58 research outputs found

    Risk and Maintenance Factors for Eating Disorders: An Exploration of Multivariate Models on Clinical and Non-Clinical Populations

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    The recognition of factors involved in the development and maintenance of eating disorders (EDs) may support the choice of therapeutic strategies and improve the prevention/treatment of eating pathologies and their outcomes. Based on this consideration, the overall purpose of the chapter is to investigate how some psychological characteristics link to EDs. It is organized as follows. First, the epidemiological aspects, risk, and maintaining factors for ED are outlined. Next, we present the findings from our two studies. The purpose of the first study was to identify predictors associated with the severity of eating symptomatology. Then, the objective of the second study was to provide an understanding of the relationship among perceived parental bonding, self-esteem, perfectionism, body shame, body mass index, and ED risk and mainly to test a predictive ED risk model in a non-clinical sample. In conclusion, the major findings and practical implications are discussed

    Does Anger Expression Mediate the Relationship Between Parental Rejection and Direct and Indirect Forms of Non-suicidal Self-injury?

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    Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is defined as the intentional destruction of one’s own body without an intent to die (e.g., self-cutting). On the other hand, indirect forms of self-injury refer to behaviors in which people harm themselves in an indirect way (e.g., substance use). Existing literature suggests that a negative parent–child relationship may increase vulnerability to NSSI and indirect forms of self-injury. However, little is known about the potential mediators that intervene in the aforementioned relationship. Therefore, the present work tests a path model to investigate whether the manner of anger expression—anger-in (redirect anger inwardly) or anger-out (express anger outwardly)—mediates the association between parental rejection and direct (specifically self-cutting) and indirect (specifically substance use) forms of self-injury in a cross-sectional sample of Italian adolescents. We assessed self-injury, parental acceptance/rejection, and the expression of anger using self-report questionnaires in 2464 high school students, aged 13–20 years (Mage = 15.93, SD = 1.49). Additionally, characteristics of NSSI were also assessed using semi-structured interviews. We found that parental rejection was significantly positively associated with both self-cutting and substance use. The aforementioned relationship was mediated through anger-in for self-cutting, and through anger-out for substance use. The current work demonstrated that anger expression might work as a bridge between invalidating caregiving environment (i.e., rejecting), in which an individual feels unloved and uncared for, and the occurrence of self-cutting and substance use. The salient role of anger management in the development of prevention and intervention programs for NSSI and indirect self-injury among adolescents is discussed

    Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: A School-Based Peer Education Program for Adolescents During COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Introduction: Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) constitutes a major health concern among youth. However, less is known about the useful ways to prevent NSSI. As such, the NSSI- Peer Education Program (NSSI-PEP) aims to intervene on the vulnerability factors that predispose to NSSI by applying a peer education approach. The NSSI-PEP is grounded on the psychoanalytic tradition's tenets, implementing modules targeting four crucial risk factors for NSSI: pubertal transformation, body image, self-esteem, and emotion regulation. Methods: Selected 8(th) grade students were trained to serve as peer educators and held a peer-education intervention for 6(th) and 7(th) grade students. Pre- and post-intervention assessments were conducted in order to evaluate the program's effectiveness. Results: Results revealed preliminary support for the program's feasibility, as students reported greater emotion regulation abilities (p = 0.038) and significant changes in self-esteem (p<0.001), personal alienation (p = 0.005), body image (p < 0.001), and maturity fear (p < 0.001). Also, NSSI-PEP was positively evaluated by participants. Discussion: Our pilot study provides preliminary empirical support for the NSSI-PEP, representing a promising way to address areas of vulnerability for NSSI onset. Findings may also help current policies to promote targeted preventive activities and produce sizable benefits to society

    The original histological slides of Camillo Golgi and his discoveries on neuronal structure

