27 research outputs found

    Profil épidémiologique de la rougeole au Mali de 2009 à 2018: Epidemiological profile of measles in Mali from 2009 to 2018

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    Introduction: La rougeole, maladie virale hautement contagieuse causée par un Morbillivirus, reste un important problèeme de santé publique dans de nombreux pays malgré l'existence d'un vaccin efficace. La surveillance de la rougeole est l'un des aspects clés de la lutte contre cette maladie. La présente étude avait pour objectif de décrire la mortalité et la morbidité de la rougeole au Mali entre 2009 et 2018. MĂ©thodes: Il s'agissait d'étude transversale descriptive. Les données de surveillance de la rougeole au Mali de 2009 à 2018 ont été analysées en personne, lieu et temps. RĂ©sultats: De 2009 à 2018, le nombre de cas confirmés de rougeole était de 6461 dont 29 décès soit une létalité de 0,45%. La confirmation des cas avait été faite par le laboratoire pour 2551 cas (39,48%), par lien épidémiologique pour 3738 cas (57,85%) et cliniquement pour 172 cas (2,66%). Les enfants de moins de 5 ans représentaient 50,97% des cas et 75,86% des décès. La majorité des cas (95,71 %) n'avaient jamais été vaccinés contre la rougeole. Les incidences les plus élevées avaient été observées en 2009 (22,65 pour 100 000 hbts) et 2010 (11,81 pour 100 000 hbts). Tombouctou, Gao et Mopti avaient enregistrés les plus grands nombres de cas en 2009 et Bamako, Koulikoro et Mopti en 2010. Conclusion: La majorité des cas et des décès étaient les enfants non vaccinés de moins de cinq ans. Un renforcement du programme élargi de vaccination de routine, une riposte aux épidéemies et des stratéegies de vaccination couvrant tout le pays sont nécessaires. Introduction: Measles, a highly contagious viral disease caused by a Morbillivirus, remains an important public health problem in many countries despite the availability of an effective vaccine. Measles surveillance is one of the key aspects of measles control. The objective of this study was to describe measles mortality and morbidity in Mali between 2009 and 2018. Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study. Measles surveillance data in Mali from 2009 to 2018 were analysed by person, place and time. Results: From 2009 to 2018, the number of confirmed measles cases was 6461 including 29 deaths, i.e. a case-fatality rate of 0.45%. Cases were confirmed by the laboratory for 2551 cases (39.48%), by epidemiological link for 3738 cases (57.85%) and clinically for 172 cases (2.66%). Children under 5 years of age represented 50.97% of cases and 75.86% of deaths. The majority of cases (95.71%) had never been vaccinated against measles. The highest incidences were observed in 2009 (22.65 per 100,000 inhabitants) and 2010 (11.81 per 100,000 inhabitants). Timbuktu, Gao and Mopti had the highest number of cases in 2009 and Bamako, Koulikoro and Mopti in 2010. Conclusion: The majority of cases and deaths were among unvaccinated children under five years of age. Strengthening of the routine expanded programme of immunisation, response to epidemics and nationwide immunisation strategies are needed

    Increasing the uptake of Intermittent Preventive Treatment of malaria in pregnancy using Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine (IPTp-SP) through seasonal malaria chemoprevention channel delivery: protocol of a multicenter cluster randomized implementation trial in Mali and Burkina Faso

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    Background: The uptake of Intermittent Preventive Treatment of malaria in pregnancy using Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine (IPTp-SP) remains unacceptably low, with more than two-thirds of pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa still not accessing the three or more doses recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO). In contrast, the coverage of Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention (SMC), a more recent strategy recommended by the WHO for malaria prevention in children under five years living in Sahelian countries with seasonal transmission, including Mali and Burkina-Faso, is high (up to 90%). We hypothesized that IPTp-SP delivery to pregnant women through SMC alongside antenatal care (ANC) will increase IPTp-SP coverage, boost ANC attendance, and increase public health impact. This protocol describes the approach to assess acceptability, feasibility, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness of the integrated strategy. Methods and analysis: This is a multicentre, cluster-randomized, implementation trial of IPTp-SP delivery through ANC + SMC vs ANC alone in 40 health facilities and their catchment populations (20 clusters per arm). The intervention will consist of monthly administration of IPTp-SP through four monthly rounds of SMC during the malaria transmission season (July to October), for two consecutive years. Effectiveness of the strategy to increase coverage of three or more doses of IPTp-SP (IPTp3 +) will be assessed using household surveys and ANC exit interviews. Statistical analysis of IPT3 + and four or more ANC uptake will use a generalized linear mixed model. Feasibility and acceptability will be assessed through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with health workers, pregnant women, and women with a child < 12 months. Discussion: This multicentre cluster randomized implementation trial powered to detect a 45% and 22% increase in IPTp-SP3 + uptake in Mali and Burkina-Faso, respectively, will generate evidence on the feasibility, acceptability, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness of IPTp-SP delivered through the ANC + SMC channel. The intervention is designed to facilitate scalability and translation into policy by leveraging existing resources, while strengthening local capacities in research, health, and community institutions. Findings will inform the local national malaria control policies

