17,528 research outputs found

    Do coloured filters benefit reading beyond placebo?

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    Improved V II log(gfgf) Values, Hyperfine Structure Constants, and Abundance Determinations in the Photospheres of the Sun and Metal-poor Star HD 84937

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    New experimental absolute atomic transition probabilities are reported for 203 lines of V II. Branching fractions are measured from spectra recorded using a Fourier transform spectrometer and an echelle spectrometer. The branching fractions are normalized with radiative lifetime measurements to determine the new transition probabilities. Generally good agreement is found between this work and previously reported V II transition probabilities. Use of two spectrometers, independent radiometric calibration methods, and independent data analysis routines enables a reduction in systematic uncertainties, in particular those due to optical depth errors. In addition, new hyperfine structure constants are measured for selected levels by least squares fitting line profiles in the FTS spectra. The new V II data are applied to high resolution visible and UV spectra of the Sun and metal-poor star HD 84937 to determine new, more accurate V abundances. Lines covering a range of wavelength and excitation potential are used to search for non-LTE effects. Very good agreement is found between our new solar photospheric V abundance, log {\epsilon}(V) = 3.95 from 15 V II lines, and the solar-system meteoritic value. In HD 84937, we derive [V/H] = -2.08 from 68 lines, leading to a value of [V/Fe] = 0.24.Comment: 32 pages, 7 tables (3 machine-readable), 8 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ

    Making automation pay - cost & throughput trade-offs in the manufacture of large composite components

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    The automation of complex manufacturing operations can provide significant savings over manual processes, and there remains much scope for increasing automation in the production of large scale structural composites. However the relationships between driving variables are complex, and the achievable throughput rate and corresponding cost for a given design are often not apparent. The deposition rate, number of machines required and unit production rates needed are interrelated and consequently the optimum unit cost is difficult to predict. A detailed study of the costs involved for a series of composite wing cover panels with different manufacturing requirements was undertaken. Panels were sized to account for manufacturing requirements and structural load requirements allowing both manual and automated lay-up procedures to influence design. It was discovered that the introduction of automated tape lay-up can significantly reduce material unit cost, and improve material utilisation, however higher production rates are needed to see this benefit

    Modeling the Performance of the Intermittent Sand Filter

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    Several models were developed to predict the efficiency of the intermittent sand filter (ISF) in removing algae from wastewater stabilization pond effluent; volatile suspended solids (VSS) was the analytical technique used to identify algal concentrations. The first (ISF model) and second (modified ISF model) models consisted of two distinct portions: a surface algal layer (SAL) component and a sand phase component. In the ISF model, the sand phase component was described in terms of 20 empirical sand filter efficiency terms (20 ^ coefficients); in the modified ISF model, a functional relationship between ^ and filter depth was developed. The modified ISF model was less accurate than the ISF model in predicting filter effluent quality. The third model (simplified ISF model) consisted of a single component (the sand phase). The mass of algae which was deposited to the SAL componenet in the first two models was, instead, forced into the top (2 inch) layer of sand. The functional relationship between the sand phase filter term and filter depth was recalculated and utilized to desribe the decrease in the concentration of algae during the filtration process. The simplified ISF model was comparable to the ISF model in predicting filter effluent quality. The simplified model predicted 85 percent VSS removal for 0.17 mm effective sand size (E\u27) filters and 44 percent VSS removal for 0.40 and 0.68 mm E\u27 filters. The application of the simplified ISF model is subject to limitations of maximum hydraulic loading rates of 0.7 million gallons per acre per day and miximum mass loadings of 49 grams of SS per m^2 per day for 0.17 mm effective size sand. Design curves, in which period of filter operation was described as a function of mass loading, were developed for ISF systems containing 0.17, 0.40, and 0.68 mm E\u27 media. Wastewater stabilization pond effluents having calcium carbonate precipitation problems were included as a special case in this analysis

    Theoretical study of resonant x-ray emission spectroscopy of Mn films on Ag

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    We report a theoretical study on resonant x-ray emission spectra (RXES) in the whole energy region of the Mn L2,3L_{2,3} white lines for three prototypical Mn/Ag(001) systems: (i) a Mn impurity in Ag, (ii) an adsorbed Mn monolayer on Ag, and (iii) a thick Mn film. The calculated RXES spectra depend strongly on the excitation energy. At L3L_3 excitation, the spectra of all three systems are dominated by the elastic peak. For excitation energies around L2L_2, and between L3L_3 and L2L_2, however, most of the spectral weight comes from inelastic x-ray scattering. The line shape of these inelastic ``satellite'' structures changes considerably between the three considered Mn/Ag systems, a fact that may be attributed to changes in the bonding nature of the Mn-dd orbitals. The system-dependence of the RXES spectrum is thus found to be much stronger than that of the corresponding absorption spectrum. Our results suggest that RXES in the Mn L2,3L_{2,3} region may be used as a sensitive probe of the local environment of Mn atoms.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Spitzer/MIPS 24 μm Observations of HD 209458b: Three Eclipses, Two and a Half Transits, and a Phase Curve Corrupted by Instrumental Sensitivity Variations

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    We report the results of an analysis of all Spitzer/MIPS 24 μm observations of HD 209458b, one of the touchstone objects in the study of irradiated giant planet atmospheres. Altogether, we analyze two and a half transits, three eclipses, and a 58 hr near-continuous observation designed to detect the planet's thermal phase curve. The results of our analysis are: (1) a mean transit depth of 1.484% ± 0.033%, consistent with previous measurements and showing no evidence of variability in transit depth at the 3% level. (2) A mean eclipse depth of 0.338% ± 0.026%, somewhat higher than that previously reported for this system; this new value brings observations into better agreement with models. From this eclipse depth we estimate an average dayside brightness temperature of 1320 ± 80 K; the dayside flux shows no evidence of variability at the 12% level. (3) Eclipses in the system occur 32 ± 129 s earlier than would be expected from a circular orbit, which constrains the orbital quantity ecos ω to be 0.00004 ± 0.00033. This result is fully consistent with a circular orbit and sets an upper limit of 140 m s^(–1) (3σ) on any eccentricity-induced velocity offset during transit. The phase curve observations (including one of the transits) exhibit an anomalous trend similar to the detector ramp seen in previous Spitzer/IRAC observations; by modeling this ramp we recover the system parameters for this transit. The long-duration photometry which follows the ramp and transit exhibits a gradual ~0.2% decrease in flux over ~30 hr. This effect is similar to that seen in pre-launch calibration data taken with the 24 μm array and is better fit by an instrumental model than a model invoking planetary emission. The large uncertainties associated with this poorly understood, likely instrumental effect prevent us from usefully constraining the planet's thermal phase curve. Our observations highlight the need for a thorough understanding of detector-related instrumental effects on long timescales when making the high-precision mid-infrared measurements planned for future missions such as EChO, SPICA, and the James Webb Space Telescope

    Francis Daniels Moore: one of the brightest minds in the surgical field.

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    Francis Daniels Moore was a pioneer ahead of his time who made numerous landmark contributions to the field of surgery, including the understanding of metabolic physiology during surgery, liver and kidney transplant, and the famous Study on Surgical Services of the United States (SOSSUS) report of 1975 that served for decades as a guideline for development of surgical residencies. He was the epitome of what a physician should be, a compassionate and dedicated surgeon, innovative scientist, and a medical professional dedicated to quality medical education across all specialties