13 research outputs found

    CdSe/TiO2 core-shell nanoparticles produced in AOT reverse micelles: applications in pollutant photodegradation using visible light

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    CdSe quantum dots with a prominent band-edge photoluminescence were obtained by a soft AOT water-in-oil (w/o) microemulsion templating method with an estimated size of 2.7 nm. The CdSe particles were covered with a TiO2 layer using an intermediate SiO2 coupling reagent by a sol-gel process. The resulting CdSe/TiO2 core/shell nanoparticles showed appreciable photocatalytic activity at λ = 405 nm which can only originate because of electron injection from the conduction band of CdSe to that of TiO2

    A atuação do nutricionista na Atenção Básica à Saúde em um grande centro urbano The participation of the nutritionist in Primary Health Care in a large urban center

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    O nutricionista é um profissional importante na implementação de ações de promoção, tratamento e reabilitação da saúde. Porém, sua participação na Atenção Básica (AB) é reduzida. A cidade de São Paulo vem passando por um processo desigual de urbanização, produzindo novas situações de insegurança alimentar e nutricional. Este trabalho analisará a atuação do nutricionista na AB em um grande centro urbano. Trata-se de estudo de abordagem quantitativa no qual foram utilizados dados populacionais da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde e um questionário semiestruturado aplicado em entrevistas individuais. Encontraram-se 123 nutricionistas atuando na rede Básica de Saúde e 51 em Núcleos de Apoio à Saúde da Família (NASF). Todas as regiões do município apresentaram-se com menor número de nutricionistas quando comparada à recomendação do Conselho Federal de Nutricionistas. Em 57,3% dos NASF do município identificou-se a presença deste profissional. Cada nutricionista de NASF acompanha, em média, 7,1 equipes de saúde da família. As faixas etárias que correspondem à infância são as atendidas com menor frequência pelos nutricionistas das UBS e dos NASF. Comparando-se as atividades desenvolvidas, observa-se a transição de um modelo de assistência primária centrado no atendimento individual para um que prioriza o atendimento em grupo.<br>Nutritionists are important professionals for ensuring the implementation of health promotion, treatment and rehabilitation. However, their participation in primary healthcare from a quantitative standpoint is limited. The city of São Paulo has experienced an uneven urbanization process triggering new problems of insecurity in terms of food and nutrition. This article analyzes the performance of the primary healthcare nutritionist in a large urban center. It is a quantitative study that used data from the Municipal Health Department, population data of São Paulo and a semi-structured questionnaire applied in individual interviews. All regions of the city are found to have fewer nutritionists than the recommendation of the Federal Council of Nutritionists. There are 123 nutritionists in the basic healthcare network and 51 in the Family Health Support Nuclei (FHSN) (57.3%). Each nutritionist from the FHSN accompanies 7.1 family health strategy teams on average. The age groups corresponding to children are less frequently seen by nutritionists. Comparing the activities, the transition from a model of primary health care focused on individual care to a model that prioritizes group care was observed

    Lack of essential fatty acids in live feed during larval and post-larval rearing: effect on the performance of juvenile Solea senegalensis

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    Despite the large progress obtained in recent years, Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) production of high quality juveniles is still a bottleneck. This paper examines the effect of larval and post-larval lipid nutrition on juvenile performance and quality. Four dietary treatments were tested: A—enriched Artemia spp. (EA); B—non-enriched Artemia spp. (NEA); C—EA during the pelagic larval period and NEA after larval settlement; D—50% EA and 50% NEA. Juvenile fatty acid profile at 60 days after hatching (DAH) clearly reflected the larval and post-larval diet composition. Feeding sole larvae on NEA (poor in lipids and essential fatty acids-EFA) had a negative effect, reducing growth (total length and dry weight) after 30 DAH and decreasing digestive enzyme activity at the end of the rearing period (60 DAH). However, relatively good performance compared to the EFA-richest treatment (A) was obtained when larvae were fed 50% EA and 50% NEA (D) or even EA only during the pelagic larval period followed by NEA after larval settlement (C). Malpigmentation was not affected by the dietary regimes and its incidence was very low. However, skeletal deformities were prevalent, particularly in the caudal complex, independently of diet. The results confirm that Senegalese sole appear to have lower larval EFA requirements than most cultured marine species and potentially even lower requirements during the post-larval stage. The importance of studying the impact of early nutrition on later juvenile stages was clearly highlighted in this study