    Evaluation and optimization of membrane feeding compared to direct feeding as an assay for infectivity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Malaria parasite infectivity to mosquitoes has been measured in a variety of ways and setting, includind direct feeds of and/or membrane feeding blood collected from randomly selected or gametocytemic volunteers. <it>Anopheles gambiae s.l </it>is the main vector responsible of <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>transmission in Bancoumana and represents about 90% of the laboratory findings, whereas <it>Plasmodium malariae </it>and <it>Plasmodium ovale </it>together represent only 10%.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>Between August 1996 and December 1998, direct and membrane feeding methods were compared for the infectivity of children and adolescent gametocyte carriers to anopheline mosquitoes in the village of Bancoumana in Mali. Gametocyte carriers were recruited twice a month through a screening of members of 30 families using Giemsa-stained thick blood smears. F1 generation mosquitoes issued from individual female wild mosquitoes from Bancoumana were reared in a controlled insectary conditions and fed 5% sugar solution in the laboratory in Bamako, until the feeding day when they are starved 12 hours before the feeding experiment. These F1 generation mosquitoes were divided in two groups, one group fed directly on gametocyte carriers and the other fed using membrane feeding method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Results from 372 <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>gametocyte carriers showed that children aged 4–9 years were more infectious than adolescents (p = 0.039), especially during the rainy season. Data from 35 carriers showed that mosquitoes which were used for direct feeding were about 1.5 times more likely to feed (p < 0.001) and two times more likely to become infected, if they fed (p < 0.001), than were those which were used for membrane feeding. Overall, infectivity was about three-times higher for direct feeding than for membrane feeding (p < 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although intensity of infectivity was lower for membrane feeding, it could be a surrogate to direct feeding for evaluating transmission-blocking activity of candidate malaria vaccines. An optimization of the method for future trials would involve using about three-times more mosquitoes than would be used for direct feeding.</p

    Exceptional Diversity, Maintenance of Polymorphism, and Recent Directional Selection on the APL1 Malaria Resistance Genes of Anopheles gambiae

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    The three-gene APL1 locus encodes essential components of the mosquito immune defense against malaria parasites. APL1 was originally identified because it lies within a mapped QTL conferring the vector mosquito Anopheles gambiae natural resistance to the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, and APL1 genes have subsequently been shown to be involved in defense against several species of Plasmodium. Here, we examine molecular population genetic variation at the APL1 gene cluster in spatially and temporally diverse West African collections of A. gambiae. The locus is extremely polymorphic, showing evidence of adaptive evolutionary maintenance of genetic variation. We hypothesize that this variability aids in defense against genetically diverse pathogens, including Plasmodium. Variation at APL1 is highly structured across geographic and temporal subpopulations. In particular, diversity is exceptionally high during the rainy season, when malaria transmission rates are at their peak. Much less allelic diversity is observed during the dry season when mosquito population sizes and malaria transmission rates are low. APL1 diversity is weakly stratified by the polymorphic 2La chromosomal inversion but is very strongly subdivided between the M and S “molecular forms.” We find evidence that a recent selective sweep has occurred at the APL1 locus in M form mosquitoes only. The independently reported observation of a similar M-form restricted sweep at the Tep1 locus, whose product physically interacts with APL1C, suggests that epistatic selection may act on these two loci causing them to sweep coordinately

    Prevalence and intensity of gastrointestinal nematode infection in small ruminants in three West African countries

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    This study was carried out to provide missing information on the prevalence and intensity of gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) infections of small ruminants in three West African countries. The use of communal grazing areas in these countries favours the spread of GIN infections across small ruminants and may reduce production performances and herders’ income. Faecal samples of 1,235 small ruminants were collected in Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal in late dry (May), rainy (August) and early dry (November) season of 2022. Individual Faecal Egg Counts (FEC) were performed by a modified McMaster technique. Animals were selected in several villages according to the following parameters: species (sheep, goats), age (young: 6–12 months, adult: >12 months) and sex (male, female). The Kruskal-Wallis test was applied to assess the influence of these parameters on FEC intensity, expressed as eggs per gram of faeces (EPG). The overall prevalence of GIN was 70.8 %, 82.6 % and 66.8 % in Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal, respectively. In all countries, the rainy season corresponded to the highest infection period. The mean ± standard deviation of EPG across all countries was 230 ±350, 1,023 ±1,176 and 424 ±352 for late dry, rainy and early dry season. Infection intensity was higher in young than in adult animals, and in male than in female animals in the rainy season, whereas no differences could be observed between these groups in the late dry season. Similarly, there was no significant difference in the mean EPG between sheep and goats late dry season. The results indicate that better monitoring and control of GIN infections are necessary during the rainy season and especially in young and male sheep and goats. For further study it would also be interesting to learn more about anthelmintic resistance in GIN and non-allopathic control options

