232 research outputs found

    Knowledge production in a cooperative economy

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    Knowledge here means something similar to but broader than science; reliable but not necessarily as systematic or explicit. A cooperative economy is contrasted with the competitive economy that has dominated political thinking almost everywhere for about half a century - the neo-liberal period. It is argued that the neo-liberal ideology and its economic ideas and practices are unjust and unsustainable. A model for a cooperative economy is described which would be more just and sustainable. Three main features of the model are outlined - basic income, asset and income limits, and a concept of work that counts all activity useful to human well-being rather than counting monetary profit. Knowledge in such an economy is considered in four main stages - production, review, dissemination and use. It is argued that, in the described cooperative economy, these stages would proceed more efficiently and lead to human well-being

    Limits to Stability

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    Early Warning and Conflict Prevention

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    Ce bref article porte un regard critique sur les mécanismes d'alerte préventive en place actuellement et évoque des enjeux similaires à ceux soulevés par l'article de Sharon Rusu. L'auteur tente ici de décrire la nature et le fonctionnement du système existant, les acteurs qui y sont engagés ainsi les imperfections et lacunes de processus dans son état actuel

    Dialogue in critical times

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    In current discourse, the modern is generally associated with economic growth and technical efficiency (the latter to correct ecological excesses) - in short, with economics-as-usual. The postmodern is more associated with criticism of economics-as-usual. There is a great need at present for an empathic dialogue between economic traditionalists and those believing that a profound 'ecological turn' is needed

    Work of the Supreme Court for the Year 1956 - Statistical Survey, The

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    Climate and nature emergency: From scientists' warnings to sufficient action

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    Scientists' warnings of a climate and ecological emergency have been published recently. They have been criticized as being unattractive to non-scientists. Here, the criticisms are reviewed and comments presented. The path is long between primary research and the daily concerns of hard-to-reach people (for example, those who are impoverished). It is enough that expert scientists express their findings accurately and intelligibly to all who are receptive. Outside the ranks of the specialist experts there are many – intellectuals of all kinds, journalists, politicians, business people, and concerned citizens – who are well-placed to contribute to the generation of a worldwide groundswell of practical action. The full range of discourse on the ecological issues is divided into four registers, used in – primary research; dissemination of specialists’ thinking to non-specialists; discussion with those engaged in public affairs; discussion with those who face obstacles to becoming engaged with the issues

    The Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga: military reform and nation-building in a divided polity

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    During the war against Islamic State from 2014 to 2017 the Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga became important local allies of the United States and its international partners, playing a significant role in the eventual defeat of Islamic State. In 2017, backed by the US and its Western allies, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) agreed plans to reform and modernize the Peshmerga. This article provides an analysis of this reform process. Reform is severely constrained by two problems. First, the continuing soft civil war between Iraqi Kurdistanâ s two main political parties, the Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), within which both parties view their maintenance of independent Peshmerga forces as central to their power and political survival. Second, the heroic-mythic status of the Peshmerga within Iraqi Kurdish society, which makes it difficult to convert the Peshmerga into a â normalâ military force. Reform efforts to date have not addressed these issues. Until such time as the deep political divide between the KDP and the PUK is addressed, Peshmerga reform is unlikely to make significant progressâ the military cart cannot be put before the political horse

    The Bending of Wood With Steam

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    Based on experimentation with the steam bending of wood to curved shapes, this thesis describes my involvement with three basic aspects of the process. First is the procurement, assimilation, and construction of the equipment and apparatus necessary for the steam bending of wood. Secondly, the determination of certain qualities of particular woods in reference to steam bending is made. This includes: woods easily bent; woods not easily bent; the time required to plasticize stock; and the time required to set curves. Also noted are some of the physical limitations involved in bending stock with steam in the craftsman\u27s studio. Thirdly, steam bent wood is related to furniture design in terms of the craftsman\u27s approach to the design and to the problems inherent in this process
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