151 research outputs found

    Immunization against Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) in a Cohort of Nursing Students Two Decades after Vaccination: Surprising Feedback

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    Health-care students can be exposed to biological risks during university training. The persistence of long-term immunogenicity against hepatitis B virus (HBV) was analyzed in a cohort of nursing students two decades after primary vaccination. A total of 520 students were enrolled at the University of Palermo and were evaluated for levels of anti-HBsAg antibodies. ThestudentswereexaminedduringthefirstyearoftheirDegreeCourseandwerecheckedtwoyears later. All students with anti-HBsAg <10 mIU/mL during their first or third year were boosted within onemonth. Theproportionofstudentsthatwerevaccinatedduringadolescenceshowinganti-HBsAg ≥10 mIU/mL was higher than that observed in students who were vaccinated during infancy (69% versus31.7%;p-value<0.001). ReceivingHBVvaccinationatadolescencewassignificantlyassociated with a fourfold increased possibility of having anti-HBsAg titers≥10 mIU/mL (adj-OR = 4.21, 95% CI: 2.43–7.30). Among the students who were checked at the third year and boosted after the first year (n = 279), those who were vaccinated during infancy showed a higher percentage of antibody titers <10 mIU/mL (20.3% versus 8.7% among vaccinated during adolescence; p < 0.01). This study confirms that HBV vaccination at adolescence might determine a higher long-term persistence of anti-HBsAg titers≥10 mIU/mL and that anti-HBV booster could increase levels of anti-HBsAg over a relatively short period, especially in subjects who were vaccinated during infancy

    Orthogonal gauge fixing of first order gravity

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    We consider the first order connection formulation of 4D general relativity in the "orthogonal" gauge. We show how the partial gauge fixing of the phase space canonical coordinates leads to the appearance of second class constraints in the theory. We employ the gauge unfixing procedure in order to successfully complete the Dirac treatment of the system. While equivalent to the inversion of the Dirac matrix, the gauge unfixing allows us to work directly with the reduced phase space and the ordinary Poisson bracket. At the same time, we explicitly derive the new set of residual first class constraints preserving the partial gauge fixing, which are linear combinations of the original constraints, and these turn out to contain nonlinear terms. While providing an explicit example of how to consistently recast general relativity in a given partial gauge, the main motivation of this classical analysis is the application of the Quantum Reduced Loop Gravity program to a Schwarzschild black hole geometry.Comment: 14 pages; 'radial gauge' replaced with 'orthogonal gauge' to avoid confusion with previous literature, on which we comment on more extensively. Published versio

    DOF AFFECTING GERMINATION 2 is a positive regulator of light-mediated seed germination and is repressed by DOF AFFECTING GERMINATION 1

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: The transcription factor DOF AFFECTING GERMINATION1 (DAG1) is a repressor of the light-mediated seed germination process. DAG1 acts downstream PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR3-LIKE 5 (PIL5), the master repressor, and negatively regulates gibberellin biosynthesis by directly repressing the biosynthetic gene AtGA3ox1. The Dof protein DOF AFFECTING GERMINATION (DAG2) shares a high degree of aminoacidic identity with DAG1. While DAG1 inactivation considerably increases the germination capability of seeds, the dag2 mutant has seeds with a germination potential substantially lower than the wild-type, indicating that these factors may play opposite roles in seed germination. RESULTS: We show here that DAG2 expression is positively regulated by environmental factors triggering germination, whereas its expression is repressed by PIL5 and DAG1; by Chromatin Immuno Precipitation (ChIP) analysis we prove that DAG1 directly regulates DAG2. In addition, we show that Red light significantly reduces germination of dag2 mutant seeds. CONCLUSIONS: In agreement with the seed germination phenotype of the dag2 mutant previously published, the present data prove that DAG2 is a positive regulator of the light-mediated seed germination process, and particularly reveal that this protein plays its main role downstream of PIL5 and DAG1 in the phytochrome B (phyB)-mediated pathway