    Malaria vector populations across ecological zones in Guinea Conakry and Mali, West Africa.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Malaria remains a pervasive public health problem in sub-Saharan West Africa. Here mosquito vector populations were explored across four sites in Mali and the Republic of Guinea (Guinea Conakry). The study samples the major ecological zones of malaria-endemic regions in West Africa within a relatively small distance. METHODS: Mosquito vectors were sampled from larval pools, adult indoor resting sites, and indoor and outdoor human-host seeking adults. Mosquitoes were collected at sites spanning 350 km that represented arid savannah, humid savannah, semi-forest and deep forest ecological zones, in areas where little was previously known about malaria vector populations. 1425 mosquito samples were analysed by molecular assays to determine species, genetic attributes, blood meal sources and Plasmodium infection status. RESULTS: Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii were the major anophelines represented in all collections across the ecological zones, with A. coluzzii predominant in the arid savannah and A. gambiae in the more humid sites. The use of multiple collection methodologies across the sampling sites allows assessment of potential collection bias of the different methods. The L1014F kdr insecticide resistance mutation (kdr-w) is found at high frequency across all study sites. This mutation appears to have swept almost to fixation, from low frequencies 6 years earlier, despite the absence of widespread insecticide use for vector control. Rates of human feeding are very high across ecological zones, with only small fractions of animal derived blood meals in the arid and humid savannah. About 30 % of freshly blood-fed mosquitoes were positive for Plasmodium falciparum presence, while the rate of mosquitoes with established infections was an order of magnitude lower. CONCLUSIONS: The study represents detailed vector characterization from an understudied area in West Africa with endemic malaria transmission. The deep forest study site includes the epicenter of the 2014 Ebola virus epidemic. With new malaria control interventions planned in Guinea, these data provide a baseline measure and an opportunity to assess the outcome of future interventions

    Anopheles gambiae APL1 Is a Family of Variable LRR Proteins Required for Rel1-Mediated Protection from the Malaria Parasite, Plasmodium berghei

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    International audienceWe previously identified by genetic mapping an Anopheles gambiae chromosome region with strong influence over the outcome of malaria parasite infection in nature. Candidate gene studies in the genetic interval, including functional tests using the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei, identified a novel leucine-rich repeat gene, APL1, with functional activity against P. berghei

    Wild Anopheles funestus mosquito genotypes are permissive for infection with the rodent malaria parasite, Plasmodium berghei.

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    Malaria parasites undergo complex developmental transitions within the mosquito vector. A commonly used laboratory model for studies of mosquito-malaria interaction is the rodent parasite, P. berghei. Anopheles funestus is a major malaria vector in sub-Saharan Africa but has received less attention than the sympatric species, Anopheles gambiae. The imminent completion of the A. funestus genome sequence will provide currently lacking molecular tools to describe malaria parasite interactions in this mosquito, but previous reports suggested that A. funestus is not permissive for P. berghei development.An A. funestus population was generated in the laboratory by capturing female wild mosquitoes in Mali, allowing them to oviposit, and rearing the eggs to adults. These F1 progeny of wild mosquitoes were allowed to feed on mice infected with a fluorescent P. berghei strain. Fluorescence microscopy was used to track parasite development inside the mosquito, salivary gland sporozoites were tested for infectivity to mice, and parasite development in A. funestus was compared to A. gambiae.P. berghei oocysts were detectable on A. funestus midguts by 7 days post-infection. By 18-20 days post-infection, sporozoites had invaded the median and distal lateral lobes of the salivary glands, and hemocoel sporozoites were observed in the hemolymph. Mosquitoes were capable of infecting mice via bite, demonstrating that A. funestus supports the complete life cycle of P. berghei. In a random sample of wild mosquito genotypes, A. funestus prevalence of infection and the characteristics of parasite development were similar to that observed in A. gambiae-P. berghei infections.The data presented in this study establish an experimental laboratory model for Plasmodium infection of A. funestus, an important vector of human malaria. Studying A. funestus-Plasmodium interactions is now feasible in a laboratory setting. This information lays the groundwork for exploitation of the awaited genome sequence of A. funestus

    No evidence for positive selection at two potential targets for malaria transmission-blocking vaccines in Anopheles gambiae s.s.

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    International audienceHuman malaria causes nearly a million deaths in sub-Saharan Africa each year. The evolution of drug-resistance in the parasite and insecticide resistance in the mosquito vector has complicated control measures and made the need for new control strategies more urgent. Anopheles gambiae s.s. is one of the primary vectors of human malaria in Africa, and parasite-transmission-blocking vaccines targeting Anopheles proteins have been proposed as a possible strategy to control the spread of the disease. However, the success of these hypothetical technologies would depend on the successful ability to broadly target mosquito populations that may be genetically heterogeneous. Understanding the evolutionary pressures shaping genetic variation among candidate target molecules offers a first step towards evaluating the prospects of successfully deploying such technologies. We studied the population genetics of genes encoding two candidate target proteins, the salivary gland protein saglin and the basal lamina structural protein laminin, in wild populations of the M and S molecular forms of A. gambiae in Mali. Through analysis of intraspecific genetic variation and interspecific comparisons, we found no evidence of positive natural selection at the genes encoding these proteins. On the contrary, we found evidence for particularly strong purifying selection at the laminin gene. These results provide insight into the patterns of genetic diversity of saglin and laminin, and we discuss these findings in relation to the potential development of these molecules as vaccine targets