27 research outputs found

    Transcriptome Analysis of the Model Protozoan, Tetrahymena thermophila, Using Deep RNA Sequencing

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    Background: The ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila is a well-studied single-celled eukaryote model organism for cellular and molecular biology. However, the lack of extensive T. thermophila cDNA libraries or a large expressed sequence tag (EST) database limited the quality of the original genome annotation. Methodology/Principal Findings: This RNA-seq study describes the first deep sequencing analysis of the T. thermophila transcriptome during the three major stages of the life cycle: growth, starvation and conjugation. Uniquely mapped reads covered more than 96 % of the 24,725 predicted gene models in the somatic genome. More than 1,000 new transcribed regions were identified. The great dynamic range of RNA-seq allowed detection of a nearly six order-of-magnitude range of measurable gene expression orchestrated by this cell. RNA-seq also allowed the first prediction of transcript untranslated regions (UTRs) and an updated (larger) size estimate of the T. thermophila transcriptome: 57 Mb, or about 55 % of the somatic genome. Our study identified nearly 1,500 alternative splicing (AS) events distributed over 5.2 % of T. thermophila genes. This percentage represents a two order-of-magnitude increase over previous EST-based estimates in Tetrahymena. Evidence of stage-specific regulation of alternative splicing was also obtained. Finally, our study allowed us to completely confirm about 26.8 % of the genes originally predicted by the gene finder, to correct coding sequence boundaries an

    The Short Non-Coding Transcriptome of the Protozoan Parasite Trypanosoma cruzi

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    The pathway for RNA interference is widespread in metazoans and participates in numerous cellular tasks, from gene silencing to chromatin remodeling and protection against retrotransposition. The unicellular eukaryote Trypanosoma cruzi is missing the canonical RNAi pathway and is unable to induce RNAi-related processes. To further understand alternative RNA pathways operating in this organism, we have performed deep sequencing and genome-wide analyses of a size-fractioned cDNA library (16–61 nt) from the epimastigote life stage. Deep sequencing generated 582,243 short sequences of which 91% could be aligned with the genome sequence. About 95–98% of the aligned data (depending on the haplotype) corresponded to small RNAs derived from tRNAs, rRNAs, snRNAs and snoRNAs. The largest class consisted of tRNA-derived small RNAs which primarily originated from the 3′ end of tRNAs, followed by small RNAs derived from rRNA. The remaining sequences revealed the presence of 92 novel transcribed loci, of which 79 did not show homology to known RNA classes

    Chromatin-associated ncRNA activities

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    Mitoribosome Profiling from Human Cell Culture: A High Resolution View of Mitochondrial Translation

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    Ribosome profiling (Ribo-Seq) is a technique that allows genome-wide, quantitative analysis of translation. In recent years, it has found multiple applications in studies of translation in diverse organisms, tracking protein synthesis with single codon resolution. Traditional protocols applied for generating Ribo-Seq libraries from mammalian cell cultures are not suitable to study mitochondrial translation due to differences between eukaryotic cytosolic and mitochondrial ribosomes. Here, we present an adapted protocol enriching for mitoribosome footprints. In addition, we describe the preparation of small RNA sequencing libraries from the resultant mitochondrial ribosomal protected fragments (mtRPFs)

    Several RNase T2 enzymes function in induced tRNA and rRNA turnover in the ciliate Tetrahymena

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    The functions of eight Tetrahymena thermophila genes encoding RNase T2 family proteins (Rnt2 proteins) are explored in strains lacking one RNT2 gene or combinations of genes. At least three Tetrahymena RNase T2 enzymes are involved in the conditionally induced turnover of tRNA and rRNA

    Sucrose Gradient Sedimentation Analysis of Mitochondrial Ribosomes

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    Mitochondria contain ribosomes (mitoribosomes) specialized in the synthesis of a handful of proteins essential for oxidative phosphorylation. Therefore, mitoribosome integrity and function are essential for the life of eukaryotic cells and lesions that affect them result in devastating human disorders. To broadly analyze the integrity and assembly state of mitoribosomes it is useful to start by determining the sedimentation profile of these structures by sucrose gradient centrifugation of mitochondrial extracts. During centrifugation, mitoribosome subunits, monosomes and polysomes, and potentially accumulated assembly intermediates will sediment through the gradient at different rates. Sedimentation will depend on the centrifugal force applied and the density and viscosity of the gradient. Importantly, it will also depend on the size, shape, and density of the mitoribosome particles present in the samples under study. Variations of this technique, often coupled with additional downstream approaches, have been used to analyze the process of mitoribosome biogenesis, the composition of assembly intermediates, or to monitor the interaction of extraribosomal proteins with individual mitoribosome subunits or monosomes