80 research outputs found

    Application of the Pediatric Risk of Mortality Score (PRISM) score and determination of mortality risk factors in a tertiary pediatric intensive care unit

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    INTRODUCTION: To establish disease severity at admission can be performed by way of the mortality prognostic. Nowadays the prognostic scores make part of quality control and research. The Pediatric Risk of Mortality is one of the scores used in the pediatric intensive care units. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study is the utilization of the pediatric risk of mortality to determine mortality risk factors in a tertiary pediatric intensive care units. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study, in a period of one year, at a general tertiary pediatric intensive care unit. The pediatric risk of mortality scores corresponding to the first 24 hours of hospitalization were recorded; additional data were collected to characterize the study population. RESULTS: 359 patients were included; the variables that were found to be risk factors for death were multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, mechanical ventilation, use of vasoactive drugs, hospital-acquired infection, parenteral nutrition and duration of hospitalization (p < 0,0001). Fifty-four patients (15%) died; median pediatric risk of mortality score was significantly lower in patients who survived (p=0,0001). The ROC curve yielded a value of 0.76 (CI 95% 0,69-0,83) and the calibration was shown to be adequate. DISCUSSION: It is imperative for pediatric intensive care units to implement strict quality controls to identify groups at risk of death and to ensure the adequacy of treatment. Although some authors have shown that the PRISM score overestimates mortality and that it is not appropriate in specific pediatric populations, in this study pediatric risk of mortality showed satisfactory discriminatory performance in differentiating between survivors and non-survivors. CONCLUSIONS: The pediatric risk of mortality score showed adequate discriminatory capacity and thus constitutes a useful tool for the assessment of prognosis for pediatric patients admitted to a tertiary pediatric intensive care units

    Efeitos adversos a medicamentos em hospital público: estudo piloto

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    The results from implementing a strategy for monitoring adverse effects from drugs in a public hospital in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil, in 2007, were analyzed. Based on retrospective analysis of 32 medical files, adverse effects were found in 16%. To identify these effects, 38 tracking criteria were needed. Among these, the main ones were the use of antiemetics, abrupt cessation of medication and over-sedation. Despite the difficulties, especially in relation to access to information and the record quality, application of these tracking criteria seems to be viable. To improve the implementation of the method, it is suggested that the data collection should be computerized and risk adjustment indicators should be sought.Fueron analizados los resultados de la implantación de estrategia de monitoreo de efectos adversos a los medicamentos en hospital público en Rio de Janeiro, Sureste de Brasil, en 2007. Con base en análisis retrospectivo de 32 prontuarios fueron encontrados efectos adversos en 16%. Para identificarlos, fueron necesarios 38 criterios rastreadores, de los cuales los principales fueron: uso de antieméticos, interrupción abrupta de medicamentos y sedación excesiva. A pesar de las dificultades, sobre todo relacionadas con el acceso a las informaciones y a la calidad de los registros, la aplicación de los criterios rastreadores parece ser viable. Para perfeccionar la implantación del método, se sugiere informatizar la colecta de datos y buscar indicadores de ajuste del riesgo.Foram analisados os resultados da implantação de estratégia de monitoramento de efeitos adversos aos medicamentos em hospital público no Rio de Janeiro, RJ, em 2007. Com base em análise retrospectiva de 32 prontuários foram encontrados efeitos adversos em 16%. Para identificá-los, foram precisos 38 critérios rastreadores, dos quais os principais foram: uso de antieméticos, interrupção abrupta de medicamentos e sedação excessiva. Apesar das dificuldades, sobretudo relacionadas ao acesso às informações e à qualidade dos registros, a aplicação dos critérios rastreadores parece ser viável. Para aprimorar a implantação do método, sugere-se informatizar a coleta de informações e buscar indicadores de ajuste de risco

    Case Fatality Rate Related to Microcephaly Congenital Zika Syndrome and Associated Factors: A Nationwide Retrospective Study in Brazil †.

