152 research outputs found

    Federação Portuguesa de Atletismo: breves notas sobre a comunicação estratégica no sector do atletismo em Portugal

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    Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.Apresenta-se neste relatório de estágio – condição para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Gestão estratégica das Relações Públicas – o que entendemos dever ser um plano estratégico de Comunicação para a Federação Portuguesa de Atletismo. O interesse deste trabalho centra-se essencialmente no aspecto inovador do papel das Relações Públicas no sector desportivo, questão ainda pouco trabalhada em Portugal. Este trabalho é o corolário de estágio desenvolvido entre 10 de Março e 15 de Junho de 2014 no gabinete de Eventos, Comunicação e Marketing da Federação Portuguesa de Atletismo.In this internship report – one of the conditions for obtaining the master degree in Strategic Public Relations Management – we discuss and present what we believe should be a strategic communication plan for the Portuguese Athletics Federation. The interest of this work focuses primarily on the innovative aspect of the role of Public Relations in the sports sector, issue still crafted in Portugal. This work is the corollary of an internship developed between 10 and June 15, 2014 at the events, Communications and Marketing of the Portuguese Athletics Federation

    Fonction étanchéité et gestion des risques en contexte minier. IMPERMEABILITY AND RISK MANAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF MINING ACTIVITIES

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    International audienceThe extractive industry generates waste that should be managed in such a way as to avoid generating risks for the environment and human health. Impermeability is an essential property for the efficient management of mining waste, especially for limiting the detrimental leakage to groundwater or surface water from tailings impoundments and other mining waste disposal sites, or to prevent the formation of acid mine drainage in the case of Sulfide-rich wastes. This paper presents a review of European and French legislation relative to mining waste management, of candidate materials for limiting infiltration and suggests recommendations with particular reference to the context of French Guyana.L'activité extractive génère des déchets qui doivent être gérés de manière à prévenir les risques pour l'environnement et la santé humaine. La fonction étanchéité est essentielle pour une bonne gestion des déchets miniers, notamment pour éviter que les parcs à résidus de traitement et autres installations de stockage de déchets ne génèrent des débits de fuite susceptibles de détériorer la qualité des eaux souterraines ou de surface, ou encore pour prévenir la formation de drainage minier acide dans le cas de déchets riches en sulfures. Cet article fait un point sur la réglementation européenne et française en matière de gestion des déchets de l'industrie extractive, passe en revue certains matériaux pouvant remplir cette fonction étanchéité et propose quelques recommandations avec une référence particulière au contexte minier guyanais

    La nécropole gallo-romaine du « Clos au Duc » à Évreux (Eure) : des sépultures du ier siècle apr. J.-C.

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    Des sépultures du ier siècle après J.-C. se succèdent sur cette partie de la nécropole antique d’Évreux. Deux pratiques funéraires coexistent. On constate une prédominance des inhumations pour les sujets périnataux et une prédominance des crémations pour les adultes et immatures. Une partie des résidus des bûchers funéraires a également été prélevée et déposée dans des fosses creusées à cette intention. Le mobilier déposé dans les sépultures est assez rare. Nous sommes en présence d’une population plutôt défavorisée. Les dernières sépultures datent de la fin du 1er siècle après J.-C.This part of the antique cemetery of Évreux has a sequence of tombs of the1st century A.D. Two funeral practices coexist, with a predominance of inhumations for perinatal individuals and of cremations for adults and immatures. Partial remains of funeral pyres were also removed and deposited in pits dug for that purpose. Funerary assemblages are uncommon, as we are dealing with a rather underprivileged population. The last burials are dated from the end of the 1st century A.D

    Évreux – Le Clos au Duc, 3bis rue de la Libération

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    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : 27 229 005 Date de l'opération : 2005 (EX) Le diagnostic réalisé a été motivé par la construction d’un logement individuel au cœur de la nécropole antique (Fig. n°1 : Localisation des opérations de terrain). L’emprise au sol de la construction est de 193 m2 et la parcelle concernée de 1 811 m2. La nécropole antique du « Clos au Duc » est située à flanc de coteau, au sud de la ville, le long de la voie reliant Évreux à Chartres. Elle est connue dep..

    MINEO Southern Europe environment test site : contamination impact mapping and modelling : final Report

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    Relatório final do projeto MINEO: Assessing and monitoring the environmental impact of mining activities in Europe using advanced Earth Observation techniques. Project funded by the European Community under the “Information Society Technology” Programme (1998-2002)ABSTRACT: Under the framework of the MINEO project, the abandoned S.Domingos mining area as been selected as representative of Southern Europe Environment to test methods and tools for assessing and monitoring the environmental impact of mining activities using hyperspectral data and other relevant data sets. The S.Domingos mining area, is characterised by a long-term mining activity, since pre-roman times till the 1960’s, and is included in the group of Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide deposits of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. The orebody contained Cu, and also Zn and Pb. Several facilities were developed for mining works and ore transportation, covering an area of 50km2, facilitating dispersion of related pollutants. The main environmental problems can be summarised as related to waste material and their pollutant content (Zn, Pb, Sb, Cu, As, Hg and Cd), acid waters (minimum pH value of 1.7) and associated dispersion, as well as landscape disruption. Hyperspectral images were able to identify mineralogical/chemical dispersion of waste material related to Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) following two approaches: one related to AMD waste material field spectra and the other based on AMD minerals, using standard spectral libraries. The processing techniques used were mainly based on the Spectral Angle Mapper classifier and Mixture Tunned Matched Filtering. Globally, both mapping results obtained, either in AMD waste material either in AMD minerals, were able to detect mineralogical/chemical characteristics of imaged ground data, which were validated by field data. The GIS geochemical modelling allowed the determination of effective AMD area of influence, based in water pH values, using geostatistical methods. The Indicator “Collocate-Cokriging” of the water pH using the distance to the highest correlated AMD waste material (mixed sulphur materials from hyperspectral classification) predicts the AMD dispersion in the area related to that material. This methodology achieved good results and could be applied in new areas using waste material hyperspectral image classification for AMD delimitation area.N/

