527 research outputs found

    Methylphenidate Actively Induces Emergence from General Anesthesia

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    Background: Although accumulating evidence suggests that arousal pathways in the brain play important roles in emergence from general anesthesia, the roles of monoaminergic arousal circuits are unclear. In this study, the authors tested the hypothesis that methylphenidate (an inhibitor of dopamine and norepinephrine transporters) induces emergence from isoflurane general anesthesia. Methods: Using adult rats, the authors tested the effect of intravenous methylphenidate on time to emergence from isoflurane general anesthesia. They then performed experiments to test separately for methylphenidate-induced changes in arousal and changes in minute ventilation. A dose–response study was performed to test for methylphenidate-induced restoration of righting during continuous isoflurane general anesthesia. Surface electroencephalogram recordings were performed to observe neurophysiological changes. Plethysmography recordings and arterial blood gas analysis were performed to assess methylphenidate-induced changes in respiratory function. Intravenous droperidol was administered to test for inhibition of methylphenidate's actions. Results: Methylphenidate decreased median time to emergence from 280 to 91 s. The median difference in time to emergence without methylphenidate compared with administration of methylphenidate was 200 [155–331] s (median, [95% CI]). During continuous inhalation of isoflurane, methylphenidate induced return of righting in a dose-dependent manner, induced a shift in electroencephalogram power from delta (less than 4 Hz) to theta (4–8 Hz), and induced an increase in minute ventilation. Administration of intravenous droperidol (0.5 mg/kg) before intravenous methylphenidate (5 mg/kg) largely inhibited methylphenidate-induced emergence behavior, electroencephalogram changes, and changes in minute ventilation. Conclusions: Methylphenidate actively induces emergence from isoflurane general anesthesia by increasing arousal and respiratory drive, possibly through activation of dopaminergic and adrenergic arousal circuits. The authors' findings suggest that methylphenidate may be useful clinically as an agent to reverse general anesthetic-induced unconsciousness and respiratory depression at the end of surgery.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant DP1-OD003646)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant K08-GM094394)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant K08-GM083216)Massachusetts General Hospital. Dept. of Anesthesia and Critical Car

    Correcting for serial dependence in studies of respiratory dynamics

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    Understanding the physiological impact of drug treatments on patients is important in assessing their performance and determining possible side effects. While this effect might be best determined in individual subjects, conventional methods assess treatment performance by averaging a physiological measure of interest before and after drug administration for n subjects. Summarizing large numbers of time-series observations in two means for each subject in this way results in significant information loss. Treatment effect can instead be analyzed in individual subjects. Because serial dependence of observations from the same animal must then be considered, methods that assume independence of observations, such as the t-test and z-test, cannot be used. We address this issue in the case of respiratory data collected from anesthetized rats that were injected with a dopamine agonist. In order to accurately assess treatment effect in time-series data, we begin by formulating a method of conditional likelihood maximization to estimate the parameters of a first-order autoregressive (AR) process. We show that treatment effect of a dopamine agonist can be determined while incorporating serial effect into the analysis. In addition, while maximum likelihood estimators of a large sample with independent observations may converge to an asymptotically normal distribution, this result of large sample theory may not hold when observations are serially dependent. In this case, a parametric bootstrap comparison can be used to approximate an appropriate measure of uncertainty.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant DP1-OD003646)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant K08-GM094394)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant K08-GM083216

    Disrupted Maturation of the Microbiota and Metabolome among Extremely Preterm Infants with Postnatal Growth Failure

