14 research outputs found


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    The History of the Libido's Development: Evidence From Freud's Case Studies

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    Consumer\'s loyalty in mobile post paid relations

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    Em um mercado cada vez mais competitivo como o de telefonia celular pós-paga as organizações modernas estão em constante busca por lucratividade e crescimento contínuo. Nesse sentido, a retenção dos clientes atuais e a busca por fidelidade tornam-se pauta de discussões acadêmicas e empresariais. No estudo dessa fidelidade, a academia se divide em duas correntes: a primeira defensora da satisfação como antecessor necessário da lealdade e a segunda, da lealdade como elemento independente da satisfação. O presente trabalho buscou aclarar esses conceitos, com definição dos termos e principais pensamentos. Por meio de pesquisa realizada junto aos consumidores de telefonia celular pós-paga, verificou-se a avaliação desse público quanto à satisfação, vínculo, imagem da operadora, bem como a manutenção ou não desse relacionamento.In a competitive market as the mobile post paid, the modern companies are in a constant search for profitability and growth. In that sense, the consumer retention and the study of loyalty become topics into the agendas of the academics and the business discussions. Through the study of the consumer´s loyalty the academics are divided in two different ideas: the first one defends the satisfaction as a prior to the loyalty and, for the defenders of the second idea, the loyalty is an independent element from the satisfaction. The current paper tried to dig into these concepts, with the definition of the main terms and thoughts. By researches made with the mobile post paid consumers, the evaluation of topics such as satisfaction, link, image and the capacity to keep the relationship

    Figurative price promotion as a \"nudge\" and purchase inducer: \'non rational\' aspects of consumer decision making

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    A tese concentrou-se na promoção com redução de preços figurada e a influência \"não racional\" (subjetiva) na tomada de decisão do consumidor final, como indutor de compra e \"nudge\" modificador de comportamento. As literaturas econômicas de racionalidade, tomada de decisão e economia comportamental foram trazidas a discussão em conjunto com as literaturas de marketing (especificamente de promoção com redução de preço) e comportamento do consumidor. O estudo teve como objetivo verificar o aspecto de influência da promoção figurada na ação ou não ação de compra. Para levantamento dos dados, utilizou-se uma abordagem junto as redes sociais (Twitter), consideração final de 23.400 entradas válidas. Os dados foram obtidos programaticamente por meio da linguagem Python 3.9 e bibliotecas de emulação de browser Selenium e processamento de dados html BeautifulSoup. Considerou-se o recorte de produtos de higiene e beleza pela recorrência de compra envolvida. Como resultados, a existência de promoção figurada com influência na tomada de decisão como \"call to action\" e \"nudge\" fica comprovada. A tese aponta ainda para a existência de 11 tipos de comportamento relativos a promoções reais e/ou figuradas, considerando influência na tomada de decisão, \"call to action\", aspectos culturais/valorativos, preço de referência, justificativa de comportamento.The thesis focused on promotion with figurative price reduction and non-rational influence in the consumer decision-making process, as an inducer of purchase and a nudge behavior modifier. The literatures of rationality, decision making and behavioral economics were brought up together with the marketing literatures (specifically literatures abaout price promotion) and consumer behavior. The study aimed to verify the influence effect of the figurative promotion in the purchase or not purchase action. For data collection, the study uses a social media approach (Twitter), with a final consideration of 23,400 valid entries. The data were obtained programmatically using Python 3.9 language, Selenium browser emulation libraries and BeautifulSoup html data processing. The thesis consider the cut of hygiene and beauty products due to the recurrence of purchase involved. As a result, the existence of figurative promotion and its influence on decision making (call to action and nudge) is proven. The thesis also points to the existence of 11 types of behavior related to real and/or figurative promotions, considering influence on decision making, call to action, cultural/valuation aspects, reference price, behavior justification

    Quelle traduction pour la Traumdeutung?

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    Situating the anal Freud in nineteenth-century imaginaries of excrement and colonial primitivity

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    Other chapters in this volume have shown that ideas about the gut flourished in multiple genres across continental Europe, Britain and the USA in the nineteenth century. But no thinker developed as much meaning in relation to the lower gut as the Viennese founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud. The anal/excrement Freud can only be historically appreciated both by excavating his uptake of biological and ethnographic thought and by resituating him in the broad continental European fin-de-siecle milieu in which excrement had become the subject of an emergent field of new meanings. This was a field in which ideas about social progress, colonial power and class propriety were seen as given by a particular relationship of modern subjects to the lower gut. In this chapter, Freud's anal ideas are considered both in relation to ethnographic and biological texts that directly influenced his thought and in relation to cultural discourses and social pressures likely to have been at least partially responsible for his unusual theories of the role of the anus and excrement in both social evolution and individual psychic development