2,195 research outputs found

    Fragments of asthenosphere incorporated in the lithospheric mantle underneath the Subei Basin, eastern China: Constraints from geothermobarometric results and water contents of peridotite xenoliths in Cenozoic basalts

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    Anhydrous, medium/coarse-grained spinel bearing mantle xenoliths from the Subei Basin, Eastern China have mineral arrangements that reflect low energy geometry. Because of clinopyroxene modal contents, they are grouped into cpx-rich lherzolites (cpx ≥ 14percentage), lherzolites (8 5My, based on modelled H2O solid-solid diffusion rate) the occurrence of the last melting episode. Keywords: Water contents, Fertile mantle, Melting models, Water diffusion, Asthenosphere/lithospher

    Biophysical Reviews’ topical issue: the 7th Nanoengineering for Mechanobiology Symposium 2024 Camogli, Genoa, Italy

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    This Commentary describes an open call for submissions to the upcoming Biophysical Reviews’ Issue Focus: The 7th Nanoengineering for Mechanobiology (Genova, Italy). The submission deadline is August 1st of 2024. Interested parties are requested to make contact with the Issue Focus editors prior to submission

    Diet-Related Attitudes, Beliefs, and Well-Being in Adolescents with a Vegetarian Lifestyle

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    Vegetarianism can meet healthy, ethical, or ecological values (such as equality and protection of animals or the environment). At the same time, it can represent a response to the need for self-determination in adolescence. Furthermore, some studies show vegetarians have greater depressive risk and a lower sense of body satisfaction. Considering the spread of non-meat diets in the Western world, researchers have investigated the benefits and risks to physical and psychological health. Despite this, few studies have been conducted on factors influencing adolescent's vegetarian diet-related attitudes. Through self-administered loosely structured interviews, this research investigated factors potentially associated with vegetarian choices in adolescence. It checked (a) gender differences in vegetarian choices; (b) religious, familial, ethical, or health factors implied in vegetarian choices; and (c) indicators of well-being among young vegetarians. The findings suggest that for our sample, non-vegetarians have lower scores on health-related questions than others, while for vegetarian adolescents, the benefits of vegetarianism mainly depend on their ethical stances, beliefs, and values. Conversely, it is unrelated to factors such as the desire to lose weight, dissatisfaction about one's body shape, or depressive feelings

    The Wooden Roof Framing Elements, Furniture and Furnishing of the Etruscan Domus of the Dolia of Vetulonia (Southern Tuscany, Italy)

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    The Etruscan Domus of the Dolia remained hidden until 2009, when archaeological excavations began in the Etruscan–Roman district of Vetulonia (Southern Tuscany). Based on the classification of the archaeological materials recovered, the destruction of the Domus and the Etruscan city of Vetulonia was traced back to the 1st century BC. The highly various and precious materials recovered inside the Domus revealed the richness of the building and its inhabitants. With this study, we present the anthracological analyses from the Domus of the Dolia. Wood charcoals were recovered from different house rooms, which had different functions based on the archaeological evidence. The tree species employed for the construction of the roof of the building were deciduous and semi-deciduous oak wood (Quercus sect. robur, Quercus sect. cerris) and silver fir wood (Abies cf. alba). Evergreen oak wood (Quercus sect. suber), boxwood (Buxus sempervirens), beech wood (Fagus cf. sylvatica), maple wood (Acer sp.) and cherry wood (Prunus cf. avium) were adopted for the furniture and furnishings of the house. Moreover, wood charcoal fragments of fruit trees belonging to the family of Rosaceae were identified, documenting a possible garden inside the court of the house. The study shows the use of the local tree species primarily. The silver fir wood and beech wood were likely sourced from the nearby (roughly 60 km) Mount Amiata

