1,439 research outputs found

    Singular normal form for the Painlev\'e equation P1

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    We show that there exists a rational change of coordinates of Painlev\'e's P1 equation y=6y2+xy''=6y^2+x and of the elliptic equation y=6y2y''=6y^2 after which these two equations become analytically equivalent in a region in the complex phase space where yy and yy' are unbounded. The region of equivalence comprises all singularities of solutions of P1 (i.e. outside the region of equivalence, solutions are analytic). The Painlev\'e property of P1 (that the only movable singularities are poles) follows as a corollary. Conversely, we argue that the Painlev\'e property is crucial in reducing P1, in a singular regime, to an equation integrable by quadratures

    Orthogonality of Jacobi and Laguerre polynomials for general parameters via the Hadamard finite part

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    Orthogonality of the Jacobi and of Laguerre polynomials, P_n^(a,b) and L_n^(a), is established for a,b complex (a,b not negative integers and a+b different from -2,-3,...) using the Hadamard finite part of the integral which gives their orthogonality in the classical cases. Riemann-Hilbert problems that these polynomials satisfy are found. The results are formally similar to the ones in the classical case (when the real parts of a,b are greater than -1)Comment: 14 page

    Evaluation of Human and Anthropomorphic Test Device Finite Element Models under Spaceflight Loading Conditions

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    In an effort to develop occupant protection standards for future multipurpose crew vehicles, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has looked to evaluate the test device for human occupant restraint with the modification kit (THORK) anthropomorphic test device (ATD) in relevant impact test scenarios. With the allowance and support of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NASA has performed a series of sled impact tests on the latest developed THORK ATD. These tests were performed to match test conditions from human volunteer data previously collected by the U.S. Air Force. The objective of this study was to evaluate the THORK finite element (FE) model and the Total HUman Model for Safety (THUMS) FE model with respect to the tests performed. These models were evaluated in spinal and frontal impacts against kinematic and kinetic data recorded in ATD and human testing. Methods: The FE simulations were developed based on recorded pretest ATD/human position and sled acceleration pulses measured during testing. Predicted responses by both human and ATD models were compared to test data recorded under the same impact conditions. The kinematic responses of the models were quantitatively evaluated using the ISOmetric curve rating system. In addition, ATD injury criteria and human stress/strain data were calculated to evaluate the risk of injury predicted by the ATD and human model, respectively. Results: Preliminary results show wellcorrelated response between both FE models and their physical counterparts. In addition, predicted ATD injury criteria and human model stress/strain values are shown to positively relate. Kinematic comparison between human and ATD models indicates promising biofidelic response, although a slightly stiffer response is observed within the ATD. Conclusion: As a compliment to ATD testing, numerical simulation provides efficient means to assess vehicle safety throughout the design process and further improve the design of physical ATDs. The assessment of the THORK and THUMS FE models in a spaceflight testing condition is an essential first step to implementing these models in the computational evaluation of spacecraft occupant safety. Promising results suggest future use of these models in the aerospace field

    Semiclassical low energy scattering for one-dimensional Schr\"odinger operators with exponentially decaying potentials

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    We consider semiclassical Schr\"odinger operators on the real line of the form H()=2d2dx2+V(;)H(\hbar)=-\hbar^2 \frac{d^2}{dx^2}+V(\cdot;\hbar) with >0\hbar>0 small. The potential VV is assumed to be smooth, positive and exponentially decaying towards infinity. We establish semiclassical global representations of Jost solutions f±(,E;)f_\pm(\cdot,E;\hbar) with error terms that are uniformly controlled for small EE and \hbar, and construct the scattering matrix as well as the semiclassical spectral measure associated to H()H(\hbar). This is crucial in order to obtain decay bounds for the corresponding wave and Schr\"odinger flows. As an application we consider the wave equation on a Schwarzschild background for large angular momenta \ell where the role of the small parameter \hbar is played by 1\ell^{-1}. It follows from the results in this paper and \cite{DSS2}, that the decay bounds obtained in \cite{DSS1}, \cite{DS} for individual angular momenta \ell can be summed to yield the sharp t3t^{-3} decay for data without symmetry assumptions.Comment: 44 pages, minor modifications in order to match the published version, will appear in Annales Henri Poincar

