76 research outputs found

    Bosnia shows that peacekeeping missions in civil conflicts can often have little impact on the level of violence

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    The conflicts in Iraq, Syria and Ukraine have been accompanied by calls for intervention from foreign countries. One possibility for this form of intervention would be a peacekeeping mission of the kind conducted by the UN in Bosnia during the 1990s, but do such missions actually have the capacity to stabilise conflict-torn regions? Using data from the Bosnian war, Stefano Costalli writes on the effectiveness of peacekeeping operations. He notes that peacekeepers were generally deployed in the areas in Bosnia which had the highest levels of violence, but that the response was largely reactive and often suffered delays. Ultimately there was no link between the deployment of UN peacekeepers and an actual reduction in violence

    Travel Time in Case of Accident Prediction Model

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    AbstractThe aim of this paper is to estimate the travel time along a motorway section, both in undisturbed condition and taking into account a perturbation due to an accident. The estimated travel time is calculated adding the travel time under normal traffic conditions, the time used settling the accident area and the time needed to dissolve the queue. To be applied the model requires the knowledge of accident characteristics, the traffic flow at the accident time and the value of the reduced capacity during the accident management. The model refers to traffic conditions and accident management procedures typical of motorways

    Better the Devil You Know? How Fringe Terrorism Can Induce an Advantage for Moderate Nonviolent Campaigns

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    Fringe terrorism is common during nonviolent campaigns. We examine how this can modify the strategic environment between dissident groups and the state in ways that present both challenges and opportunities to moderate factions. Terrorism is intended to promote violent escalation in a conflict, but we argue that fringe terrorist activities in a nonviolent campaign under certain conditions can induce an advantage for well-organized moderate factions. The risk of escalation following terrorism can give the government more incentives to offer concessions to moderate campaign leaders if the movement can credibly prevent armed escalation. The ability to control and prevent violence is more likely when nonviolent movements have a hierarchical structure and a centralized leadership, as such campaigns are better able to prevent shifts by supporters towards violent fringes. Using new data on terrorist attacks by factions sharing the same overall objectives as ongoing nonviolent campaigns, we show that nonviolent campaigns are more likely to see substantial gains in spite of fringe terrorist activities when a movement has a hierarchical structure and a centralized leadership

    Societ\ue0 civile, identita' cristiana e costruzione della pace. Sarajevo, Beirut e Gerusalemme

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    Come raggiungere una pacifica convivenza in societa' multiculturali segnate da conflitti armati? Diluendo le differenze rappresentate dalle identita' culturali per creare un'identita' nuova, oppure fondando la societa' sul rispetto delle diversita' preesistenti? E quale ruolo ha la societa' civile in dinamiche di questo tipo? Il volume affronta questi temi analizzando il ruolo giocato dalla Chiesa cattolica a Sarajevo, Beirut e Gerusalemm

    Battaglie senza regole: le guerre civili.

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    Il saggio tratta del difficile rapporto fra regole di combattimento e dinamiche della violenza nei conflitti civili
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