2 research outputs found
Kisses (The Sweetest Kisses of All): Fox Trot
Place of publication: New YorkInstrumental parts: Piano, Flute, First Clarinet, First Cornet, Second Cornet, Trombone, Drums, First Violin, Second Violin, Cello, Bass
The web of love
Gift of Dr. Mary Jane Esplen.sung in conjunction with James Cruze inc. all-dialog musical screen extravaganza ; the great gabbo ; personally directed by James Cruze ; starring Erich von Stroheim and Betty Compson with Margie (Babe) Kane and Don Douglas [note]Piano vocal ukulele [instrumentation]There's story very old [first line]Caught in the Web of Love [first line of chorus]G major [key]Moderato [tempo]Popular song [form/genre]Showgirls ; Erich von Stroheim, Betty Compson, Margie (Babe) Kane and Don Douglas (photograph) [illustration]Pom Griffith [graphic artist]Publisher's advertisement on back cover [note