7 research outputs found

    Leucemia mieloide aguda versus ocupação profissional: perfil dos trabalhadores atendidos no Hospital de Hematologia de Recife

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    O estudo objetivou conhecer o perfil dos trabalhadores em faixa etária economicamente ativa admitidos de 1997 a 2007 em hospital de hematologia com diagnóstico de leucemia mieloide aguda (LMA); verificar as profissões com maior prevalência entre os trabalhadores atendidos que foram a óbito e identificar os riscos ocupacionais compatíveis com o aparecimento da LMA nas profissões prevalentes. Estudo exploratório de natureza quantitativa. A maior parte dos perfis caracterizou-se por ser procedente do agreste e da região metropolitana do estado, do sexo masculino, pertencente à raça branca e com grau de escolaridade fundamental incompleto. As ocupações de maior destaque foram aquelas relacionadas à agricultura e ao trabalho doméstico, sendo as substâncias químicas utilizadas no processo de trabalho de ambas, de acordo com a literatura, possíveis fatores envolvidos no desencadeamento da patologia


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    This study was undertaken to evaluate the HPLC separation and quantification of several low molecular mass aldehydes and ketones, which may be produced during combustion in alcohol-fueled automobiles, by means of their dinitrophenylhydrazone derivatives. Stationary phases (ODS), mobile phase components (acetonitrile or methanol with water) and detection sensitivity at 254 and 365 nm were evaluated. Separation of eight dinitrophenylhydrazones could be achieved in approximately 20 minutes using a Zorbax ODS or a Supelcosil LC-PAH column with a MeOH:H2O (75:25 v/v) mobile phase. Complete separations were not obtained with either a Nova-Pack C-18 or an Ultrasphere ODS column. The use of acetonitrile-water mobile phases produces poorer resolution at all compositions tested. Quantification of the compounds by several methods was compared, with the lowest standard deviations being seen with the external standard method. The detection limit at 365 nm is less than 1.5 pmol for each of the 2,4-dinitrophenyl-hydrazones in the test solution. The method is being applied to the analysis of aldehydes and ketones in the exhaust of automobile engines fueled by ethanol-gasoline mixtures.374173218519

    The use of biomonitoring data in exposure and human health risk assessment: benzene case study

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