275 research outputs found

    Pieces to the puzzle

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    Because low-income, first-generation, and disabled individuals have limited access to postsecondary education, Congress established TRIO, a series of programs designed to provide access to college for this targeted population. One initiative suggested to aid in retention and graduation for these TRIO students was mentoring. This study examined the perceived benefits of faculty mentoring for first-generation TRIO students to facilitate retention and graduation rates at a Midwestern Community College. Three faculty members and three TRIO students were interviewed to determine their perception of the benefits of faculty mentoring. The results were consistent with the literature that students who have access to TRIO programs and a mentoring relationship are more likely to succeed in college compared to students without this assistance

    The nature of gas and stars in the circumnuclear regions of AGN: a chemical approach

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    Aim of this communication is to describe the first results of a work-in-progress regarding the chemical properties of gas and stars in the circumnuclear regions of nearby galaxies. Different techniques have been employed to estimate the abundances of chemical elements in the gaseous and stellar components of nuclear surroundings in different classes of galaxies according to the level of activity of the nucleus (normal or passive, star forming galaxies and AGNs).Comment: 19 pages, proceedings of the 1st International Workshop: Astrophysical winds and disk 2009 (Platamonas

    Spectral properties of the narrow-line region in Seyfert galaxies selected from the SDSS-DR7

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    Although the properties of the narrow-line region (NLR) of active galactic nuclei(AGN) have been deeply studied by many authors in the past three decades, many questions are still open. The main goal of this work is to explore the NLR of Seyfert galaxies by collecting a large statistical spectroscopic sample of Seyfert 2 and Intermediate-type Seyfert galaxies having a high signal-to-noise ratio in order to take advantage of a high number of emission-lines to be accurately measured. 2153 Seyfert 2 and 521 Intermediate-type Seyfert spectra were selected from Sloan Digital Sky Survey - Data Release 7 (SDSS-DR7) with a diagnostic diagram based on the oxygen emission-line ratios. All the emission-lines, broad components included, were measured by means of a self-developed code, after the subtraction of the stellar component. Physical parameters, such as internal reddening, ionization parameter, temperature, density, gas and stellar velocity dispersion were determined for each object. Furthermore, we estimated mass and radius of the NLR, kinetic energy of the ionized gas, and black-hole accretion rate. From the emission-line analysis and the estimated physical properties, it appears that the NLR is similar in Seyfert 2 and Intermediate-Seyfert galaxies. The only differences, lower extinction, gas kinematics in general not dominated by the host galaxy gravitational potential and higher percentage of [O III]5007 blue asymmetries in Intermediate-Seyfert can be ascribed to an effect of inclination of our line of sight with respect to the torus axis.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Optical Emission Lines and the X-Ray Properties of Type 1 Seyfert Galaxies

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    In this contribution we report on the study of the optical emission lines and X-ray spectra of a sample of Type 1 AGNs, collected at the Sloan Digital Sky Survey database and observed by the XMM Newton satellite. Exploiting the different instruments carried onboard XMM, we identify the spectral components of the soft and hard energy bands (in the range from 0.3 keV up to 10 keV). The properties of the X-ray continuum and of the Fe Kalpha line feature are investigated in relation to the optical broad emission line profiles and intensity ratios. The resulting picture of emission, absorption and reflection processes is interpreted by means of a BLR structural model that was developed on the basis of independent optical and radio observations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the VIII Serbian Conference on Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics, accepted for publication on Baltic Astronomy. Corrected typos in V

    The Relation between Nuclear Activity and Stellar Mass in Galaxies

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    The existence of correlations between nuclear properties of galaxies, such as the mass of their central black holes, and larger scale features, like the bulge mass and luminosity, represent a fundamental constraint on galaxy evolution. Although the actual reasons for these relations have not yet been identified, it is widely believed that they could stem from a connection between the processes that lead to black hole growth and stellar mass assembly. The problem of understanding how the processes of nuclear activity and star formation can affect each other became known to the literature as the Starburst-AGN connection. Despite years of investigation, the physical mechanisms which lie at the basis of this relation are known only in part. In this work, we analyze the problem of star formation and nuclear activity in a large sample of galaxies. We study the relations between the properties of the nuclear environments and of their host galaxies. We find that the mass of the stellar component within the galaxies of our sample is a critical parameter, that we have to consider in an evolutionary sequence, which provides further insight in the connection between AGN and star formation processes.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication on MNRAS. Reference to the mass derivation procedure correcte

    A spectroscopic analysis of a sample of narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We revisited the spectroscopic characteristics of narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s) by analysing a homogeneous sample of 296 NLS1s at redshift between 0.028 and 0.345, extracted from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-DR7) public archive. We confirm that NLS1s are mostly characterized by Balmer lines with Lorentzian profiles, lower black hole masses and higher Eddington ratios than classic broad-line Seyfert 1 (BLS1s), but they also appear to be active galactic nuclei (AGNs) contiguous with BLS1s and sharing with them common properties. Strong Fe II emission does not seem to be a distinctive property of NLS1s, as low values of Fe II/Hβ\beta are equally observed in these AGNs. Our data indicate that Fe II and Ca II kinematics are consistent with the one of Hβ\beta. On the contrary, O I λ\lambda8446 seems to be systematically narrower and it is likely emitted by gas of the broad-line region more distant from the ionizing source and showing different physical properties. Finally, almost all NLS1s of our sample show radial motions of the narrow-line region highly-ionised gas. The mechanism responsible for this effect is not yet clear, but there are hints that very fast outflows require high continuum luminosities (> 104410^{44} erg/s) or high Eddington ratios (log(Lbol_{\rm bol}/LEdd_{\rm Edd}) > -0.1).Comment: 27 pages, 31 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    [O III] line properties in two samples of radio-emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies