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    La gastroenterite da rotavirus (GARV) rappresenta uno dei principali bisogni assistenziali durante l’età pediatrica. Purtroppo, in Italia, in assenza di notifica obbligatoria e di specifici sistemi di sorveglianza, le uniche valutazioni epidemiologiche disponibili sulle GARV sono rese possibili dall’analisi delle ospedalizzazioni. Il presente lavoro ha avuto l’obiettivo di valutare le ospedalizzazioni per GARV e per intussuscezione, avvenute in Sicilia in soggetti di età compresa tra 0 e 60 mesi, negli anni 2003-2012 (periodo prevaccinale) e 2013 (anno di introduzione della vaccinazione antirotavirus). Nel periodo in esame si sono osservate 9.886 ospedalizzazioni per GARV con una media annua di 899 casi. La maggior parte dei ricoveri (62,3%) è stata registrata nella fascia di età compresa tra 0 e 2 anni con una progressiva riduzione negli anni di vita successivi. Durante il 2013 si è osservata una copertura vaccinale regionale attestatasi tra il 30 ed il 40% per la prima dose ed il 25-35% per la seconda dose. Nello stesso anno si è assistito ad una riduzione dei casi di GARV di circa il 38,9% nei soggetti di età 0-5 anni (931 casi/anno nel 2003-2012 vs. 569 nel 2013) e superiore al 50% nella fascia di età 0-11 mesi (277 casi/anno nel 2003-2012 vs. 137 nel 2013). Diversamente, nel 2013 il numero di ospedalizzazioni per intussuscezione in soggetti di età compresa tra 0 ed 11 mesi si è mantenuta in linea con quanto osservato in epoca prevaccinale (15 casi nel 2013 vs. 15,4 casi/anno osservati in media tra 2003 e 2012). I dati presentati evidenziano l’importante peso assistenziale che le GARV hanno annualmente in Sicilia e supportano l’efficacia della vaccinazione nella riduzione significativa dei casi di ospedalizzazione per GARV in assenza di incrementi di rischio di intussuscezione

    Invasive pneumococcal diseases in children aged 1-59 months in sicily, Italy: Importance of active family paediatrician surveillance and vaccination coverage

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    Purpose: Aim of this study was to analyze pediatric invasive pneumococcal disease rates several years after the implementation of infant pneumococcal vaccination. Methods: The study was carried out in Sicily and involved about 30,000 children, aged 1-59 months, actively monitored by 100 family pediatricians during 2010 and 2011. All children who met the inclusion criteria were considered eligible, recorded using a stan-dardized case report form and investigated for the presence of S. pneumoniae in speci-mens from sterile sites. Results: None of the 40 eligible children was confirmed as a case of invasive pneumococ-cal disease. The incidence rate of invasive pneumococcal disease cases was 0.0/100,000 in both years. Regional childhood pneumococcal vaccination coverage rates were 90.7% in 2010 and 92.0% in 2011. Conclusions: Our results show that during the study period invasive pneumococcal dis-ease cases were rare in Sicilian children, suggesting a very effective control of the disease in a region with very high vaccination coverage against S. pneumoniae

    Analysis of hospitalizations due to intussusception in Sicily in the pre-rotavirus vaccination era (2003-2012)

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    Background: Intussusception is the most common cause of bowel obstruction in infants with an incidence ranging from 9-328 cases per 100,000 infants aged 0-11 months. Causes underlining this clinical manifestation are still unknown. Possible relationship with a withdrawn tetravalent rotavirus vaccine was not confirmed by post-licensure studies and actually no increased risk of intussusception was found between infants vaccinated with both the recently licensed rotavirus vaccines. Aim of this study is to analyze the intussusception hospitalizations in Sicily from 2003 to 2012 before the introduction of rotavirus universal vaccination and its possible relation with rotavirus gastroenteritis trend. Methods: Were collected data from hospital discharge records occurred from 1st January 2003 to 31st December 2012 in Sicily. Intussusception cases were defined as all hospitalizations with an ICD-9-CM code of 560.0 on any discharge diagnoses. As a proxy for the severity of cases were considered ICD-9-CM procedure codes accounting for surgical or radiologic reduction. Results: A total of 340 intussusception cases were hospitalized in Sicily from 2003 to 2012 in children aged 0-59 months. 46.8 % occurred in the age class 0-11 months. Hospitalization rate for intussusception was 11.4 cases per 100,000 per year (32.6 cases per 100,000 among 0-11 months children; 7.3 cases per 100,000 among 12-59 months children), with a M:F sex ratio of 1.8. During hospitalization only 25 % of intussusceptions had a spontaneous resolution, 56.5 % of cases required a surgical intervention. From 2003 to 2012 intussusception cases were equally distributed during the year without any seasonality, while gastroenteritis hospitalizations due to rotavirus infection have a typically late winter and spring distribution. Conclusions: In Sicily from 2003 to 2012 hospitalizations due to intestinal invagination were higher among children aged 0-11 months with observed rates similar to other European countries. Regional baseline data analysis of intussusception among 0-59 children is recognized as an evidence-based public health strategy by international health authorities. Indeed, this strategy is necessary to compare any post-licensure age or sex-related change in intussusception trend after universal rotavirus vaccination introduction

    Estimating the burden of hospitalization for pneumococcal pneumonia in a general population aged 50 years or older and implications for vaccination strategies