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    BACKGROUND: The clinical manifestations of microcephaly/congenital Zika syndrome (microcephaly/CZS) have harmful consequences on the child's health, increasing vulnerability to childhood morbidity and mortality. This study analyzes the case fatality rate and child-maternal characteristics of cases and deaths related to microcephaly/CZS in Brazil, 2015-2017. METHODS: Population-based study developed by linkage of three information systems. We estimate frequencies of cases, deaths, case fatality rate related to microcephaly/CZS according to child and maternal characteristics and causes of death. Multivariate logistic regression models were applied. RESULTS: The microcephaly/CZS case fatality rate was 10% (95% CI 9.2-10.7). Death related to microcephaly/CZS was associated to moderate (OR = 2.15; 95% CI 1.63-2.83), and very low birth weight (OR = 3.77; 95% CI 2.20-6.46); late preterm births (OR = 1.65; 95% CI 1.21-2.23), Apgar < 7 at 1st (OR = 5.98; 95% CI 4.46-8.02) and 5th minutes (OR = 4.13; 95% CI 2.78-6.13), among others. CONCLUSIONS: A high microcephaly/CZS case fatality rate and important factors associated with deaths related to this syndrome were observed. These results can alert health teams to these problems and increase awareness about the factors that may be associated with worse outcomes

    Características da oferta de contracepção de emergência na rede básica de saúde do Recife, Nordeste do Brasil

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    The aim of the study was to describe the use of emergency contraception (EC) in Family Health Units in Recife between March and September, 2011. The questionnaire was answered by 234 professionals, 154 nurses and 80 physicians selected by random sampling in 117 USF. Almost all professionals (90.6%) reported availability of EC in Family Health Unit; physicians and/or nurse were the main prescribers (73.9%); 27.4% knew the distribution strategy by “women’s health kit”. Although 85.0% of professionals have already prescribed the EC, only 8.5% considered the EC as a woman’s right. The majority (80.7%) understand the Family Planning manual of the Ministry of Health and about half (51.2%) understand the Reproductive Rights manual of the municipality’s manual. 51.3% knew the EC action mechanism and 77.4% usually inform women about EC. Among those who do not explain about EC, the main reasons were: “lack of opportunity” (10.0%) for physicians and “to avoid becoming routine” (6.5%) for nurses. Half of the professionals (50.0%) reported prescribing in three recommended situations (unprotected intercourse, rape and failure of contraceptive methodin use) and 65.8% agree that religion interfere in the decision of the prescription/advice. Health professionals have demonstrated sufficient technical knowledge to prescribe EC, but do not recognize it as a right of women. Also, they consider that the influence of religion may interfere with the decision of prescribing and with the use of EC by women.O objetivo do estudo foi descrever as características da utilização da contracepção de emergência (CE) em unidades de saúde da família (USF) da cidade do Recife entre março e setembro de 2011. O questionário foi respondido por 234 profissionais, 154 enfermeiros e 80 médicos selecionados por amostragem aleatória em 117 USF. Quase todos os profissionais (90,6%) informaram disponibilidade da CE na USF; médico e/ou enfermeiro foram os principais dispensadores (73,9%) e 27,4% conheciam a estratégia de distribuição através do “kit saúde da mulher”. Apesar de 85,0% dos profissionais já terem prescrito a CE, apenas 8,5% a consideram como direito da mulher. A maioria (80,7%) conhecia o manual de Planejamento Familiar do Ministério da Saúde e cerca de metade (51,2%) conhecia o manual de Direitos Reprodutivos do município. Entre os entrevistados, 51,3% conheciam o correto mecanismo de ação e 77,4% costumam informar às mulheres sobre CE. Os principais motivos para não informar foram: “falta de oportunidade” (10,0%) para os médicos e “para evitar que se tornem rotina” (6,5%) para os enfermeiros. Metade dos profissionais (50,0%) informaram prescrever nas três situações preconizadas (relação desprotegida, estupro e falha do método contraceptivo em uso) e 65,8% concordam que a religião interfere na decisão da prescrição/orientação. Os profissionais de saúde demonstraram ter conhecimento técnico suficiente para prescrever a CE, porém não a reconhecem como um direito das mulheres. Além disso, consideram que a influência religiosa pode interferir na decisão da prescrição e no uso da CE pelas mulheres