45 research outputs found

    Open questions on the physical chemistry of aerosols

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    Densities of internally mixed organic-inorganic particles from mobility diameter measurements of aerodynamically classified aerosols

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    Accurate knowledge of particle density is essential for many aspects of aerosol science. Yet, density is often characterized poorly and incompletely for internally mixed particles, particularly for dry particles, with previous studies focused primarily on deliquescent (aqueous) droplets. Instead, densities for dry internally mixed particles are often inferred from mass composition measurements in combination with predictive models assuming ideal mixing, with the accuracy of such models not estimated. We determined particle densities from mobility diameter measurements (using a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer, SMPS) for dried particles classified by their aerodynamic size (using an Aerosol Aerodynamic Classifier, AAC) for a range of two-component organic-inorganic particles containing known proportions of organic and inorganic species. We examined all permutations of mixing between four different organic (water soluble nigrosin dye, citric acid, polyethylene glycol-400, and ascorbic acid) and three different inorganic (sodium chloride, ammonium sulfate, and sodium nitrate) species. The accuracy and precision in our measured particle densities were ∼5% and ∼1%, respectively, for nonvolatile particles. Substantial deviations in particle density from ideal mixing (up to 20%) were observed. We tested descriptions of the non-ideal mixing for our systems by representing the volume change of mixing using Redlich-Kister (RK) polynomials in terms of mass fraction or in terms of mole fraction, with both approaches performing similarly.</p

    Densities of internally mixed organic-inorganic particles from mobility diameter measurements of aerodynamically classified aerosols

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    Accurate knowledge of particle density is essential for many aspects of aerosol science. Yet, density is often characterized poorly and incompletely for internally mixed particles, particularly for dry particles, with previous studies focused primarily on deliquescent (aqueous) droplets. Instead, densities for dry internally mixed particles are often inferred from mass composition measurements in combination with predictive models assuming ideal mixing, with the accuracy of such models not estimated. We determined particle densities from mobility diameter measurements (using a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer, SMPS) for dried particles classified by their aerodynamic size (using an Aerosol Aerodynamic Classifier, AAC) for a range of two-component organic-inorganic particles containing known proportions of organic and inorganic species. We examined all permutations of mixing between four different organic (water soluble nigrosin dye, citric acid, polyethylene glycol-400, and ascorbic acid) and three different inorganic (sodium chloride, ammonium sulfate, and sodium nitrate) species. The accuracy and precision in our measured particle densities were ∼5% and ∼1%, respectively, for nonvolatile particles. Substantial deviations in particle density from ideal mixing (up to 20%) were observed. We tested descriptions of the non-ideal mixing for our systems by representing the volume change of mixing using Redlich-Kister (RK) polynomials in terms of mass fraction or in terms of mole fraction, with both approaches performing similarly.</p

    Assessing the Accuracy of Complex Refractive Index Retrievals from Single Aerosol Particle Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy

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    <p>Cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) of single, optically manipulated aerosol particles affords quantitative retrieval of refractive indices for particles of fixed or evolving composition with high precision. Here, we quantify the accuracy with which refractive index determinations can be made by CRDS for single particles confined within the core of a Bessel laser beam and how that accuracy is degraded as the particle size is progressively reduced from the coarse mode (>1 μm radius) to the accumulation mode (<500 nm radius) regime. We apply generalized Lorenz–Mie theory to the intra-cavity standing wave to explore the effect of particle absorption on the distribution of extinction cross section determinations resulting from stochastic particle motion in the Bessel beam trap. The analysis provides an assessment of the accuracy with which the real, <i>n</i>, and imaginary, κ, components of the refractive index can be determined for a single aerosol particle.</p> <p>Published with license by American Association for Aerosol Research</p> <p><a href="https://www.tandfonline.com/pb-assets/tandf/Migrated/UAST_VideoAbstract_Transcript.pdf" target="_blank">Read the transcript</a></p> <p><a href="https://vimeo.com/263371383" target="_blank">Watch the video on Vimeo</a></p

    Optical extinction efficiency measurements on fine and accumulation mode aerosol using single particle cavity ring-down spectroscopy

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    We report a new single aerosol particle approach using cavity ringdown spectroscopy to accurately determine optical extinction cross sections at multiple wavelengths.</p

    Tuning photochemistry:substituent effects on πσ* state mediated bond fission in thioanisoles

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    The electronic branching in the thiophenoxyl radicals formed by UV photolysis of thioanisole can be tuned by placing electron withdrawing/donating substituents at the 4-position.</p