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    The metallic impregnation invented by Camillo Golgi in 1873 has allowed the visualization of individual neurons in their entirety, leading to a breakthrough in the knowledge on the structure of the nervous system. Professor of Histology and of General Pathology, Golgi worked for decades at the University of Pavia, leading a very active laboratory. Unfortunately, most of Golgi's histological preparations are lost. The present contribution provides an account of the original slides on the nervous system from Golgi's laboratory available nowadays at the Golgi Museum and Historical Museum of the University of Pavia. Knowledge on the organization of the nervous tissue at the time of Golgi's observations is recalled. Notes on the equipment of Golgi's laboratory and the methodology Golgi used for his preparations are presented. Images of neurons from his slides (mostly from hippocampus, neocortex and cerebellum) are here shown for the first time together with some of Golgi's drawings. The sections are stained with the Golgi impregnation and Cajal stain. Golgi-impregnated sections are very thick (some more than 150 \u3bcm) and require continuous focusing during the microscopic observation. Heterogeneity of neuronal size and shape, free endings of distal dendritic arborizations, axonal branching stand out at the microscopic observation of Golgi-impregnated sections and in Golgi's drawings, and were novel findings at his time. Golgi also pointed out that the axon only originates from cell bodies, representing a constant and distinctive feature of nerve cells which distinguishes them from glia, and subserving transmission at a distance. Dendritic spines can be seen in some cortical neurons, although Golgi, possibly worried about artifacts, did not identify them. The puzzling intricacy of fully impregnated nervous tissue components offered to the first microscopic observations still elicit nowadays the emotion Golgi must have felt looking at his slides

    The Fear of Facing Drives and Desires: Is It Still Appropriate to Reduce Anorexia and Bulimia to Eating Disorders?

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    This paper reflects a perspective the author has developed over twenty years of practice as a clinical psychoanalyst and as an academic researcher in the field of eating disorders. Anorexia and bulimia are discussed through the lens of psychoanalytic theory, with the support of empirical evidence in clinical psychology research. The author proposes a new way to consider anorexic and bulimic pathology, assigning primary importance to drive repression and object avoidance and stimulating reflections on the phobic-obsessive displacement onto hunger and food. A brief illustrative vignette is included

    Mia madre odia le carote. Corrispondenza psicoanalitica tra sconosciuti. Anoressia, corpo, sessualità

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    Un romanzo epistolare psicoanalitico, la fedele trascrizione di una corrispondenza avvenuta via mail e durata un anno tra una donna, tormentata dai sintomi che affliggono tante donne di oggi, e un'analista a lei sconosciuto. Anoressia, bulimia, attacchi di panico e comportamenti autolesivi sono alla base di un carteggio, che si fa via via sempre più intimo e carnale. Per la prima volta, davanti al monitor di un computer, Zoe, svincolata dai condizionamenti di un sistema famigliare troppo invischiante, dice tutto, senza omettere i pensieri più oscuri che alimentano i sensi di colpa e le notti insonni. Un percorso catartico, alla ricerca di un modo per respirare da sola, per dotarsi finalmente di un'identità autentica e quindi, necessariamente, imperfetta

    Nonsuicidal Self-injury: A Systematic Review

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    Objective: Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) refers to the intentional self-inflicted destruction of body tissue without suicidal intention and for purposes not socially sanctioned. Our paper presents an up-to-date overview on nonsuicidal, self-injurious behaviors.Method: In accordance with PRISMA guidelines, a systematic literature search was conducted across two databases, PubMed and PsycARTICLES, regarding the main features of NSSI with a focus on epidemiological and etiologic data, diagnostic criteria, and functions. All English articles, published between 1998 and 2016, were considered, and screened against a priori inclusion/exclusion criteria. The search terms include: self-harm, self-injury, NSSI, epidemiology, comorbidity, gender, functions and DSM. We also examined the references of the retrieved articles.Results: NSSI is most common among adolescents and young adults, and the age of onset is reported to occur between 12 and 14 years. Comorbidity with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and eating disorders is often reported. DSM-5 includes NSSI as a condition requiring further study. This review gives an overview of the prevalence rates (7.5–46.5% adolescents, 38.9% university students, 4–23% adults) and main causes that appear to stem from childhood trauma, comorbidity with many other disorders and several functions of NSSI, and the potential independence of a NSSI disorder.Conclusion: Over the years, interest in NSSI grew to such an extent that an ongoing debate was instigated on whether NSSI should be considered as a diagnosis in its own right and given its own category. This paper provides an up-to-date overview on self-injury, what is known about it and what remains to be done. Clearly, our understanding of the main issues of NSSI has increased in last two decades. However, future researches is needed to examine the developmental trajectories, cultural backgrounds and shed light on the risk factors and functions as well as clarify its role as an independent diagnostic entity
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