    The big and intricate dreams of little organelles: Embracing complexity in the study of membrane traffic

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138421/1/tra12497_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138421/2/tra12497-sup-0001-EditorialProcess.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138421/3/tra12497.pd

    Effects of boundary conditions on irreversible dynamics

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    We present a simple one-dimensional Ising-type spin system on which we define a completely asymmetric Markovian single spin-flip dynamics. We study the system at a very low, yet non-zero, temperature and we show that for empty boundary conditions the Gibbs measure is stationary for such dynamics, while introducing in a single site a ++ condition the stationary measure changes drastically, with macroscopical effects. We achieve this result defining an absolutely convergent series expansion of the stationary measure around the zero temperature system. Interesting combinatorial identities are involved in the proofs

    On the Time-Dependent Analysis of Gamow Decay

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    Gamow's explanation of the exponential decay law uses complex "eigenvalues" and exponentially growing "eigenfunctions". This raises the question, how Gamow's description fits into the quantum mechanical description of nature, which is based on real eigenvalues and square integrable wave functions. Observing that the time evolution of any wave function is given by its expansion in generalized eigenfunctions, we shall answer this question in the most straightforward manner, which at the same time is accessible to graduate students and specialists. Moreover the presentation can well be used in physics lectures to students.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; heuristic argument simplified, different example discussed, calculation of decay rate adde

    Decay versus survival of a localized state subjected to harmonic forcing: exact results

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    We investigate the survival probability of a localized 1-d quantum particle subjected to a time dependent potential of the form rU(x)sinωtrU(x)\sin{\omega t} with U(x)=2δ(xa)U(x)=2\delta (x-a) or U(x)=2δ(xa)2δ(x+a)U(x)= 2\delta(x-a)-2\delta (x+a). The particle is initially in a bound state produced by the binding potential 2δ(x)-2\delta (x). We prove that this probability goes to zero as tt\to\infty for almost all values of rr, ω\omega, and aa. The decay is initially exponential followed by a t3t^{-3} law if ω\omega is not close to resonances and rr is small; otherwise the exponential disappears and Fermi's golden rule fails. For exceptional sets of parameters r,ωr,\omega and aa the survival probability never decays to zero, corresponding to the Floquet operator having a bound state. We show similar behavior even in the absence of a binding potential: permitting a free particle to be trapped by harmonically oscillating delta function potential

    A quantitative central limit theorem for linear statistics of random matrix eigenvalues

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    It is known that the fluctuations of suitable linear statistics of Haar distributed elements of the compact classical groups satisfy a central limit theorem. We show that if the corresponding test functions are sufficiently smooth, a rate of convergence of order almost 1/n1/n can be obtained using a quantitative multivariate CLT for traces of powers that was recently proven using Stein's method of exchangeable pairs.Comment: Title modified; main result stated under slightly weaker conditions; accepted for publication in the Journal of Theoretical Probabilit

    On the spectral properties of L_{+-} in three dimensions

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    This paper is part of the radial asymptotic stability analysis of the ground state soliton for either the cubic nonlinear Schrodinger or Klein-Gordon equations in three dimensions. We demonstrate by a rigorous method that the linearized scalar operators which arise in this setting, traditionally denoted by L_{+-}, satisfy the gap property, at least over the radial functions. This means that the interval (0,1] does not contain any eigenvalues of L_{+-} and that the threshold 1 is neither an eigenvalue nor a resonance. The gap property is required in order to prove scattering to the ground states for solutions starting on the center-stable manifold associated with these states. This paper therefore provides the final installment in the proof of this scattering property for the cubic Klein-Gordon and Schrodinger equations in the radial case, see the recent theory of Nakanishi and the third author, as well as the earlier work of the third author and Beceanu on NLS. The method developed here is quite general, and applicable to other spectral problems which arise in the theory of nonlinear equations