1,666 research outputs found

    The molecular chaperone Hsp90 is a component of the cap-binding complex and interacts with the translational repressor Cup during Drosophila oogenesis

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    In metazoa, the spatio-temporal translation of diverse mRNAs is essential to guarantee proper oocyte maturation and early embryogenesis. The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), which binds the 5â€Č cap structure of eukaryotic mRNAs, associates with either stimulatory or inhibitory factors to modulate protein synthesis. In order to identify novel factors that might act at the translational level during Drosophila oogenesis, we have undertaken a functional proteomic approach and isolated the product of the Hsp83 gene, the evolutionarily conserved chaperone Hsp90, as a specific component of the cap-binding complex. Here we report that Hsp90 interacts in vitro with the translational repressor Cup. In addition, we show that Hsp83 and cup interact genetically, since lowering Hsp90 activity enhances the oogenesis alterations linked to diverse cup mutant alleles. Hsp90 and Cup co-localize in the cytoplasm of the developing germ-line cells within the germarium, thus suggesting a common function from the earliest stages of oogenesis. Taken together, our data start elucidating the role of Hsp90 during Drosophila female germ-line development and strengthen the idea that Cup has multiple essential functions during egg chamber development

    An epistatic mini-circuitry between the transcription factors Snail and HNF4a controls liver stem cell and hepatocyte features exhorting opposite regulation on stemness-inhibiting microRNAs

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    Preservation of the epithelial state involves the stable repression of EMT program while maintenance of the stem compartment requires the inhibition of differentiation processes. A simple and direct molecular mini-circuitry between master elements of these biological processes, may provide the best device to keep balanced such complex phenomena. In this work, we show that in hepatic stem cell Snail, a transcriptional repressor of the hepatocyte differentiation master gene HNF4, directly represses the expression of the epithelial microRNAs-200c and -34a, which in turn target several stem cell genes. Notably, in differentiated hepatocytes HNF4, previously identified as a transcriptional repressor of Snail, induces the microRNAs-34a and -200a, b, c that, when silenced, causes epithelial dedifferentiation and reacquisition of stem traits. Altogether these data unveiled Snail, HNF4 and microRNAs -200a, b, c and -34a as epistatic elements controlling hepatic stem cell maintenance/differentiation

    Protein-DNA/RNA Interactions: An Overview of Investigation Methods in the -Omics Era

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    The fields of application of functional proteomics are not limited to the study of protein-protein interactions; they also extend to those involving protein complexes that bind DNA or RNA. These interactions affect fundamental processes such as replication, transcription, and repair in the case of DNA, as well as transport, translation, splicing, and silencing in the case of RNA. Analytical or preparative experimental approaches, both in vivo and in vitro, have been developed to isolate and identify DNA/RNA binding proteins by exploiting the advantage of the affinity shown by these proteins toward a specific oligonucleotide sequence. The present review proposes an overview of the approaches most commonly employed in proteomics applications for the identification of nucleic acid-binding proteins, such as affinity purification (AP) protocols, EMSA, chromatin purification methods, and CRISPR-based chromatin affinity purification, which are generally associated with mass spectrometry methodologies for the unbiased protein identification

    Preclinical Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Safety of Sucroferric Oxyhydroxide.

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    Sucroferric oxyhydroxide (VELPHORO(Âź)) is a polynuclear iron-based phosphate binder recently approved for the treatment of hyperphosphataemia in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). As a number of the available phosphate binders do not provide the optimal combination of good efficacy, adequate tolerability and low pill burden, sucroferric oxyhydroxide constitutes a promising alternative. Among the attributes of an ideal phosphate binder is minimal absorption and, hence, low risk of systemic toxicity. Accordingly, the iron-releasing properties and absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) profile of sucroferric oxyhydroxide, as well as the possibility of iron accumulation and toxicity, were investigated in a series of preclinical studies. The effect of sucroferric oxyhydroxide on the progression of vascular calcification was also investigated. Sucroferric oxyhydroxide exhibited a high phosphate-binding capacity and low iron-releasing properties across the physiological pH range found in the gastrointestinal tract. In the ADME studies, uptake of (59)Fe-radiolabelled sucroferric oxyhydroxide was low in rats and dogs (<1% from a 50 mg Fe/kg bodyweight dose), with the majority of absorbed iron located in red blood cells. Long-term (up to 2 years) administration of sucroferric oxyhydroxide in rats and dogs was associated with modest increases in tissue iron levels and no iron toxicity. Moreoever, in uraemic rats, sucroferric oxyhydroxide was associated with reduced progression of vascular calcification compared with calcium carbonate. In conclusion, sucroferric oxyhydroxide offers a new option for the treatment of hyperphosphataemia, with a high phosphate-binding capacity, minimal iron release, and low potential for iron accumulation and toxicity