    Flers – Place Saint-Germain

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    Une équipe de l’Inrap est intervenue pour effectuer une fouille préventive du 22 septembre au 21 novembre 2014, préalablement au projet d’aménagement de la place Saint-Germain par la ville de Flers. En juin 2013, un diagnostic archéologique avait permis de mettre au jour une partie des fondations de l’église et du cimetière Saint-Germain révélant ainsi une intense activité funéraire de la fin du Moyen Âge et durant toute l’époque Moderne. La construction de la dernière église Saint-Germain, q..

    AAV2-Mediated Combined Subretinal Delivery of IFN-α and IL-4 Reduces the Severity of Experimental Autoimmune Uveoretinitis

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    We previously showed that adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV2) mediated subretinal delivery of human interferon-alpha (IFN-α) could effectively inhibit experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis (EAU). In this study we investigated whether subretinal injection of both AVV2.IFN-α and AAV2.IL-4 had a stronger inhibition on EAU activity. B10RIII mice were subretinally injected with AAV2.IFN-α alone (1.5×107 vg), AAV2.IL-4 alone (3.55×107 vg), and AAV2.IFN-α combined with AAV2.IL-4. PBS, AAV2 vector encoding green fluorescent protein (AAV2.GFP) (5×107 vg) was subretinally injected as a control. IFN-α and IL-4 were effectively expressed in the eyes from three weeks to three months following subretinal injection of AAV2 vectors either alone or following combined administration and significantly attenuated EAU activity clinically and histopathologically. AAV2.IL-4 showed a better therapeutic effect as compared to AAV2.IFN-α. The combination of AAV2.IL-4 and AAV2.IFN-α was not significantly different as compared to AAV2.IL-4 alone. There was no difference concerning DTH (delayed-type hypersensitivity) reaction, lymphocyte proliferation and IL-17 production among the investigated treatment groups, suggesting that local retinal gene delivery did not affect the systemic immune response

    LSD1 inhibition attenuates androgen receptor V7 splice variant activation in castration resistant prostate cancer models

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    Background: Castrate resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) is often driven by constitutively active forms of the androgen receptor such as the V7 splice variant (AR-V7) and commonly becomes resistant to established hormonal therapy strategies such as enzalutamide as a result. The lysine demethylase LSD1 is a co-activator of the wild type androgen receptor and a potential therapeutic target in hormone sensitive prostate cancer. We evaluated whether LSD1 could also be therapeutically targeted in CRPC models driven by AR-V7. Methods: We utilised cell line models of castrate resistant prostate cancer through over expression of AR-V7 to test the impact of chemical LSD1 inhibition on AR activation. We validated findings through depletion of LSD1 expression and in prostate cancer cell lines that express AR-V7. Results: Chemical inhibition of LSD1 resulted in reduced activation of the androgen receptor through both the wild type and its AR-V7 splice variant forms. This was confirmed and validated in luciferase reporter assays, in LNCaP and 22Rv1 prostate cancer cell lines and in LSD1 depletion experiments. Conclusion: LSD1 contributes to activation of both the wild type and V7 splice variant forms of the androgen receptor and can be therapeutically targeted in models of CRPC. Further development of this approach is warranted

    55 Cancri e's occultation captured with CHEOPS

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    Past occultation and phase-curve observations of the ultra-short period super-Earth 55 Cnc e obtained at visible and infrared wavelengths have been challenging to reconcile with a planetary reflection and emission model. In this study, we analyse a set of 41 occultations obtained over a two-year timespan with the CHEOPS satellite. We report the detection of 55 Cnc e's occultation with an average depth of 12±312\pm3 ppm. We derive a corresponding 2-σ\sigma upper limit on the geometric albedo of Ag<0.55A_g < 0.55 once decontaminated from the thermal emission measured by Spitzer at 4.5μ\mum. CHEOPS's photometric performance enables, for the first time, the detection of individual occultations of this super-Earth in the visible and identifies short-timescale photometric corrugations likely induced by stellar granulation. We also find a clear 47.3-day sinusoidal pattern in the time-dependent occultation depths that we are unable to relate to stellar noise, nor instrumental systematics, but whose planetary origin could be tested with upcoming JWST occultation observations of this iconic super-Earth.Comment: In press. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics on 13 October 2022. 10 pages, 7 figures and 3 table