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    Growth failure during infancy is a major global problem that has adverse effects on long-term health and neurodevelopment. Preterm infants are disproportionately affected by growth failure and its effects. Herein we found that extremely preterm infants with postnatal growth failure have disrupted maturation of the intestinal microbiota, characterized by persistently low diversity, dominance of pathogenic bacteria within the Enterobacteriaceae family, and a paucity of strictly anaerobic taxa including Veillonella relative to infants with appropriate postnatal growth. Metabolomic profiling of infants with growth failure demonstrated elevated serum acylcarnitines, fatty acids, and other byproducts of lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation. Machine learning algorithms for normal maturation of the microbiota and metabolome among infants with appropriate growth revealed a pattern of delayed maturation of the microbiota and metabolome among infants with growth failure. Collectively, we identified novel microbial and metabolic features of growth failure in preterm infants and potentially modifiable targets for intervention

    Physostigmine and Methylphenidate Induce Distinct Arousal States During Isoflurane General Anesthesia in Rats

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    BACKGROUND: Although emergence from general anesthesia is clinically treated as a passive process driven by the pharmacokinetics of drug clearance, agents that hasten recovery from general anesthesia may be useful for treating delayed emergence, emergence delirium, and postoperative cognitive dysfunction. Activation of central monoaminergic neurotransmission with methylphenidate has been shown to induce reanimation (active emergence) from general anesthesia. Cholinergic neurons in the brainstem and basal forebrain are also known to promote arousal. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that physostigmine, a centrally acting cholinesterase inhibitor, induces reanimation from isoflurane anesthesia in adult rats. METHODS: The dose-dependent effects of physostigmine on time to emergence from a standardized isoflurane general anesthetic were tested. It was then determined whether physostigmine restores righting during continuous isoflurane anesthesia. In a separate group of rats with implanted extradural electrodes, physostigmine was administered during continuous inhalation of 1.0% isoflurane, and the electroencephalogram changes were recorded. Finally, 2.0% isoflurane was used to induce burst suppression, and the effects of physostigmine and methylphenidate on burst suppression probability (BSP) were tested. RESULTS: Physostigmine delayed time to emergence from isoflurane anesthesia at doses ≥0.2 mg/kg (n = 9). During continuous isoflurane anesthesia (0.9% ± 0.1%), physostigmine did not restore righting (n = 9). Blocking the peripheral side effects of physostigmine with the coadministration of glycopyrrolate (a muscarinic antagonist that does not cross the blood-brain barrier) produced similar results (n = 9 each). However, during inhalation of 1.0% isoflurane, physostigmine shifted peak electroencephalogram power from δ ( < 4 Hz) to θ (4-8 Hz) in 6 of 6 rats. During continuous 2.0% isoflurane anesthesia, physostigmine induced large, statistically significant decreases in BSP in 6 of 6 rats, whereas methylphenidate did not. CONCLUSIONS: Unlike methylphenidate, physostigmine does not accelerate time to emergence from isoflurane anesthesia and does not restore righting during continuous isoflurane anesthesia. However, physostigmine consistently decreases BSP during deep isoflurane anesthesia, whereas methylphenidate does not. These findings suggest that activation of cholinergic neurotransmission during isoflurane anesthesia produces arousal states that are distinct from those induced by monoaminergic activation.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant TR01-GM104948)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant DP1-OD003646)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant K08-GM094394

    Barriers to enrollment in a randomized controlled trial of hydrocortisone for cardiovascular insufficiency in term and late preterm newborn infants.

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    ObjectiveTo analyze reasons for low enrollment in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of the effect of hydrocortisone for cardiovascular insufficiency on survival without neurodevelopmental impairment (NDI) in term/late preterm newborns.Study designThe original study was a multicenter RCT. Eligibility: ⩾34 weeks' gestation, &lt;72 h old, mechanically ventilated, receiving inotrope. Primary outcome was NDI at 2 years; infants with diagnoses at high risk for NDI were excluded. This paper presents an analysis of reasons for low patient enrollment.ResultsTwo hundred and fifty-seven of the 932 otherwise eligible infants received inotropes; however, 207 (81%) had exclusionary diagnoses. Only 12 infants were randomized over 10 months; therefore, the study was terminated. Contributing factors included few eligible infants after exclusions, open-label steroid therapy and a narrow enrollment window.ConclusionDespite an observational study to estimate the population, very few infants were enrolled. Successful RCTs of emergent therapy may require fewer exclusions, a short-term primary outcome, waiver of consent and/or other alternatives

