involvement in six different European countries. Methods: Applying the Intervention Mapping Protocol, six different steps were systematically completed for the structured planning and development of the intervention. A literature search and results from focus groups with parents/caregivers and kindergarten teachers were used as a guide during the development of the intervention and the intervention materials. Results: The application of the different steps in the Intervention Mapping Protocol resulted in the creation of matrices of change objectives, followed by the selection of practical applications for five different intervention tools that could be used at the individual level of the preschool child, at the interpersonal level (i.e., parents/caregivers) and at the organizational level (i.e., kindergarten teachers). No cultural differences regarding preschoolers' sedentary behavior were identified between the participating countries during the focus groups, so cultural and local adaptations of the intervention materials were not necessary to improve the adoption and implementation of the intervention. Conclusions: A systematic and evidence-based approach was used for the development of this kindergarten-based family-involved intervention targeting preschoolers, with the inclusion of parental involvement. The application of the Intervention Mapping Protocol may lead to the development of more effective interventions. The detailed intervention matrices that were developed as part of the ToyBox-study can be used by other researchers as an aid in order to avoid repetitive work for the design of similar interventions

    Effects of Lorenzo's Oil on peroxisomes in healthy mice

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    We investigated peroxisomal alterations in mice treated with different doses of Lorenzo's Oil (a therapy for X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy patients) for up to 100 days. Hepatic erucic acid levels were already significantly increased 2.2-fold and 2.6-fold in mice treated with 10% and 20% Lorenzo's Oil for 21 days, respectively. No lipidosis was found in liver; myocardium and kidney of any of the treated mice. While hepatic catalase, lauroyl-CoA oxidase and glycolate oxidase, and renal catalase activities were not induced by either diet, myocardial catalase activity was increased in most groups. This suggests that the mechanism of the effect of Lorenzo's Oil in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy patients may not be a direct effect on the peroxisomes

    Compliance with 24-h movement behaviour guidelines among Belgian pre-school children : the ToyBox-study

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    The 24-h day-containing physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep-in pre-school children has not yet been extensively investigated. The aim of the current study was to investigate pre-schoolers' compliance with the 24-h movement behaviour guidelines (i.e., three hours/day total physical activity, a maximum of one hour/day of screen time and 10-13 h sleep/night). In total, 595 pre-schoolers (53.3% boys, mean age: 4.2 years) provided complete data for the three behaviours. Physical activity was objectively measured with accelerometers, while screen time and sleep were parent-reported through questionnaires. The proportion of pre-schoolers complying with the 24-h movement behaviour guidelines was calculated on weekdays and on weekend days. Low compliance rates were found: 10.1% on weekdays and only 4.3% on weekend days. The majority of pre-schoolers complied with the sleep duration guidelines (>90% on weekdays and weekend days), followed by the screen time guidelines (61% on weekdays and 28% on weekend days). The lowest compliance rates were found for physical activity (<20% on weekdays and weekend days). Overall, low percentages of pre-schoolers complying with the 24-h movement behaviour guidelines were found, and the lowest compliance was found for physical activity

    Peripheral spondyloarthritis : a neglected entity-state of the art

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    Peripheral spondyloarthritis (pSpA) refers to a number of seemingly different spondyloarthritis subsets in which psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is the most common, and symptoms of arthritis, enthesitis or dactylitis predominate the clinical presentation. Although formal classification criteria for pSpA have been introduced in 2011, only a minority of epidemiological and clinical studies addressed this clinical entity as a separate disease. Moreover, research on outcome measures and treatment modalities in pSpA has been mainly focused on PsA. Subsequently, all biological treatments are off-label in patients with non-psoriatic pSpA. Its neglected status has important implications for clinical practice since the emerging group of early-diagnosed non-psoriatic pSpA patients remains poorly characterised and lacks specific treatment recommendations. This review summarises what is currently known regarding pSpA in terms of epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and therapeutic approach
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