241 research outputs found

    Affective Classication of Gaming Activities Coming From RPG Gaming Sessions

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    Each human activity involves feelings and subjective emotions: different people will perform and sense the same task with different outcomes and experience; to understand this experience, concepts like Flow or Boredom must be investigated using objective data provided by methods like electroencephalography. This work carries on the analysis of EEG data coming from brain-computer interface and videogame "Neverwinter Nights 2": we propose an experimental methodology comparing results coming from different off-the-shelf machine learning techniques, employed on the gaming activities, to check if each affective state corresponds to the hypothesis xed in their formal design guidelines

    Optimized Connected Components Labeling with Pixel Prediction

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    In this paper we propose a new paradigm for connected components labeling, which employs a general approach to minimize the number of memory accesses, by exploiting the information provided by already seen pixels, removing the need to check them again. The scan phase of our proposed algorithm is ruled by a forest of decision trees connected into a single graph. Every tree derives from a reduction of the complete optimal decision tree. Experimental results demonstrated that on low density images our method is slightly faster than the fastest conventional labeling algorithms

    Learning Graph Cut Energy Functions for Image Segmentation

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    In this paper we address the task of learning how to segment a particular class of objects, by means of a training set of images and their segmentations. In particular we propose a method to overcome the extremely high training time of a previously proposed solution to this problem, Kernelized Structural Support Vector Machines. We employ a one-class SVM working with joint kernels to robustly learn significant support vectors (representative image-mask pairs) and accordingly weight them to build a suitable energy function for the graph cut framework. We report results obtained on two public datasets and a comparison of training times on different training set sizes

    XDOCS: An Application to Index Historical Documents

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    Dematerialization and digitalization of historical documents are key elements for their availability, preservation and diffusion. Unfortunately, the conversion from handwritten to digitalized documents presents several technical challenges. The XDOCS project is created with the main goal of making available and extending the usability of historical documents for a great variety of audience, like scholars, institutions and libraries. In this paper the core elements of XDOCS, i.e. page dewarping and word spotting technique, are described and two new applications, i.e. annotation/indexing and search tool, are presented

    Affective level design for a role-playing videogame evaluated by a brain\u2013computer interface and machine learning methods

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    Game science has become a research field, which attracts industry attention due to a worldwide rich sell-market. To understand the player experience, concepts like flow or boredom mental states require formalization and empirical investigation, taking advantage of the objective data that psychophysiological methods like electroencephalography (EEG) can provide. This work studies the affective ludology and shows two different game levels for Neverwinter Nights 2 developed with the aim to manipulate emotions; two sets of affective design guidelines are presented, with a rigorous formalization that considers the characteristics of role-playing genre and its specific gameplay. An empirical investigation with a brain\u2013computer interface headset has been conducted: by extracting numerical data features, machine learning techniques classify the different activities of the gaming sessions (task and events) to verify if their design differentiation coincides with the affective one. The observed results, also supported by subjective questionnaires data, confirm the goodness of the proposed guidelines, suggesting that this evaluation methodology could be extended to other evaluation tasks

    Illustrations Segmentation in Digitized Documents Using Local Correlation Features

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    In this paper we propose an approach for Document Layout Analysis based on local correlation features. We identify and extract illustrations in digitized documents by learning the discriminative patterns of textual and pictorial regions. The proposal has been demonstrated to be effective on historical datasets and to outperform the state-of-the-art in presence of challenging documents with a large variety of pictorial elements

    Classification of Affective Data to Evaluate the Level Design in a Role-Playing Videogame

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    This paper presents a novel approach to evaluate game level design strategies, applied to role playing games. Following a set of well defined guidelines, two game levels were designed for Neverwinter Nights 2 to manipulate particular emotions like boredom or flow, and tested by 13 subjects wearing a brain computer interface helmet. A set of features was extracted from the affective data logs and used to classify different parts of the gaming sessions, to verify the correspondence of the original level aims and the effective results on people emotions. The very interesting correlations observed, suggest that the technique is extensible to other similar evaluation tasks

    Two More Strategies to Speed Up Connected Components Labeling Algorithms

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    This paper presents two strategies that can be used to improve the speed of Connected Components Labeling algorithms. The first one operates on optimal decision trees considering image patterns occurrences, while the second one articulates how two scan algorithms can be parallelized using multi-threading. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed methodologies reduce the total execution time of state-of-the-art two scan algorithms

    Scene segmentation using temporal clustering for accessing and re-using broadcast video

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    Scene detection is a fundamental tool for allowing effective video browsing and re-using. In this paper we present a model that automatically divides videos into coherent scenes, which is based on a novel combination of local image descriptors and temporal clustering techniques. Experiments are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, by comparing our algorithm against two recent proposals for automatic scene segmentation. We also propose improved performance measures that aim to reduce the gap between numerical evaluation and expected results

    Miniature illustrations retrieval and innovative interaction for digital illuminated manuscripts

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    In this paper we propose a multimedia solution for the interactive exploration of illuminated manuscripts. We leveraged on the joint exploitation of content-based image retrieval and relevance feedback to provide an effective mechanism to navigate through the manuscript and add custom knowledge in the form of tags. The similarity retrieval between miniature illustrations is based on covariance descriptors, integrating color, spatial and gradient information. The proposed relevance feedback technique, namely Query Remapping Feature Space Warping, accounts for the user’s opinions by accordingly warping the data points. This is obtained by means of a remapping strategy (from the Riemannian space where covariance matrices lie, referring back to Euclidean space) useful to boost the retrieval performance. Experiments are reported to show the quality of the proposal. Moreover, the complete prototype with user interaction, as already showcased at museums and exhibitions, is presented
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