64 research outputs found

    A tale of (M)2 twists

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    We study the parameter space of magnetically charged AdS2 × WCP[n−,n+]1\mathbb{WCP}_{[n-, n+]}^1 solutions in 4d U(1)4 gauged STU supergravity. We show that both twist and anti-twist solutions are realised and give constraints for their existence in terms of the magnetic charges of the solution. We provide infinite families of both classes of solution in terms of their magnetic charges and weights of the orbifold. As a byproduct of our analysis we obtain a closed form expression for the free-energy of the 4-charge magnetic solution in terms of the magnetic charges and weights n±. We also show that the AdS2 solution is the near-horizon of an asymptotically AdS4 black hole which can be found in the literature

    N = (0, 2) AdS3 solutions of type IIB and F-theory with generic fluxes

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    We consider the most general AdS3 solutions of type IIB supergravity admitting a dynamical SU(3) structure and preserving N\mathcal{N} = (0, 2) supersymmetry. The analysis is broken into three distinct classes depending on whether the dynamical SU(3) structure degenerates to a strict SU(3) structure. The first class we consider allows for a holomorphically varying axio-dilaton consistent with the presence of (p, q) 7-branes in addition to D3-branes and (p, q) 5-branes. In the remaining two classes the axio-dilaton may vary but does not do so holomorphically. The second class of solution allows for 5-branes and 1-branes but no D3-branes, whilst in the final class all branes can be present. We illustrate our results with examples of such solutions including a new infinite family with all fluxes but the axion turned on

    F-theory and AdS_3/CFT_2 (2,0)

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    We continue to develop the program initiated in arXiv:1705.04679 of studying supersymmetric AdS_3 solutions of F-theory and their holographic dual 2d superconformal field theories, which are dimensional reductions of 4d theories with varying coupling. Imposing 2d N=(0,2) supersymmetry, we derive the general conditions on the geometry for Type IIB AdS_3 solutions with varying axio-dilaton and five-form flux. We discuss a class of solutions, which extend AdS_3 x T^2 x M_5 Type IIB backgrounds, to F-theory geometries of the type AdS_3 x K3 x M_5 with varying axio-dilaton characterizing the elliptic fiber of the K3, and describe their dual field theories. For a specific choice of M_5 this corresponds to a family of solutions that are conjectured to be dual to twisted compactifications of 4d N=1 Y^{p,q} quiver gauge theories on a curve with varying coupling. For this setup, we compare the central charges from holography and field theory and find agreement to subleading order in N. Requiring enhanced 2d N=(2,2) supersymmetry we find that the axio-dilaton must be constant. However, if the internal geometry is allowed to be non-compact, we obtain the most general class of Type IIB AdS_5 solutions with varying axio-dilaton, i.e. F-theoretic solutions, that are dual to 4d N=1 SCFTs.Comment: 110 pages. v2: Significant additional results added: two new classes of F-theory solutions with (0,2) supersymmetry included and compared with dual field theorie

    A geometric dual of F-maximization in massive type IIA

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    Using equivariant localization we construct a geometric dual of F-maximization in massive type IIA supergravity. Our results use only topological data to quantize the fluxes, compute the free-energy and conformal dimensions of operators in the dual field theory without the need for explicit solutions. We utilize our formalism to study various classes of solutions, including examples where an explicit solution is not known

    Black Holes and (0,4) SCFTs from Type IIB on K3

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    We study the central charges and levels of 2d N=(0,4)\mathcal{N}=(0,4) superconformal field theories that are dual to four- and five-dimensional BPS black holes in compactifications of type IIB string theory on a K3 surface. They arise from wrapping a D3-brane on a curve CC inside K3 and have transverse space either an ALE or ALF space. These D3-branes have an AdS3×S3/Γ_3 \times \mathrm{S}^3/ \Gamma near horizon geometry where Γ\Gamma is a discrete subgroup of SU(2)SU(2). We compute the central charges and levels of the 2d SCFTs both in the microscopic picture and from six-dimensional N=(2,0)\mathcal{N}=(2,0) supergravity. These quantities determine the black hole entropy via Cardy's formula. We find agreement between the microscopic and macroscopic computations. The contributions from one-loop quantum corrections to the macroscopic result are crucial for this matching.Comment: 36 pages; v2: published version, footnotes added, minor typos correcte