    High-Level Expression of Various Apolipoprotein (a) Isoforms by "Transferrinfection". The Role of Kringle IV Sequences in the Extracellular Association with Low-Density Lipoprotein

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    Characterization of the assembly of lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is of fundamental importance to understanding the biosynthesis and metabolism of this atherogenic lipoprotein. Since no established cell lines exist that express Lp(a) or apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)], a "transferrinfection" system for apo(a) was developed utilizing adenovirus receptor- and transferrin receptor-mediated DNA uptake into cells. Using this method, different apo(a) cDNA constructions of variable length, due to the presence of 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, or 18 internal kringle IV sequences, were expressed in cos-7 cells or CHO cells. All constructions contained kringle IV-36, which includes the only unpaired cysteine residue (Cys-4057) in apo(a). r-Apo(a) was synthesized as a precursor and secreted as mature apolipoprotein into the medium. When medium containing r-apo(a) with 9, 15, or 18 kringle IV repeats was mixed with normal human plasma LDL, stable complexes formed that had a bouyant density typical of Lp(a). Association was substantially decreased if Cys-4057 on r-apo(a) was replaced by Arg by site-directed mutagenesis or if Cys-4057 was chemically modified. Lack of association was also observed with r-apo(a) containing only 3, 5, or 7 kringle IV repeats without "unique kringle IV sequences", although Cys-4057 was present in all of these constructions. Synthesis and secretion of r-apo(a) was not dependent on its sialic acid content. r-Apo(a) was expressed even more efficiently in sialylation-defective CHO cells than in wild-type CHO cells. In transfected CHO cells defective in the addition of N-acetylglucosamine, apo(a) secretion was found to be decreased by 50%. Extracellular association with LDL was not affected by the carbohydrate moiety of r-apo(a), indicating a protein-protein interaction between r-apo(a) and apoB. These results show that, besides kringle IV-36, other kringle IV sequences are necessary for the extracellular association of r-apo(a) with LDL. Changes in the carbohydrate moiety of apo(a), however, do not affect complex formation

    Spread, circulation, and evolution of the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus

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    The Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) was first documented in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) in 2012 and, to date, has been identified in 180 cases with 43% mortality. In this study, we have determined the MERS-CoV evolutionary rate, documented genetic variants of the virus and their distribution throughout the Arabian peninsula, and identified the genome positions under positive selection, important features for monitoring adaptation of MERS-CoV to human transmission and for identifying the source of infections. Respiratory samples from confirmed KSA MERS cases from May to September 2013 were subjected to whole-genome deep sequencing, and 32 complete or partial sequences (20 were ≥99% complete, 7 were 50 to 94% complete, and 5 were 27 to 50% complete) were obtained, bringing the total available MERS-CoV genomic sequences to 65. An evolutionary rate of 1.12 × 10−3 substitutions per site per year (95% credible interval [95% CI], 8.76 × 10−4; 1.37 × 10−3) was estimated, bringing the time to most recent common ancestor to March 2012 (95% CI, December 2011; June 2012). Only one MERS-CoV codon, spike 1020, located in a domain required for cell entry, is under strong positive selection. Four KSA MERS-CoV phylogenetic clades were found, with 3 clades apparently no longer contributing to current cases. The size of the population infected with MERS-CoV showed a gradual increase to June 2013, followed by a decline, possibly due to increased surveillance and infection control measures combined with a basic reproduction number (R0) for the virus that is less than 1

    Randomized Controlled Trial of a Positive Affect Intervention to Reduce Stress in People Newly Diagnosed with HIV; Protocol and Design for the IRISS Study

