2 research outputs found

    Riscos psicossociais em enfermagem de terapia intensiva: reflexão sobre possíveis soluções

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    Aim: Discussing stress, burnout and possible solutions for coping with the nursing professional working in intensive care units. Method: this was a reflexive study. Results: it was noticed that the work stress comes from three main axes, the ICU setting, the work process in the environment in question and also the stress inherent in the activity itself of the nursing professional. From these issues, these factors were grouped into institutional, political and quality of life in the workplace, to elucidate. Conclusion: collective effort, political conditions and institutional aspects are necessary to improve the worker's quality of life. Individual resilience and coping are insufficient when the work environment is not adequate. Objetivo: discurtir sobre el estrés, el agotamiento y las posibles soluciones de afrontamiento del profesional de enfermería que trabajan en unidades de cuidado intensivo. Método: se trata de un estudio reflexivo. Resultados: se observó que el estrés laboral tiene origen en tres ejes principales, el ambiente de la UCI, el proceso de trabajo en este tipo de espacio y también el estrés propio de la actividad del profesional de enfermería. A partir de esas cuestiones, tales fueron agrupados en institucionales, político y de calidad de vida en el ambiente de trabajo. Conclusión: es necesario esfuerzo colectivo, condiciones políticas e institucionales favorables para mejorar la calidad de vida de los trabajadores. Resiliencia y afrontamiento individual son insuficientes cuando el ambiente de trabajo no es adecuado.Objetivo: discutir estresse, burnout e possíveis soluções de enfrentamento do profissional de enfermagem atuante em unidades de terapia intensiva. Método: tratou-se de um estudo do tipo reflexão. Resultados: percebeu-se que o estresse laboral advém de três eixos principais, o ambiente da UTI, o processo de trabalho no ambiente em questão e também o estresse inerente à própria atividade do profissional de enfermagem. A partir dessas questões, tais fatores foram agrupados em institucionais, políticos e de qualidade de vida em ambiente de trabalho. Conclusão: são necessários esforço coletivo, condições políticas e aspectos institucionais favoráveis para melhorar a qualidade de vida do trabalhador. A resiliência e enfrentamento individual mostram-se insuficientes quando o ambiente laboral não é adequado

    Respiratory, audiologic and cytogenetic alterations in workers of a shipyard in Rio de Janeiro: case study

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    <p></p><p>Abstract Introduction This study evaluated respiratory, audiological and cytogenetic alterations in shipyard workers in Angra dos Reis, state of Rio de Janeiro/Brazil, and their correlation to the occupational exposure of painters to solvents, metals and noise present. Methods We evaluated pulmonary function, hearing loss and speech recognition, as well as cytogenetic alterations. Indicators of exposure to lead and manganese in blood were evaluated by atomic absorption spectrometry. The determination of ALAD and ALA-U was performed by spectrophotometry and liquid chromatography, respectively. Results Six of the 9 workers evaluated for lung function had respiratory functional impairment. Almost 70% of the 18 evaluated workers had reduced hearing, with association between PAIR and values of lead in blood. The average percentage of recovery of ALAD was 32.9%; average was 1.7 mg g-1 creatinine for ALA-U, 4.65 µg dL-1 for Pb-B and 10 µg L-1 for Mn-B. We observed associations between activated ALA-D with Mn-B and the presence of chromosomal aberrations. Furthermore, we identified cytogenetic alterations as aneuploidy, premature centromere separation; as well as ring formation, breakage, and sister chromatid union. Conclusion Shipyard workers presented alterations that can be associated with occupational exposure.</p><p></p