    Supersymmetric AdS<sub>5</sub> solutions of type IIB supergravity without D3 branes

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    We analyse the most general bosonic supersymmetric solutions of type IIB supergravity whose metrics are warped products of five-dimensional anti-de Sitter space (AdS5_5) with a five-dimensional Riemannian manifold M5M_{5}, where the five-form flux vanishes, while all remaining fluxes are allowed to be non-vanishing consistent with SO(4,2) symmetry. This completes the program of classifying all supersymmetric solutions of ten and eleven-dimensional supergravity with an AdS5_5 factor. We investigate the supersymmetry conditions in some special cases, and demonstrate how these are satisfied by a solution originally found in arXiv:1410.2650[hep-th], utilising the method of non-Abelian T-duality.Comment: 33 pages; v2 references added, minor change to conclusio

    F-theory and AdS_3/CFT_2

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    We construct supersymmetric AdS_3 solutions in F-theory, that is Type IIB supergravity with varying axio-dilaton, which are holographically dual to 2d N=(0,4) superconformal field theories with small superconformal algebra. In F-theory these arise from D3-branes wrapped on curves in the base of an elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau threefold Y_3 and correspond to strings in the 6d N=(1,0) theory obtained from F-theory on Y_3. The non-trivial fibration over the wrapped curves implies a varying coupling of the N=4 Super-Yang-Mills theory on the D3-branes. We compute the holographic central charges and show that these agree with the field theory and with the anomalies of self-dual strings in 6d. We complement our analysis with a discussion of the dual M-theory solutions and a comparison of the central charges.Comment: 83 pages, v2: references added, typos correcte

    A plethora of Type IIA embeddings for d = 5 minimal supergravity

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    We construct multiple embeddings of all solutions of d = 5 minimal (un)gauged supergravity into massive Type IIA supergravity. The internal spaces and warpings of such embeddings are the same as those of the N = 1 supersymmetric (Mink5) AdS5 vacua, with the slight modification that the U(1) R-symmetry direction becomes fibered over the external space by the d = 5 gauge field. In addition the fluxes are appropriately modified. There are many distinct types of the aforementioned internal spaces and as such many different embeddings of the d = 5 supergravity. As examples of our setup we provide new solutions dual to six-dimensional, N = (1, 0) SCFTs compactified on the product of a constant curvature Riemann surface and a spindle. We also provide a multitude of massive Type IIA embeddings for rotating, asymptotically AdS5 black hole solutions

    F-theory and AdS3/CFT2 (2,0)

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    We continue to develop the program initiated in arXiv:1705.04679 of studying supersymmetric AdS_3 solutions of F-theory and their holographic dual 2d superconformal field theories, which are dimensional reductions of 4d theories with varying coupling. Imposing 2d N=(0,2) supersymmetry, we derive the general conditions on the geometry for Type IIB AdS_3 solutions with varying axio-dilaton and five-form flux. We discuss a class of solutions, which extend AdS_3 x T^2 x M_5 Type IIB backgrounds, to F-theory geometries of the type AdS_3 x K3 x M_5 with varying axio-dilaton characterizing the elliptic fiber of the K3, and describe their dual field theories. For a specific choice of M_5 this corresponds to a family of solutions that are conjectured to be dual to twisted compactifications of 4d N=1 Y^{p,q} quiver gauge theories on a curve with varying coupling. For this setup, we compare the central charges from holography and field theory and find agreement to subleading order in N. Requiring enhanced 2d N=(2,2) supersymmetry we find that the axio-dilaton must be constant. However, if the internal geometry is allowed to be non-compact, we obtain the most general class of Type IIB AdS_5 solutions with varying axio-dilaton, i.e. F-theoretic solutions, that are dual to 4d N=1 SCFTs.Comment: 110 pages. v2: Significant additional results added: two new classes of F-theory solutions with (0,2) supersymmetry included and compared with dual field theorie
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