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    Increasing evidence suggests that positive affect plays an important role in adaptation to chronic illness, independent of levels of negative affects like depression. Positive affect may be especially beneficial for people in the midst of severe stress, such as the diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). As medical treatments for HIV have improved, the number of people living with HIV has increased, and prevention strategies tailored specifically to people living with HIV have become a priority. There is a need for effective, creative, client-centered interventions that can be easily disseminated to community treatment settings, but there are currently few established interventions for people who are newly diagnosed with HIV. We present the design and methods for a randomized trial in which we test the efficacy of one such skills-based intervention that targets positive affect as a novel mechanism of change. The proposed research builds on observational findings of the important unique functions of positive affect. We aim to determine whether a five-session theory- and evidence-based intervention designed to teach skills for increasing the frequency and intensity of daily positive affect does so, and whether this intervention has beneficial effects on subsequent psychological well-being, health behaviors, and physical health up to 15 months after diagnosis with HIV. This is a randomized controlled trial in a sample of adults recruited within 12 weeks of testing positive for HIV. The control group is attention-matched, and follow up assessments will be conducted immediately post intervention (approximately 5 months post diagnosis) and at 10 and 15 months post diagnosis. This study is an important next step in research concerning the adaptive functions of positive affect for people coping with HIV or other health-related life stress

    A novel astrovirus-like RNA virus detected in human stool

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    Several novel clades of astroviruses have recently been identified in human faecal samples. Here, we describe a novel astrovirus-like RNA virus detected in human stools, which we have tentatively named bastrovirus. The genome of this novel virus consists of 6,300 nucleotides organized in three open reading frames. Several sequence divergent strains were detected sharing 67–93 per cent nucleotide identity. Bastrovirus encodes a putative structural protein that is homologous to the capsid protein found in members of the Astroviridae family (45% amino acid identity). The virus also encodes a putative non-structural protein that is genetically distant from astroviruses but shares some homology to the non-structural protein encoded by members of the Hepeviridae family (28% amino acid identity). This novel bastrovirus is present in 8.7 per cent (35/400) of faecal samples collected from 300 HIV-1-positive and 100 HIV-1-negative individuals suggesting common occurrence of the virus. However, whether the source of the virus is infected human cells or other, for example, dietary, remains to be determined

    Unexplained diarrhoea in HIV-1 infected individuals

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    Background: Gastrointestinal symptoms, in particular diarrhoea, are common in non-treated HIV-1 infected individuals. Although various enteric pathogens have been implicated, the aetiology of diarrhoea remains unexplained in a large proportion of HIV-1 infected patients. Our aim is to identify the cause of diarrhoea for patients that remain negative in routine diagnostics. Methods: In this study stool samples of 196 HIV-1 infected persons, including 29 persons with diarrhoea, were examined for enteropathogens and HIV-1. A search for unknown and unexpected viruses was performed using virus discovery cDNA-AFLP combined with Roche-454 sequencing (VIDISCA-454). Results: HIV-1 RNA was detected in stool of 19 patients with diarrhoea (66%) compared to 75 patients (45%) without diarrhoea. In 19 of the 29 diarrhoea cases a known enteropathogen could be identified (66%). Next to these known causative agents, a range of recently identified viruses was identified via VIDISCA-454: cosavirus, Aichi virus, human gyrovirus, and non-A non-B hepatitis virus. Moreover, a novel virus was detected which was named immunodeficiency-associated stool virus (IASvirus). However, PCR based screening for these viruses showed that none of these novel viruses was associated with diarrhoea. Notably, among the 34% enteropathogen-negative cases, HIV-1 RNA shedding in stool was more frequently observed (80%) compared to enteropathogen-positive cases (47%), indicating that HIV-1 itself is the most likely candidate to be involved in diarrhoea. Conclusion: Unexplained diarrhoea in HIV-1 infected patients is probably not caused by recently described or previously unknown pathogens, but it is more likely that HIV-1 itself plays a role in intestinal mucosal abnormalities which leads to diarrhoea