    Effects of a medium cut-off (Theranova®) dialyser on haemodialysis patients: a prospective, cross-over study

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    Background. Despite significant advances in haemodialysis (HD) in recent decades, current dialysis techniques are limited by inadequate removal of uraemic solutes such as middle molecules and protein-bound uraemic toxins. Novel medium cut-off (MCO) membrane or \u2018expanded haemodialysis\u2019 (HDx) provides diffusive removal of conventional and large middle molecular weight uraemic toxins, with marginal albumin leak. Methods. This prospective, open-label, controlled, cross-over pilot study compared HDx (novel MCO membrane TheranovaVR 400) and conventional HD in 20 prevalent HD patients. Biochemical, dialysis adequacy and safety measures (adverse events, infections and hospitalization frequency) were recorded. Ten patients underwent conventional HD high-flux dialyser and 10 patients underwent HDx for 3 months, and the patients then switched and received the other treatment for a further 3 months. Results. Treatment with HDx was associated with a significant reduction in serum albumin concentration [median (interquartile range) reduction 0.45 g/dL (0.575 to 0.05); P \ubc 0.025]. However, median albumin levels were 3.5 g/dL and no patients had clinical symptoms of hypoalbuminaemia or needed intravenous albumin administration. The number of infections was lower in patients treated with HDx (n \ubc 7/19) compared with patients treated with HD (n \ubc 14/20; P \ubc 0.03). Patients treated with HDx had reduced levels of interleukin (IL)-1b (from 0.06 6 0.02 pg/mL versus 0.28 6 0.18 pg/mL with HD) and IL-6 (6.45 6 1.57 pg/mL versus 9.48 6 2.15 pg/mL), while tumour necrosis factor-a levels remain unchanged. Conclusions. This study demonstrates that the chronic use of the novel MCO dialyser TheranovaVR appears to be safe and well-tolerated, without serious side effects or hypoalbuminaemia, as well as fewer infections. These results need to be confirmed in larger randomized clinical trials

    Lysines Acetylome and Methylome Profiling of H3 and H4 Histones in Trichostatin A-Treated Stem Cells

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    Trichostatin A ([R-(E,E)]-7-[4-(dimethylamino) phenyl]-N-hydroxy- 4,6-dimethyl- 7-oxo-2,4-heptadienamide, TSA) affects chromatin state through its potent histone deacetylase inhibitory activity. Interfering with the removal of acetyl groups from lysine residues in histones is one of many epigenetic regulatory processes that control gene expression. Histone deacetylase inhibition drives cells toward the differentiation stage, favoring the activation of specific genes. In this paper, we investigated the effects of TSA on H3 and H4 lysine acetylome and methylome profiling in mice embryonic stem cells (ES14), treated with trichostatin A (TSA) by using a new, untargeted approach, consisting of trypsin-limited proteolysis experiments coupled with MALDI-MS and LC-MS/MS analyses. The method was firstly set up on standard chicken core histones to probe the optimized conditions in terms of enzyme:substrate (E:S) ratio and time of proteolysis and, then, applied to investigate the global variations of the acetylation and methylation state of lysine residues of H3 and H4 histone in the embryonic stem cells (ES14) stimulated by TSA and addressed to differentiation. The proposed strategy was found in its simplicity to be extremely effective in achieving the identification and relative quantification of some of the most significant epigenetic modifications, such as acetylation and lysine methylation. Therefore, we believe that it can be used with equal success in wider studies concerning the characterization of all epigenetic modifications

    Multistep, sequential control of the trafficking and function of the multiple sulfatase deficiency gene product, SUMF1 by PDI, ERGIC-53 and ERp44.