    Gender differences and aging: Effects on the human heart

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    Objectives.This study investigated the changes in myocyte size and number in the left and right ventricles that occur with aging in the female and male heart.Background.Differences in life span between women and men may be related to a better preservation of myocardial structure in the female heart with aging. On this basis, the hypothesis was advanced that the aging process has a different impact on the integrity of the myocardium in the two genders.Methods.Morphometric methodologies were applied to analyze the changes in number and size of ventricular myocytes in the hearts of 53 women and 53 men. The changes in mononucleated and binucleated myocytes with age were determined in enzymatically dissociated cells. The age interval examined varied from 17 to 95 years.Results.Aging was associated with a preservation of ventricular myocardial mass, aggregate number of mononucleated and binucleated myocytes, average cell diameter and volume in the female heart. In contrast, nearly 1 g/year of myocardium was lost in the male heart, and this phenomenon accounted for the loss of ∼64 million cells. This detrimental effect involved the left and right sides of the heart. In the remaining cells, myocyte cell volume increased at a rate of 158 μm3/year in the left and 167 μm3/year in the right ventricle.Conclusions.Aging does not lead to myocyte cell loss and myocyte cellular reactive hypertrophy in women, indicating that gender differences may play a significant role in the detrimental effects of the aging process on the heart

    Pattern of antibiotic consumption in two Italian production chains differing by the endemic status for Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome

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    The aim of this case study was to quantify antibiotic (AB) use in Italian weaning (W) and fattening (F) units differentiated for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) occurrence. Farms were classified as either PRRS negative (–) or PRRS positive (+) based on the circulation of the virus among the animals. In all the farms, the modified live PRRS virus (PRRSV) vaccine was provided to all the animals. In the PRRS– farms, the level of circulating antibodies was low, and the disease, in its clinical form, did not occur. In the PRRS+ farms, the level of circulating antibodies against the virus was high, and the disease was recurrent. Data regarding AB consumption were collected from 2017 to 2020, and the active compounds (ACs) were expressed as milligrams of AC/total kilogram of body weight (BW) produced. Each AC was classified into one of four categories according to the EuropeanMedicines Agency classification of ABs for prudent and responsible use in animals: Avoid, Restrict, Caution, and Prudence. Data regarding the ACs in each category were analyzed using a linear model that included production phase, PRRS status, and their interaction as factors. Performance parameters, average age of the pigs at the end of each phase, daily live weight gain, feed-to-gain ratio, total losses, cost index, and medication costs were significantly influenced by the PRRS chain. The use of class B ABs was not affected by production phase or PRRS status. Conversely, for class C ABs, interaction between the two factors (p = 0.02) was observed; W/PRRS+ and F/PRRS+ showed the greatest AB use for this class (p = 0.003). For class D ABs, the interaction was significant (p = 0.01); class C and D ABs were used more in the weaning (p = 0.07) than in the fattening phase (p = 0.003). For the weaning phase, the use of class C and D ABs was greater in the PRRS+ than in the PRRS– chain (p < 0.01). In conclusion, PRRS status affected the growth of pigs and economic performance. Moreover, PRRS status significantly influenced the use of ABs during all the growing periods with the greatest impact being on the weaning phase

    The alkaline lamprophyres of the Dolomitic Area (Southern Alps, Italy): markers of the Late Triassic change from orogenic-like to anorogenic magmatism

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    We present the first complete petrological, geochemical and geochronological characterization of the oldest lamprophyric rocks in Italy, which crop out around Predazzo (Dolomitic Area), with the aim of deciphering their relationship with Triassic magmatic events across the whole of the Southern Alps. Their Mg# of between 37 and 70, together with their trace element contents, suggests that fractional crystallization was the main process responsible for their differentiation, together with small-scale mixing, as evidenced by some complex amphibole textures. Moreover, the occurrence of primary carbonate ocelli suggests an intimate association between the alkaline lamprophyric magmas and a carbonatitic melt. 40Ar/39Ar data show that the lamprophyres were emplaced at 219·22 ± 0·73 Ma (2σ; full systematic uncertainties), around 20 Myr after the high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic, short-lived, Ladinian (237–238 Ma) magmatic event of the Dolomitic Area. Their trace element and Sr–Nd isotopic signatures (87Sr/86Sri = 0·7033–0·7040; 143Nd/144Ndi = 0·51260–0·51265) are probably related to a garnet–amphibole-bearing lithosphere interacting with an asthenospheric component, significantly more depleted than the mantle source of the high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic magmas. These features suggest that the Predazzo lamprophyres belong to the same alkaline–carbonatitic magmatic event that intruded the mantle beneath the Southern Alps (e.g. Finero peridotite) between 190 and 225 Ma. In this scenario, the Predazzo lamprophyres cannot be considered as a late-stage pulse of the orogenic-like Ladinian magmatism of the Dolomitic Area, but most probably represent a petrological bridge to the opening of the Alpine Tethys
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