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    The [O III] λλ\lambda\lambda 4959,5007 lines are a useful proxy to test the kinematic of the narrow-line region (NLR) in active galactic nuclei (AGN). In AGN, and particularly in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s) these lines often show few peculiar features, such as blue wings, often interpreted as outflowing component, and a shift - typically toward lower wavelengths - of the whole spectroscopic feature in some exceptional sources, the so-called blue outliers, which are often associated to strong winds. We investigated the incidence of these peculiarities in two samples of radio-emitting NLS1s, one radio-loud and one radio-quiet. We also studied a few correlations between the observational properties of the [O III] lines and those of the AGN. Our aim was to understand the difference between radio-quiet and radio-loud NLS1s, which may in turn provide useful information on the jet formation mechanism. We find that the NLR gas is much more perturbed in radio-loud than in radio-quiet NLS1s. In particular the NLR dynamics in γ\gamma-ray emitting NLS1s appears to be highly disturbed, and this might be a consequence of interaction with the relativistic jet. The less frequently perturbed NLR in radio-quiet NLS1s suggests instead that these sources likely do not harbor a fully developed relativistic jet. Nonetheless blue-outliers in radio-quiet NLS1s are observed, and we interpret them as a product of strong winds.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, 7 tables, accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Are Boltzmann Plots of Hydrogen Balmer lines a tool for identifying a subclass of S1 AGN?

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    It is becoming clear that we can define two different types of nearby AGN belonging to the Seyfert 1 class (S1), on the basis of the match of the intensities of their Broad Balmer Lines (BBL) with the Boltzmann Plots (BP). These two types of S1 galaxies, that we call BP-S1 and NoBP-S1, are characterized, in first approximation, by Broad Line Regions (BLR) with different structural and physical properties. In this communication, we show that these features can be well pointed out by a multi-wavelength analysis of the continuum and of the broad recombination Hydrogen lines, that we carry out on a sample of objects detected at optical and X-ray frequencies. The investigation is addressed to verify whether BP-S1 are the ideal candidates for the study of the kinematical and structural properties of the BLR, in order to derive reliable estimates of the mass of their central engine and to constrain the properties of their nuclear continuum spectrum.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures (1 multi-paged). Accepted for publication on Advances in Space Research. Contribution to the IX SCSLS

    X-Ray Grating Observations of Recurrent Nova T Pyxidis During The 2011 Outburst

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    The recurrent nova T Pyx was observed with the X-ray gratings of Chandra and XMM-Newton, 210 and 235 days, respectively, after the discovery of the 2011 April 14 outburst. The X-ray spectra show prominent emission lines of C, N, and O, with broadening corresponding to a full width at half maximum of ~2000-3000 km/s, and line ratios consistent with high-density plasma in collisional ionization equilibrium. On day 210 we also measured soft X-ray continuum emission that appears to be consistent with a white dwarf (WD) atmosphere at a temperature ~420,000 K, partially obscured by anisotropic, optically thick ejecta. The X-ray continuum emission is modulated with the photometric and spectroscopic period observed in quiescence. The continuum at day 235 indicated a WD atmosphere at a consistent effective temperature of 25 days earlier, but with a lower flux. The effective temperature indicates a mass of ~1 solar mass. The conclusion of partial WD obscuration is supported by the complex geometry of non-spherically-symmetric ejecta confirmed in recent optical spectra obtained with the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) in November and December of 2012. These spectra exhibited prominent [O III] nebular lines with velocity structures typical of bipolar ejecta.Comment: Accepted to ApJ 2013 October 23, 14 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    Parent population of flat-spectrum radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies

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    Flat-spectrum radio-loud Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s) are a recently discovered class of γ\gamma-ray emitting Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), that exhibit some blazar-like properties which are explained with the presence of a relativistic jet viewed at small angles. When blazars are observed at larger angles they appear as radio-galaxies, and we expect to observe an analogue parent population for beamed NLS1s. However, the number of known NLS1s with the jet viewed at large angles is not enough. Therefore, we tried to understand the origin of this deficit. Current hypotheses about the nature of parent sources are steep-spectrum radio-loud NLS1s, radio-quiet NLS1s and disk-hosted radio-galaxies. To test these hypotheses we built three samples of candidate sources plus a control sample, and calculated their black hole mass and Eddington ratio using their optical spectra. We then performed a Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test to investigate the compatibility of our different samples with a beamed population. Our results indicate that, when the inclination angle increases, a beamed source appears as a steep-spectrum radio-loud NLS1, or possibly even as a disk-hosted radio-galaxy with low black hole mass and high Eddington ratio. Further investigations, involving larger complete samples and observations at radio frequency, are needed to understand the incidence of disk-hosted radio-galaxies in the parent population, and to assess whether radio-quiet NLS1s can play a role, as well.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication by Astronomy and Astrophysic