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    Sulfatase modifying factor 1 (SUMF1) encodes for the formylglicine generating enzyme, which activates sulfatases by modifying a key cysteine residue within their catalytic domains. SUMF1 is mutated in patients affected by multiple sulfatase deficiency, a rare recessive disorder in which all sulfatase activities are impaired. Despite the absence of canonical retention/retrieval signals, SUMF1 is largely retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where it exerts its enzymatic activity on nascent sulfatases. Part of SUMF1 is secreted and paracrinally taken up by distant cells. Here we show that SUMF1 interacts with protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) and ERp44, two thioredoxin family members residing in the early secretory pathway, and with ERGIC-53, a lectin that shuttles between the ER and the Golgi. Functional assays reveal that these interactions are crucial for controlling SUMF1 traffic and function. PDI couples SUMF1 retention and activation in the ER. ERGIC-53 and ERp44 act downstream, favoring SUMF1 export from and retrieval to the ER, respectively. Silencing ERGIC-53 causes proteasomal degradation of SUMF1, while down-regulating ERp44 promotes its secretion. When over-expressed, each of three interactors favors intracellular accumulation. Our results reveal a multistep control of SUMF1 trafficking, with sequential interactions dynamically determining ER localization, activity and secretion

    Experimental generalized quantum suppression law in Sylvester interferometers

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    Photonic interference is a key quantum resource for optical quantum computation, and in particular for so-called boson sampling machines. In interferometers with certain symmetries, genuine multiphoton quantum interference effectively suppresses certain sets of events, as in the original Hong-Ou-Mandel effect. Recently, it was shown that some classical and semi-classical models could be ruled out by identifying such suppressions in Fourier interferometers. Here we propose a suppression law suitable for random-input experiments in multimode Sylvester interferometers, and verify it experimentally using 4- and 8-mode integrated interferometers. The observed suppression is stronger than what is observed in Fourier interferometers of the same size, and could be relevant to certification of boson sampling machines and other experiments relying on bosonic interference.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures + 11 pages, 3 figures Supplementary Informatio

    Cinacalcet adherence in dialysis patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism in Lombardy Region: clinical implications and costs

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    Background: Patients on dialysis often have secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT), a disorder associated with renal osteodystrophy, progressive vascular calcification, cardiovascular disease, and death. The objective of this retrospective observational study was to evaluate, in dialysis patients with SHPT, the impact of different levels of adherence to cinacalcet therapy on hospitalisations and direct healthcare costs charged to the Lombardy Regional Health Service (Italy). Methods: Data recorded in the administrative databases on all citizens undergoing dialysis between 1 January 2011 and 31 December 2011 were selected. For the aim of this study, patients with SHPT already on dialysis in the first 6 months of 2009 who had been treated with cinacalcet for at least 365 days were selected and retrospectively analysed through to end of 2012. Healthcare resource utilisation, cinacalcet adherence, and costs for medication, hospitalisations, and diagnostic/therapeutic procedures were estimated. Results: A total of 994 patients were identified (mean age 63.0 years, females 43.5%). The first patient tertile had an adherence to cinacalcet of <64.1%, whereas the third had an adherence of over 91.5%. Patients in the third adherence tertile experienced fewer all-causes hospitalisations than those in the first tertile (-19.2%; p=0.01423), fractures (-37.1%; p=0.59422), cardiovascular disease (-23.8%; p=0.04025), and sepsis (-32.3%; p=0.01386). The increase in costs for cinacalcet-adherent patients is almost completely offset by the reduction in costs for hospitalisations. Conclusions: The results of the analysis suggest that there may be some correlation between a high level of cinacalcet adherence and a decrease in hospitalisations
