5,852 research outputs found

    Distress in couples coping with cancer: A meta-analysis and critical review of role and gender effects

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    Research concerning distress in couples coping with cancer was integrated using meta-analysis and narrative critical appraisal. Individual levels of distress were determined more by gender than by the role of being the person with cancer versus that person's partner. That is, women reported consistently more distress than men regardless of their role (standardized mean difference = 0.31). The association between patient and partner distress within couples was only moderate (r = .29) but is sufficient to warrant further consideration of the notion that these couples react as an emotional system rather than as individuals. It is noteworthy that this association is not moderated by gender. With a general lack of comparison groups, the question of how much distress can be ascribed to the cancer experience cannot be answered decisively; elevations in distress are probably modest. We critically discuss these results, identify important unanswered questions, and indicate directions for future research. Attention needs to be directed toward factors other than cancer as direct influences of distress in these couples and to mediators and moderators of the cancer experience. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2008 APA, all rights reserved)

    Spectroscopic analyses of Fe and water in clays: A Martian surface weathering study

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    Martian surface morphology suggests the presence of liquid H2O on Mars in the past. Reflectance spectra of the Martian surface include features which correspond to the crystal field transitions of iron, as well as features supporting the presence of ice and minerals containing structural OH and surface water. Researchers initiated further spectroscopic studies of surface iron and water and structural OH in clays in order to determine what remotely obtained spectra can indicate about the presence of clays on Mars based on a clearer understanding of the factors influencing the spectral features. Current technology allows researchers to better correlate the low frequency fundamental stretching and bending vibrations of O-H bonds with the diagnostic near infrared overtone and combination bands used in mineral characterization and identification

    The Fecal Coliform/Fecal Streptococci Ratio (FC/FS) And Water Quality in the Bluegrass Region of Kentucky

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    In the mid 70\u27 s, someone noticed that the ratio of two indicator bacteria in fecal wastes - fecal coliforms (FC) and fecal streptococci (FS) - was characteristic of particular animal wastes. In human wastes, the fecal coliform/fecal streptococci ratio (FC/FS ratio) was greater than 4. In domesticated animals, like cattle, the ratio was between 0.1 and 4.0. In wild animals, the ratio was less than 0.1. Since that time, many attempts have been made to use the ratio to determine the source of fecal bacteria in contaminated ground water

    Gonadal hormones, but not sex, affect the acquisition and maintenance of a Go/No-Go odor discrimination task in mice

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    In mice, olfaction is crucial for identifying social odors (pheromones) that signal the presence of suitable mates. We used a custom-built olfactometer and a thirst-motivated olfactory discrimination Go/No-Go (GNG) task to ask whether discrimination of volatile odors is sexually dimorphic and modulated in mice by adult sex hormones. Males and females gonadectomized prior to training failed to learn even the initial phase of the task, which involved nose poking at a port in one location obtaining water at an adjacent port. Gonadally intact males and females readily learned to seek water when male urine (S+) was present but not when female urine (S−) was present; they also learned the task when non-social odorants (amyl acetate, S+; peppermint, S−) were used. When mice were gonadectomized after training the ability of both sexes to discriminate urinary as well as non-social odors was reduced; however, after receiving testosterone propionate (castrated males) or estradiol benzoate (ovariectomized females), task performance was restored to pre-gonadectomy levels. There were no overall sex differences in performance across gonadal conditions in tests with either set of odors; however, ovariectomized females performed more poorly than castrated males in tests with non-social odors. Our results show that circulating sex hormones enable mice of both sexes to learn a GNG task and that gonadectomy reduces, while hormone replacement restores, their ability to discriminate between odors irrespective of the saliency of the odors used. Thus, gonadal hormones were essential for both learning and maintenance of task performance across sex and odor type.We thank David Giese for help in programming the apparatus used in GNG testing and Alberto Cruz-Martin for comments on an early version of the manuscript. This work was supported by NIDCD grant DC008962 to JAC. (DC008962 - NIDCD grant)Accepted manuscrip

    Agricultural Impacts on Fecal Contamination of Shallow Groundwaters in the Bluegrass Region of Kentucky

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    Any farming practices that degrade water quality contribute to agricultural nonpoint source pollution. This is a problem in Kentucky\u27s Bluegrass region where shallow soils and karst geology permit surface contaminants to reach groundwater quickly. Real and perceived threats to public health may make groundwater protection plans a reality if evidence for non-point source pollution in agricultural areas continues to grow

    Diagnosis of uterine torsion during cesarean section: a case series

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    Partial rotation of the uterus up to 45 degrees is a common physiological finding during pregnancy whereas uterine torsion is pathologic and defined as rotation greater than 45 degrees. Torsion of up to 720 degrees has been reported; with most cases occurring between 90 degrees and 180 degrees. While uterine torsion in pregnancy requires emergent intervention, the incidence is unknown. Most cases of uterine torsion are diagnosed intra-operatively at emergent cesarean section following non-specific clinical presentation, such as fetal heart rate decelerations or bradycardia, severe abdominal pain, hypotension, or vaginal bleeding. In this case series, we report on two cases of one woman with gravid uterine levorotation of 180 degrees and another with gravid uterine dextrorotation of 180 degrees

