1,628 research outputs found

    From Spitzer Galaxy Photometry to Tully-Fisher Distances

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    This paper involves a data release of the observational campaign: Cosmicflows with Spitzer (CFS). Surface photometry of the 1270 galaxies constituting the survey is presented. An additional ~ 400 galaxies from various other Spitzer surveys are also analyzed. CFS complements the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies, that provides photometry for an additional 2352 galaxies, by extending observations to low galactic latitudes (|b|<30 degrees). Among these galaxies are calibrators, selected in K band, of the Tully-Fisher relation. The addition of new calibrators demonstrate the robustness of the previously released calibration. Our estimate of the Hubble constant using supernova host galaxies is unchanged, H0 = 75.2 +/- 3.3 km/s/Mpc. Distance-derived radial peculiar velocities, for the 1935 galaxies with all the available parameters, will be incorporated into a new data release of the Cosmicflows project. The size of the previous catalog will be increased by 20%, including spatial regions close to the Zone of Avoidance.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 16 pages, 14 figures, 6 table

    Compiling Linguistic Constraints into Finite State Automata

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    International audienceThis paper deals with linguistic constraints encoded in the form of (binary) tables, generally called lexicon-grammar tables. We describe a unified method to compile sets of tables of linguistic constraints into Finite State Automata. This method has been practically implemented in the linguistic platform Unitex

    Study of the optimal conditions for NV- center formation in type 1b diamond, using photoluminescence and positron annihilation spectroscopies

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    We studied the parameters to optimize the production of negatively-charged nitrogen-vacancy color centers (NV-) in type~1b single crystal diamond using proton irradiation followed by thermal annealing under vacuum. Several samples were treated under different irradiation and annealing conditions and characterized by slow positron beam Doppler-broadening and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopies. At high proton fluences another complex vacancy defect appears limiting the formation of NV-. Concentrations as high as 2.3 x 10^18 cm^-3 of NV- have been estimated from PL measurements. Furthermore, we inferred the trapping coefficient of positrons by NV-. This study brings insight into the production of a high concentration of NV- in diamond, which is of utmost importance in ultra-sensitive magnetometry and quantum hybrid systems applications

    The feasibility of prolonged exposure therapy for PTSD in low-and middle-income countries: a review

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    There is a need in the global south to evaluate and implement empirically supported psychological interventions to ameliorate symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Empirically supported treatments (ESTs) have increasingly been developed and implemented, yet the majority people in the global south do not have access to these treatments for mental disorders such as PTSD. Prolonged exposure therapy has accrued substantial empirical evidence to show it as an effective treatment for PTSD. Research on the effectiveness and acceptability of prolonged exposure in a low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are sparse. This brief report presents a review of prolonged exposure (PE) therapy and its feasibility as a trauma therapy for PTSD in LMICs. First, we present a brief overview of PE as a first-line treatment for PTSD. Second, using South Africa as a case example, we present a brief overview of traumatic stress in South Africa and how mental healthcare has developed since the abolishment of apartheid in 1994. Lastly, we discuss the challenges pertaining to the dissemination and implementation of PE in LMICs and propose future perspectives regarding the implementation of ESTs such as PE in LMICs

    New results on focusing of gamma-rays with Laue lenses

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    We report on new results on the development activity of broad band Laue lenses for hard X-/gamma-ray astronomy (70/100-600 keV). After the development of a first prototype, whose performance was presented at the SPIE conference on Astronomical Telescopes held last year in Marseille (Frontera et al. 2008), we have improved the lens assembling technology. We present the development status of the new lens prototype that is on the way to be assembled.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, to be Published in SPIE Proceedings, vol.7437-19, 200

    Coherent low-energy charge transport in a diffusive S-N-S junction

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    We have studied the current voltage characteristics of diffusive mesoscopic Nb-Cu-Nb Josephson junctions with highly-transparent Nb-Cu interfaces. We consider the low-voltage and high-temperature regime eV<\epsilon_{c}<k_{B}T where epsilon_{c} is the Thouless energy. The observed excess current as well as the observed sub-harmonic Shapiro steps under microwave irradiation suggest the occurrence of low-energy coherent Multiple Andreev Reflection (MAR).Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, final versio

    The Extragalactic Distance Database

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    A database can be accessed on the web at http://edd.ifa.hawaii.edu that was developed to promote access to information related to galaxy distances. The database has three functional components. First, tables from many literature sources have been gathered and enhanced with links through a distinct galaxy naming convention. Second, comparisons of results both at the levels of parameters and of techniques have begun and are continuing, leading to increasing homogeneity and consistency of distance measurements. Third, new material are presented arising from ongoing observational programs at the University of Hawaii 2.2m telescope, radio telescopes at Green Bank, Arecibo, and Parkes and with Hubble Space Telescope. This new observational material is made available in tandem with related material drawn from archives and passed through common analysis pipelines.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Astronomical Journa

    Observation of modified radiative properties of cold atoms in vacuum near a dielectric surface

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    We have observed a distance-dependent absorption linewidth of cold 87^{87}Rb atoms close to a dielectric-vacuum interface. This is the first observation of modified radiative properties in vacuum near a dielectric surface. A cloud of cold atoms was created using a magneto-optical trap (MOT) and optical molasses cooling. Evanescent waves (EW) were used to observe the behavior of the atoms near the surface. We observed an increase of the absorption linewidth with up to 25% with respect to the free-space value. Approximately half the broadening can be explained by cavity-quantum electrodynamics (CQED) as an increase of the natural linewidth and inhomogeneous broadening. The remainder we attribute to local Stark shifts near the surface. By varying the characteristic EW length we have observed a distance dependence characteristic for CQED.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, some minor revision

    Development status of a Laue lens project for gamma-ray astronomy

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    We report the status of the HAXTEL project, devoted to perform a design study and the development of a Laue lens prototype. After a summary of the major results of the design study, the approach adopted to develop a Demonstration Model of a Laue lens is discussed, the set up described, and some results presented.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, 2007 SPIE Conference on Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy II
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