128 research outputs found

    The Negative Symptom Rating Scale: Initial Evaluation of Reliability and Validity

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    Negative symptoms in schizophrenia are a major determinant of the social and occupational impairments that characterize the disorder, as well as a significant source of distress for caregivers, and predictors of poor long-term outcome. Despite the compelling evidence for the clinical relevance of negative symptoms, this domain of the illness remains inadequately addressed by current pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. As identified at the NIMH-MATRICS Consensus Development Conference on Negative Symptoms, a significant barrier to progress in the treatment of this symptom domain is the current lack of an adequate measure for assessment of negative symptoms (Kirkpatrick et al., 2006). It was in response to this need that the NIMH-MATRICS Negative Symptom Workgroup developed a new measure, the Negative Symptom Rating Scale (NSRS). The current study provided the first evaluation of the psychometric properties of the newly developed NSRS, including the inter-rater agreement and internal consistency of the NSRS scales, and assessed convergent and discriminant validity. The results of this initial psychometric evaluation of the NSRS are generally quite encouraging, and provide information that has helped inform data-driven modifications to the measure for upcoming validation studies. With regards to reliability, the NSRS demonstrated adequate internal consistency for the scale as a whole, and for three of the five subscales. The results indicated that the Asociality and Avolition subscales warrant further revisions or modifications to improve internal consistency. Additionally, three of the five subscales were found to have good to excellent interrater reliability, with the Avolition and Alogia subscales falling in the fair range. Results generally demonstrated adequate convergent validity between the NSRS and other measures of negative symptoms, namely the SANS and the BPRS Anergia subscale. Additionally, results indicated general convergence between clinician-rated anhedonia using the NSRS and self-reported anhedonia as measured by the TEPS. Finally, the NSRS showed discrimination from ratings of psychotic and depressive symptoms. The results of the present study point to areas in which revisions are necessary, and has provided valuable information that is necessary for making revisions and modifications to the measure prior to larger scale evaluation

    Developmental Milestones, Childhood Behavior and Schizophrenia Spectrum Symptomatology: An Investigation of Psychometrically Identified Putative Schizotypes

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    The present study assessed retrospectively rated childhood abnormalities of development and behavior in individuals identified as having increased risk for schizophrenia using the psychometric high-risk paradigm. It was hypothesized that social anhedonics would have significantly more childhood behavior problems and developmental milestone delays than controls, and that anhedonics with greater childhood problems and developmental delays would display elevated levels of schizophrenia-spectrum symptoms. Examining proband reports, social anhedonics endorsed greater internalizing, thought, and total problems than controls. Analysis of mother reports revealed ratings of increased internalizing problems among social anhedonics. Mother ratings exhibited a trend toward significance for delayed walking in the social anhedonic group (d=.59). For social anhedonics, proband and mother rated childhood behavior problems correlated with clinician-rated schizophrenia-spectrum symptoms, assessed at age 18. These findings indicate the presence of childhood behavior problems in social anhedonics and suggest an association between these early behavior problems and current clinical symptoms within the putative high-risk group

    Cenobium 1982

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    Cenobium began publication in 1977 and continued through 1990. Produced by students, the yearbooks are a chronicle of the daily life and the special events experienced by veterinary students at the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine.https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/cenobium/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Learning to treat the climate emergency together: social tipping interventions by the health community

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    Accelerating the decarbonisation of local and national economies is a profound public health imperative. As trusted voices within communities around the world, health professionals and health organisations have enormous potential to influence the social and policy landscape in support of decarbonisation. We assembled a multidisciplinary, gender-balanced group of experts from six continents to develop a framework for maximising the social and policy influence of the health community on decarbonisation at the micro levels, meso levels, and macro levels of society. We identify practical, learning-by-doing approaches and networks to implement this strategic framework. Collectively, the actions of health-care workers can shift practice, finance, and power in ways that can transform the public narrative and influence investment, activate socioeconomic tipping points, and catalyse the rapid decarbonisation needed to protect health and health systems

    Loss of Hairless Confers Susceptibility to UVB-Induced Tumorigenesis via Disruption of NF-kappaB Signaling

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    In order to model squamous cell carcinoma development in vivo, researchers have long preferred hairless mouse models such as SKH-1 mice that have traditionally been classified as ‘wild-type’ mice irrespective of the genetic factors underlying their hairless phenotype. The work presented here shows that mutations in the Hairless (Hr) gene not only result in the hairless phenotype of the SKH-1 and Hr−/− mouse lines but also cause aberrant activation of NFκB and its downstream effectors. We show that in the epidermis, Hr is an early UVB response gene that regulates NFκB activation and thereby controls cellular responses to irradiation. Therefore, when Hr expression is decreased in Hr mutant animals there is a corresponding increase in NFκB activity that is augmented by UVB irradiation. This constitutive activation of NFκB in the Hr mutant epidermis leads to the stimulation a large variety of downstream effectors including the cell cycle regulators cyclin D1 and cyclin E, the anti-apoptosis protein Bcl-2, and the pro-inflammatory protein Cox-2. Therefore, Hr loss results in a state of uncontrolled epidermal proliferation that promotes tumor development, and Hr mutant mice should no longer be considered merely hairless 'wild-type' mice. Instead, Hr is a crucial UVB response gene and its loss creates a permissive environment that potentiates increased tumorigenesis

    Regulators of genetic risk of breast cancer identified by integrative network analysis.

