35 research outputs found

    Comparison of cellulose vs. plastic cigarette filter decomposition under distinct disposal environments

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    It is estimated that 4.5 trillion cigarette butts are discarded annually, making them numerically the most common type of litter on Earth. To accelerate their disappearance after disposal, a new type of cigarette filters made of cellulose, a readily biodegradable compound, has been introduced in the market. Yet, the advantage of these cellulose filters over the conventional plastic ones (cellulose acetate) for decomposition, remains unknown. Here, we compared the decomposition of cellulose and plastic cigarettes filters, either intact or smoked, on the soil surface or within a composting bin over a six-month field decomposition experiment. Within the compost, cellulose filters decomposed faster than plastic filters, but this advantage was strongly reduced when filters had been used for smoking. This indicates that the accumulation of tars and other chemicals during filter use can strongly affect its subsequent decomposition. Strikingly, on the soil surface, we observed no difference in mass loss between cellulose and plastic filters throughout the incubation. Using a first order kinetic model for mass loss of for used filters over the short period of our experiment, we estimated that conventional plastic filters take 7.5–14 years to disappear, in the compost and on the soil surface, respectively. In contrast, we estimated that cellulose filters take 2.3–13 years to disappear, in the compost and on the soil surface, respectively. Our data clearly showed that disposal environments and the use of cellulose filters must be considered when assessing their advantage over plastic filters. In light of our results, we advocate that the shift to cellulose filters should not exempt users from disposing their waste in appropriate collection systems

    Effets de la macrofaune du sol et de la sécheresse sur la décomposition des feuilles mortes d’arbustes méditerranéens

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    Afin d’étudier l’effet d’une diminution des précipitations sur l’activité de la faune du sol et les conséquences sur le processus de décomposition, nous avons mis en place une expérience en microcosmes. La consommation de litière par le diplopode Ommatoiulus sabulosus ainsi que son effet sur les décomposeurs microbiens ont été étudiés à différents niveaux d’humidité. Le résultat principal est que la diminution de la disponibilité en eau n’a pas affecté la consommation de litière par Ommatoiulus sabulosus. Ce résultat suggère que la faune du sol est plus résistante à la sécheresse que les décomposeurs microbiens et pourrait donc être importante pour le maintien des processus de décomposition dans les écosystèmes méditerranéens où les périodes de sécheresse risquent d’être plus fréquentes et plus marquées

    Rainfall frequency, not quantity, controls isopod effect on litter decomposition

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    Increasing climate variability is one of the dominant components of climate change, resulting particularly in altered rainfall patterns. Yet, the consequences of rainfall variability on biogeochemical processes that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions has received far less attention than have changes in long-term mean rainfall. In particular, it remains unclear how leaf litter decomposition responds to changes in rainfall frequency compared to changes in cumulative rainfall quantity, and if changes in rainfall patterns will differentially affect organisms in the decomposer food web (e.g., microbial decomposers that break down leaf litter through saprotrophic processes versus detritivores that directly ingest leaf litter). To address this knowledge gap, we disentangled the relative importance of cumulative rainfall quantity and rainfall frequency on both microbial- and detritivore-driven litter decomposition, using the isopod Armadillidium vulgare as a model macro-detritivore species and simulating rainfall in a full-factorial microcosm experiment. We found that microbially-driven decomposition was positively related to cumulative rainfall quantity, but tended to saturate with increasing cumulative rainfall quantity when rainfall events were large and infrequent. This saturation appeared to result from two mechanisms. First, at high level of cumulative rainfall quantity, large and infrequent rainfall events induce lower litter moisture compared to smaller but more frequent ones. Second, microbial activity saturated with increasing litter moisture, suggesting that water was no longer limiting. In contrast, isopod-driven decomposition was unaffected by cumulative rainfall quantity, but was strongly controlled by the rainfall frequency, with higher isopod-driven decomposition at low rainfall frequency. We found that isopod-driven decomposition responded positively to an increase in the weekly range of soil moisture and not to mean soil or litter moisture, suggesting that an alternation of dry and moist conditions enhances detritivore activity. Collectively, our results suggest that A. vulgare morphological and behavioral characteristics may reduce its sensitivity to varying moisture conditions relative to microbial decomposers. We conclude that the activity of microorganisms and isopods are controlled by distinct aspects of rainfall patterns. Consequently, altered rainfall patterns may change the relative contribution of microbial decomposers and detritivores to litter decomposition

    Detritivore conversion of litter into faeces accelerates organic matter turnover

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    Litter-feeding soil animals are notoriously neglected in conceptual and mechanistic biogeochemical models. Yet, they may be a dominant factor in decomposition by converting large amounts of plant litter into faeces. Here, we assess how the chemical and physical changes occurring when litter is converted into faeces alter their fate during further decomposition with an experimental test including 36 combinations of phylogenetically distant detritivores and leaf litter of contrasting physicochemical characteristics. We show that, across litter and detritivore species, litter conversion into detritivore faeces enhanced organic matter lability and thereby accelerated carbon cycling. Notably, the positive conversion effect on faeces quality and decomposition increased with decreasing quality and decomposition of intact litter. This general pattern was consistent across detritivores as different as snails and woodlice, and reduced differences in quality and decomposition amongst litter species. Our data show that litter conversion into detritivore faeces has far-reaching consequences for the understanding and modelling of the terrestrial carbon cycle