9 research outputs found

    Attenuation of the Ganglion Cell Layer in a Premature Infant Revealed with Handheld Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography

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    Purpose: To report on subclinical retinal abnormalities shown through handheld spectral domain optical coherence tomography on a premature infant. Methods: Case report. Results: The initial and follow-up exams on a premature infant revealed severely attenuated ganglion cell and nerve fiber layers. There was cystoid macular edema in both eyes at the initial visits, which resolved by the 1-year follow-up. Discussion: Optical coherence tomography can reveal significant retinal abnormalities in premature infants which are not detectable through funduscopic exam. Documenting such findings may be useful for the comprehensive management of vision problems in children with a history of premature birth

    Relationship Between Foveal Cone Specialization and Pit Morphology in Albinism

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    Purpose.Albinism is associated with disrupted foveal development, though intersubject variability is becoming appreciated. We sought to quantify this variability, and examine the relationship between foveal cone specialization and pit morphology in patients with a clinical diagnosis of albinism. Methods. We recruited 32 subjects with a clinical diagnosis of albinism. DNA was obtained from 25 subjects, and known albinism genes were analyzed for mutations. Relative inner and outer segment (IS and OS) lengthening (fovea-to-perifovea ratio) was determined from manually segmented spectral domain-optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) B-scans. Foveal pit morphology was quantified for eight subjects from macular SD-OCT volumes. Ten subjects underwent imaging with adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO), and cone density was measured. Results. We found mutations in 22 of 25 subjects, including five novel mutations. All subjects lacked complete excavation of inner retinal layers at the fovea, though four subjects had foveal pits with normal diameter and/or volume. Peak cone density and OS lengthening were variable and overlapped with that observed in normal controls. A fifth hyper-reflective band was observed in the outer retina on SD-OCT in the majority of the subjects with albinism. Conclusions. Foveal cone specialization and pit morphology vary greatly in albinism. Normal cone packing was observed in the absence of a foveal pit, suggesting a pit is not required for packing to occur. The degree to which retinal anatomy correlates with genotype or visual function remains unclear, and future examination of larger patient groups will provide important insight on this issue

    Evaluation of normal human foveal development using optical coherence tomography and histologic examination

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    Objective: To assess outer retinal layer maturation during late gestation and early postnatal life using optical coherence tomography and histologic examination. Methods: Thirty-nine participants 30 weeks' postmenstrual age or older were imaged using a handheld optical coherence tomography system, for a total of 102 imaging sessions. Foveal images from 16 participants (21 imaging sessions) were normal and evaluated for inner retinal excavation and the presence of outer retinal reflective bands. Reflectivity profiles of central, parafoveal, and parafoveal retina were extracted and were compared with age-matched histologic sections. Results: The foveal pit morphologic structure in infants was generally distinguishable from that in adults. Reflectivity profiles showed a single hyperreflective band at the fovea in all the infants younger than 42 weeks' postmenstrual age. Multiple bands were distinguishable in the outer retina at the peri fovea by 32 weeks' postmenstrual age and at the fovea by 3 months' postterm. By 17 months' postnatal, the characteristic appearance of 4 hyperreflective bands was evident across the foveal region. These features are consistent with previous results from histologic examinations. A "temporal divot" was present in some infants, and the foveal pit morphologic structure and the extent of inner retinal excavation were variable. Conclusions: Handheld optical coherence tomography is a viable technique for evaluating neonatal retinas. In premature infants who do not develop retinopathy of prematurity, the foveal region seems to follow a developmental time course similar to that associated with in utero maturation. Clinical Relevance: As pediatric optical coherence tomography becomes more common, a better understanding of normal foveal andmacular development is needed. Longitudinal imaging offers the opportunity to track postnatal foveal development among preterm infants in whom poor visual outcomes are anticipated or to follow up treatment outcomes in this population

    Association between myopia progression and quantity of laser treatment for retinopathy of prematurity.