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    Genetic risk for breast cancer is conferred by a combination of multiple variants of small effect. To better understand how risk loci might combine, we examined whether risk-associated genes share regulatory mechanisms. We created a breast cancer gene regulatory network comprising transcription factors and groups of putative target genes (regulons) and asked whether specific regulons are enriched for genes associated with risk loci via expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs). We identified 36 overlapping regulons that were enriched for risk loci and formed a distinct cluster within the network, suggesting shared biology. The risk transcription factors driving these regulons are frequently mutated in cancer and lie in two opposing subgroups, which relate to estrogen receptor (ER)(+) luminal A or luminal B and ER(-) basal-like cancers and to different luminal epithelial cell populations in the adult mammary gland. Our network approach provides a foundation for determining the regulatory circuits governing breast cancer, to identify targets for intervention, and is transferable to other disease settings.This work was funded by Cancer Research UK and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. MAAC is funded by the National Research Council (CNPq) of Brazil. TEH held a fellowship from the US DOD Breast Cancer Research Program (W81XWH-11-1-0592) and is currently supported by an RAH Career Development Fellowship (Australia). TEH and WDT are funded by the NHMRC of Australia (NHMRC) (ID: 1008349 WDT; 1084416 WDT, TEH) and Cancer Australia/National Breast Cancer Foundation (ID 627229; WDT, TEH). BAJP is a Gibb Fellow of Cancer Research UK. We would like to acknowledge the support of The University of Cambridge, Cancer Research UK and Hutchison Whampoa Limited.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from NPG via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ng.345

    Identification of CD4+ T Cell Epitopes in C. burnetii Antigens Targeted by Antibody Responses

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    Coxiella burnetii is an obligate intracellular Gram-negative bacterium that causes acute Q fever and chronic infections in humans. A killed, whole cell vaccine is efficacious, but vaccination can result in severe local or systemic adverse reactions. Although T cell responses are considered pivotal for vaccine derived protective immunity, the epitope targets of CD4+ T cell responses in C. burnetii vaccination have not been elucidated. Since mapping CD4+ epitopes in a genome with over 2,000 ORFs is resource intensive, we focused on 7 antigens that were known to be targeted by antibody responses. 117 candidate peptides were selected from these antigens based on bioinformatics predictions of binding to the murine MHC class II molecule H-2 IAb. We screened these peptides for recognition by IFN-γ producing CD4+ T cell in phase I C. burnetii whole cell vaccine (PI-WCV) vaccinated C57BL/6 mice and identified 8 distinct epitopes from four different proteins. The identified epitope targets account for 8% of the total vaccination induced IFN-γ producing CD4+ T cells. Given that less than 0.4% of the antigens contained in C. burnetii were screened, this suggests that prioritizing antigens targeted by antibody responses is an efficient strategy to identify at least a subset of CD4+ targets in large pathogens. Finally, we examined the nature of linkage between CD4+ T cell and antibody responses in PI-WCV vaccinated mice. We found a surprisingly non-uniform pattern in the help provided by epitope specific CD4+ T cells for antibody production, which can be specific for the epitope source antigen as well as non-specific. This suggests that a complete map of CD4+ response targets in PI-WCV vaccinated mice will likely include antigens against which no antibody responses are made

    Defining Natural History: Assessment of the Ability of College Students to Aid in Characterizing Clinical Progression of Niemann-Pick Disease, Type C

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    Niemann-Pick Disease, type C (NPC) is a fatal, neurodegenerative, lysosomal storage disorder. It is a rare disease with broad phenotypic spectrum and variable age of onset. These issues make it difficult to develop a universally accepted clinical outcome measure to assess urgently needed therapies. To this end, clinical investigators have defined emerging, disease severity scales. The average time from initial symptom to diagnosis is approximately 4 years. Further, some patients may not travel to specialized clinical centers even after diagnosis. We were therefore interested in investigating whether appropriately trained, community-based assessment of patient records could assist in defining disease progression using clinical severity scores. In this study we evolved a secure, step wise process to show that pre-existing medical records may be correctly assessed by non-clinical practitioners trained to quantify disease progression. Sixty-four undergraduate students at the University of Notre Dame were expertly trained in clinical disease assessment and recognition of major and minor symptoms of NPC. Seven clinical records, randomly selected from a total of thirty seven used to establish a leading clinical severity scale, were correctly assessed to show expected characteristics of linear disease progression. Student assessment of two new records donated by NPC families to our study also revealed linear progression of disease, but both showed accelerated disease progression, relative to the current severity scale, especially at the later stages. Together, these data suggest that college students may be trained in assessment of patient records, and thus provide insight into the natural history of a disease

    Does administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug determine morphological changes in adrenal cortex: ultrastructural studies

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    Rofecoxib (Vioxx© made by Merck Sharp & Dohme, the USA) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug which belongs to the group of selective inhibitors of cyclooxygenasis-2, i.e., coxibs. Rofecoxib was first registered in the USA, in May 1999. Since then the drug was received by millions of patients. Drugs of this group were expected to exhibit increased therapeutic action. Additionally, there were expectations concerning possibilities of their application, at least as auxiliary drugs, in neoplastic therpy due to intensifying of apoptosis. In connection with the withdrawal of Vioxx© (rofecoxib) from pharmaceutical market, attempts were made to conduct electron-microscopic evaluation of cortical part of the adrenal gland in preparations obtained from animals under influence of the drug. Every morning animals from the experimental group (15 rats) received rofecoxib (suspension in physiological saline)—non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (Vioxx©, Merck Sharp and Dohme, the USA), through an intragastric tube in the dose of 1.25 mg during 8 weeks. In the evaluated material, there was found a greater number of secretory vacuoles and large, containing cholesterol and other lipids as well as generated glucocorticoids, lipid drops in cytoplasm containing prominent endoplasmic reticulum. There were also found cells with cytoplasm of smaller density—especially in apical and basal parts of cells. Mitochondria occasionally demonstrated features of delicate swelling. The observed changes, which occurred on cellular level with application of large doses of the drug, result from mobilization of adaptation mechanisms of the organism
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