    Fecal Bacteria in Agricultural Waters of the Bluegrass Region of Kentucky

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    Agricultural runoff influenced by nonpoint pollution frequently exceeds the USEPA standards for bacterial contamination of primary contact water (200 fecal coliforms/100 mL). Few studies have evaluated the effect of cattle (Bos taurus) grazing on fecal contamination of ground water in the karst topography of central Kentucky. Our objectives were to: (i) observe the extent and pattern of fecal bacteria in agricultural waters from two central Kentucky watersheds; (ii) determine if monthly sampling accurately assessed the extent and variability of fecal contamination; and (iii) assess the fecal coliform/fecal streptococci ratio (FC/FS) as an indicator of fecal bacteria source. Springs, streams, and wells in two agricultural watersheds typical of central Kentucky were monitored for fecal coliform and fecal streptococci from December 1991 to January 1993. Springs and wells exceeded primary contact water standards, between 28 and 74% of the time; streams exceeded water quality standards between 87 and 100% of the time. When fecal bacteria were present, rainfall rapidly moved them from the soil surface into spring and well water. At two springs in Fleming county, only 29% of samples exceeded primary contact standards before cattle were present; 80% exceeded standards after cattle began grazing the surrounding pasture. Monthly sampling adequately reflected the extent of fecal contamination in our study, which had relatively continuous cattle grazing. Although the FC/FS ratio identified domestic animal contamination sources, it did not distinguish between domestic animal and human sources of contamination

    How Do Bacteria Move Through Soil?

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    The contamination of water supplies by fecal bacteria is an important water quality issue in Kentucky. Contamination may come from point sources, such as straight pipes depositing raw sewage into streams, or nonpoint sources, such as manure runoff from cropland. A direct cost of contaminating water supplies is the expense that homesteads or water companies incur to chlorinate, filter, and otherwise treat water to make it potable. Indirect costs are the time lost to illness from drinking inadequately treated water, slower weight gain in livestock drinking contaminated water, and the degradation of aquatic habitats

    Identification of quantitative trait loci controlling root and shoot traits associated with drought tolerance in a lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) recombinant inbred line population

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    Drought is one of the major abiotic stresses limiting lentil productivity in rainfed production systems. Specific rooting patterns can be associated with drought avoidance mechanisms that can be used in lentil breeding programs. In all, 252 co-dominant and dominant markers were used for Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) analysis on 132 lentil recombinant inbred lines based on greenhouse experiments for root and shoot traits during two seasons under progressive drought-stressed conditions. Eighteen QTLs controlling a total of 14 root and shoot traits were identified. A QTL-hotspot genomic region related to a number of root and shoot characteristics associated with drought tolerance such as dry root biomass, root surface area, lateral root number, dry shoot biomass and shoot length was identified. Interestingly, a QTL (QRSratioIX-2.30) related to root-shoot ratio, an important trait for drought avoidance, explaining the highest phenotypic variance of 27.6 and 28.9% for the two consecutive seasons, respectively, was detected. This QTL was closed to the co-dominant SNP marker TP6337 and also flanked by the two SNP TP518 and TP1280. An important QTL (QLRNIII-98.64) related to lateral root number was found close to TP3371 and flanked by TP5093 and TP6072 SNP markers. Also, a QTL (QSRLIV-61.63) associated with specific root length was identified close to TP1873 and flanked by F7XEM6b SRAP marker and TP1035 SNP marker. These two QTLs were detected in both seasons. Our results could be used for marker-assisted selection in lentil breeding programs targeting root and shoot characteristics conferring drought avoidance as an efficient alternative to slow and labor-intensive conventional breeding methods

    Particle Size and Temperature Affect Fecal Bacteria Survival in Sediment

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    When cattle have direct access to streams, fecal bacteria concentrations in stream sediments increase. If these bacteria persist, and if the sediments are resuspended, fecal bacteria may also appear in surrounding water for extended periods. Why do fecal bacteria persist, since dry conditions, high acidity or alkalinity, sunlight, competition from native microbes, and extreme temperatures all diminish their populations in soil? The effects of these environmental factors are much reduced in sediment. Water protects fecal bacteria from desiccation and ultraviolet light. High temperatures can promote their regrowth in wet environments. Fecal bacteria also survive on fine-sized sediments in streams because the sediments have a high surface area. These factors may help explain our observations that streams flowing through pastures typically exceed Kentucky standards for primary contact water (200 fecal coliforms/100 ml) long after cattle depart. The fecal coliform/fecal streptococci ratio (FC/FS), is a tool in water quality assessment that diagnoses the source of fecal contamination, whether from people (FC/FS \u3e 4) or animals (FC/FS \u3c 0.1). The ratio is extremely variable and sensitive to the persistence of the indicator bacteria used in it. For example, we observed in central Kentucky streams that as the temperature increased during spring, the FC/FS ratio also increased. Fecal coliform growth shortly after manure deposition might explain some of the variability we have observed in our water monitoring studies. In this study we tried to account for the seasonal variability of FC/FS ratios in agricultural watersheds, and determine whether sediment particle size and water temperature interacted to influence fecal bacteria persistence and the FC/FS ratio
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