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    BackgroundPrevious studies found that infants with retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) who were treated for more posterior disease with a greater number of laser spots developed higher myopia. These studies included multiple physicians with variations in laser density. In treatments by a single physician, laser spot count is a better surrogate for area of avascular retina and anterior-posterior location of disease, so that the relationship with myopia can be better assessed.MethodsOur retrospective study included infants treated with laser for ROP by a single surgeon at a single center. Exclusion criteria were irregularities during laser and additional treatment for ROP. We assessed correlation between laser spot count and change in refractive error over time using a linear mixed effects model.ResultsWe studied 153 eyes from 78 subjects treated with laser for ROP. The average gestational age at birth was 25.3±1.8 weeks, birth weight 737±248 grams, laser spot count 1793±728, and post-treatment follow up 37±29 months. Between corrected ages 0-1 years, the mean spherical equivalent was +0.4±2.3 diopters; between ages 1-2, it was -1.3±3.2D; and ages 2-3 was -0.8±3.1D. Eyes that received more laser spots had significantly greater change in refractive error over time (0.30D more myopia per year per 1000 spots). None of the eyes with hyperopia before 18 months developed myopia during the follow-up period.ConclusionsGreater myopia developed over time in infants with ROP treated by laser to a larger area of avascular retina

    Dominant variants in PRR12 result in unilateral or bilateral complex microphthalmia

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    Complex microphthalmia is characterized by small eyes with additional abnormalities that may include anterior segment dysgenesis. While many genes are known, a genetic cause is identified in only 4-30% of microphthalmia, with the lowest rate in unilateral cases. We identified four novel pathogenic loss-of-function alleles in PRR12 in families affected by complex microphthalmia and/or Peters anomaly, including two de novo, the first dominantly transmitted allele, as well as the first splicing variant. The ocular phenotypes were isolated with no additional systemic features observed in two unrelated families. Remarkably, ocular phenotypes were asymmetric in all individuals and unilateral (with structurally normal contralateral eye) in three. There are only three previously reported PRR12 variants identified in probands with intellectual disability, neuropsychiatric disorders, and iris anomalies. While some overlap with previously reported cases is seen, nonsyndromic developmental ocular anomalies are a novel phenotype for this gene. Additional phenotypic expansions included short stature and normal development/cognition, each noted in two individuals in this cohort, as well as absence of neuropsychiatric disorders in all. This study identifies new associations for PRR12 disruption in humans and presents a genetic diagnosis resulting in unilateral ocular phenotypes in a significant proportion of cases

    Decorin Concentrations in Aqueous Humor of Patients with Diabetic Retinopathy

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    Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a microvascular complication of diabetes in the retina. Chronic hyperglycemia damages retinal microvasculature embedded into the extracellular matrix (ECM), causing fluid leakage and ischemic retinal neovascularization. Current treatment strategies include intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) or steroidal injections, laser photocoagulation, or vitrectomy in severe cases. However, treatment may require multiple modalities or repeat treatments due to variable response. Though DR management has achieved great success, improved, long-lasting, and predictable treatments are needed, including new biomarkers and therapeutic approaches. Small-leucine rich proteoglycans, such as decorin, constitute an integral component of retinal endothelial ECM. Therefore, any damage to microvasculature can trigger its antifibrotic and antiangiogenic response against retinal vascular pathologies, including DR. We conducted a cross-sectional study to examine the association between aqueous humor (AH) decorin levels, if any, and severity of DR. A total of 82 subjects (26 control, 56 DR) were recruited. AH was collected and decorin concentrations were measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Decorin was significantly increased in the AH of DR subjects compared to controls (p = 0.0034). AH decorin levels were increased in severe DR groups in ETDRS and Gloucestershire classifications. Decorin concentrations also displayed a significant association with visual acuity (LogMAR) measurements. In conclusion, aqueous humor decorin concentrations were found elevated in DR subjects, possibly due to a compensatory response to the retinal microvascular changes during hyperglycemia