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is a major cause of human infectious diseases worldwide. Despite this documented evidence, data on pneumococcal disease rates among general populations are scant because of the frequent lack of cultural identification. In this study we propose a model for estimating the burden of pneumococcal pneumonia on hospitalizations. The study was performed by analyzing administrative and clinical data of patients aged 50 years or older, resident in Sicily, and hospitalized, from 2005 to 2012. Demographic information, admission/discharge dates, discharge status, and up to 6 discharge diagnoses coded according to ICD-9 CM were collected for each hospitalized patient. During the 8-year study period, a total of 72 372 hospitalizations with at least one ICD-9 CM diagnosis code suggestive of all-cause pneumonia were recorded. Of these, 1943 (2.7%) hospitalizations had specific ICD-9 CM diagnosis codes for pneumococcal pneumonia. According to the proposed model, 16 541 (22.9%) pneumonia out of all-cause pneumonia was estimated to be attributable to S. pneumoniae. Pneumococcal pneumonia and model-estimated pneumococcal pneumonia had mean hospitalization rates of 13.4 and 113.3/100 000, respectively, with a decreasing temporal trend. The risk of hospitalization for pneumococcal pneumonia was strongly correlated with age (P<0.001). Our model provides data usable to construct suitable decisional models for the decision-makers and could allow to the responsibles of healthcare facilities to assess the budget impact if they hypothesize to offer vaccination for pneumococcal disease to certain cohorts of subjects aged 50 years or older. In our area, the high estimated hospitalization rates among adults aged ≥65 years suggest the need to implement effective preventive strategies (e.g., vaccination) tailored for these groups

    Kinetics of Anti-Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Titers in Nurse Students after a Two-Year Follow-Up

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    Infection caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV) can be prevented through a safe and effective vaccine. This study analysed the kinetics of serum antibodies against hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) (anti-HBs) titers in relation to previous vaccine boosters in Italian nursing students who were followed up for two years. Serum anti-HBs titers were evaluated at the first visit, after vaccine booster (if required) and at visit after two years. Overall, 483 students (mean age = 21.7 years; SD = 3.7) with median anti-HBs IgG titer of 6 mUI/mL (interquartile range (IQR) = 0-34) were enrolled. A total of 254 (52.5%) students with a titer lower than 10 mIU/mL were offered an anti-HBV booster at the first visit. Among these students, an exponential relation between anti-HBs IgG titer, one month after HBV booster and anti-HBs IgG titer two years later was found (y = 3.32 exp (0.0045x); R2 = 0.48; p &lt; 0.001). Students with anti-HBV titer higher than 10 mIU/mL (N = 229) were followed up, and anti-HBs IgG titers at follow-up visit linearly correlated with anti-HBV baseline titers (y = 0.86x + 26.2; R2 = 0.67; p &lt; 0.001). A decrease in anti-HBs titers can be expected a few years after the anti-HBV booster dose. This reduction is more pronounced than that observed in students not administered the booster dose and is exponential with respect to basal titers assessed after the booster dose

    Seroprevalence of and risk factors for Leishmania seropositivity in a sample population of Western Sicily (Italy)

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    Background: Leishmania is a vector-borne parasite responsible for significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of and risk factors for Leishmania infantum seropositivity in a sample of Sicilian population.Methods: A total of 260 subjects were interviewed using a standardized questionnaire and requested for an venous blood sample.Results: Overall, 36 subjects (13.8%) were seropositive against L. infantum with a statistically significant higher prevalence of positivity in older subjects (p=0.04). After adjustment for age, a higher risk for Leishmania seropositivity was found in subjects who had pets living outdoors and untreated with anti-pests, and in those who were current smokers (adj-OR = 2.95 and adj-OR = 3.11, respectively; p &lt; 0.05).Conclusions: Our data confirm that Leishmania infections among Sicilian citizens can be considered relatively frequent, suggesting that a percentage of Leishmania seropositivity can be probably attributed to exposure to both old and new risk factors

    A mid-term estimate of 2018/2019 vaccine effectiveness to prevent laboratory confirmed A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H3N2) influenza cases in Sicily (Italy).

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    Abstract Influenza season started in Italy during the month of October 2018, approaching the epidemic peak in January 2019. This report aim to explore the mid-term virologic surveillance data of the 2018–2019 influenza season in Sicily and to estimate the effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccine (VE) against A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H3N2) influenza viruses. A test-negative design was used to evaluate influenza VE. In Sicily, almost all influenza infections were sustained by influenza type A viruses, of which 62.3% were A(H3N2) and 36.3% A(H1N1)pdm09. A reduction of laboratory confirmed influenza cases in Sicilian population immunized against influenza were observed. In particular, an overall significant protective values were observed for any influenza A viruses (Adj-VE = 44.0%; 95%CI: 11.2–64.7%), especially among 15–64 years old age group (Adj-VE = 59.5%; 95%CI: 0.03–83.1) and among the elderly (Adj-VE = 73.6%; 95% CI: 29.4–90.2)