662 research outputs found

    Stated belief and play in normal form games

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    Using data on one-shot games, we investigate the assumption that players respond to underlying expectations about their opponent�s behavior. In our laboratory experiments, subjects play a set of 14 two-person 3x3 games, and state first order beliefs about their opponent�s behavior. The sets of responses in the two tasks are largely inconsistent. Rather, we find evidence that the subjects perceive the games differently when they (i) choose actions, and (ii) state beliefs � they appear to pay more attention to the opponent�s incentives when they state beliefs than when they play the games. On average, they fail to best respond to their own stated beliefs in almost half of the games. The inconsistency is confirmed by estimates of a unified statistical model that jointly uses the actions and the belief statements. There, we can control for noise, and formulate a statistical test that rejects consistency. Effects of the belief elicitation procedure on subsequent actions are mostly insignificant

    Beliefs and actions in the trust game: creating instrumental variables to estimate the causal effect

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    In many economic contexts, an elusive variable of interest is the agent's expectation about relevant events, e.g. about other agents' behavior. Recent experimental studies as well as surveys have asked participants to state their beliefs explicitly, but little is known about the causal relation between beliefs and other behavioral variables. This paper discusses the possibility of creating exogenous instrumental variables for belief statements, by shifting the probabilities of the relevant events. We conduct trust game experiments where the amount sent back by the second player (trustee) is exogenously varied by a random process, in a way that informs only the �first player (trustor) about the realized variation. The procedure allows detecting causal links from beliefs to actions under plausible assumptions. The IV estimates indicate a signi�ficant causal effect, comparable to the connection between beliefs and actions that is suggested by OLS analyses

    Histopathological and immunohistochemical study of the hepatic lesions experimentally induced by Entamoeba dispar

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    The sequence of hepatic necrotic-inflammatory events produced by Entamoeba dispar are originally described in this work. For the first time the experimental lesions produced by E. dispar were described in details, as well as the distribution of the trophozoites detected by the immunohistochemistry. Animals experimentally infected with E. dispar presented necrosis, thrombosis and chronic granulomatous inflammation. Immunoreactive products derived from trofozoites were observed close or associated with trophozoites, epithelioid cells, leucocytes and hepatocytes. Few are the articles on the literature about virulence of E. dispar, which is approximately 9 times more frequent than to Entamoeba histolytica (E. histolytica). Variation in the virulence is therefore expected and signalizing the need of the continuity of studies with E. dispar strains from different places in the world. Taking into account that E. dispar is a closely related species to E. histolytica, these studies could determine new elements involved with E. histolytica pathogenesis, helping us to better understand the disease

    The Mythology of Game Theory

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    Non-cooperative game theory is at its heart a theory of cognition, specifically a theory of how decisions are made. Game theory\u27s leverage is that we can design different payoffs, settings, player arrays, action possibilities, and information structures, and that these differences lead to different strategies, outcomes, and equilibria. It is well-known that, in experimental settings, people do not adopt the predicted strategies, outcomes, and equilibria. The standard response to this mismatch of prediction and observation is to add various psychological axioms to the game-theoretic framework. Regardless of the differing specific proposals and results, game theory uniformly makes certain cognitive assumptions that seem rarely to be acknowledged, much less interrogated. Indeed, it is not widely understood that game theory is essentially a cognitive theory. Here, we interrogate those cognitive assumptions. We do more than reject specific predictions from specific games. More broadly, we reject the underlying cognitive model implicitly assumed by game theory

    Estudos sobre a nutrição mineral do arroz: XI. Marcha de absorção de micronutrientes pela variedade IAC-47

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    Dry matter yield and uptake of B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn by the rice variety IAC-47 were studied under controlled conditions, namely, by growing plants in nutrient solution and by falcing samples for analyses in set physiological periods. It was observed that only the curves describing dry matter production and accumulation of B and Fe was verified.A produção de matéria seca e a absorção de micronutrientes (B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn) pelo arroz var. IAC-47 foram estudadas usando-se plantas cultivadas em solução nutritiva. Verificou-se que: enquanto as curvas que descrevem o crescimento e a acumulação de B e Fe mostram tendência sigmóide, as demais não o fazem, evidência de redistribuição foi observada somente nos casos do B (diminuição no conteúdo foliar) e no do Fe (diminuição no conteúdo da raiz)

    Estudos sobre a nutrição mineral do arroz: VII. exigências nutricionais das variedades IAC-25 e IAC-47

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    Rice plants, varieties IAC 25 and IAC 47, were grown in nutrient solution till the end of the life cycle when they were analysed both for macro and micronutrients. Main conclusions were the following: IAC 47, higher yielding, showed larger requirements than IAC 25; for production (total) and export (grain), the demand for nutrients was the same in both varieties.As exigências nutricionais das variedades de arroz IAC 25 e IAC 47 foram determinadas analisando-se os diferentes órgãos de plantas cultivadas em solução nutritiva até o fim do ciclo. Verificou-se serem distintas as exigências, maior na IAC 47 (mais tardia) que deu também maior produção de grãos com casca

    Studies on the mineral nutrition of the rice plant: IX. time course on the uptake of macronutrients by the variety IAC-47

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    Rice plants, variety IAC-47, were grown in the nº 2 nutrient solution of HOAGLAND & ARNON (1950) until the end of the life cycle. Plants were sampled at well defined physiological periods for analyses. It was verified that trends for levvelling off occurred in the case of accumulation of N, K and Ca. Translocation from leaves to grain was observed with respect to N, P and K. Maximum rates of uptake of all elements took place from 50 to 100 days after germination.Foram estudadas, em condições controladas, a acumulação de matéria seca e a de macronutrientes na variedade de arroz IAC-47. Ambos os processos em geral são descritos por sigmóides típicas; picos para os valores totais de produção de matéria seca e de acumulação de elementos entre: 100 e 140 dias depois da germinação

    Estudos sobre a nutrição mineral do arroz: XIII. efeitos das deficiências de micronutrientes nas variedades IAC-25 e IAC-47

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    Rice plants were grown in nutrient solution lither in the presence or in the absence of B, Cu and Zn. The symptoms of deficiency were usually in agreement with those described in the literature. Growth of the variety IAC-47 (number of leaves, tillering and total dry matter) was relatively more affected; this variety, however did produce grains under the minus Cu treatment (one fourth of the yield observed in the "complete" treatment), which did not happen in the case of the other variety. At the beginning of the grain filling period the following leaf contents could be considered as indication of deficiency: B-13 to 25 ppm; Zn-20 ppm; no conclusion could be drawn with respect to Cu levels.Plantas de arroz, variedades IAC-25 e IAC-47 foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva e com deficiência de B, Cu e Zn. Foram obtidos sintomas de carência dos três micronutrientes. As deficiências induzidas provocaram diminuição na matéria seca total e no número de folhas das duas variedades. O mesmo ocorreu no numero de perfilhos da var. IAC-47. Foi feita a determinação dos teores dos micronutrientes nas plantas submetidas aos diferentes tratamentos o que forneceu dados que ajudam a avaliação do estado nutricional
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