4,478 research outputs found

    Learning entrepreneurship in a multicultural context

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    ABSTRACT Nowadays learning entrepreneurship in higher education became an important issue. International experiences promote the relationship between students from several countries in a multicultural context. In this sense it was developed an entrepreneurial game were tutors have the role to support students during the activities. The objective of entrepreneurial game objective is to create a business idea and develop a small business plan to present to the group. The general aim of this paper is to describe this international experience of Setúbal Business week. The specific goals are:  Understand how students learning in an international environment;  Understand how international multicultural groups function;  Evaluate how this kind of game improve a set of competencies, such as entrepreneurial spirit, capacity to work in an international team, oral communication, creativity, confidence and research skills;  Evaluate business week performance in order to improve future events. The study concludes with some recommendations and remarks about learning in an entrepreneurship in a multicultural environment.Entrepreneurial Game; Multiculturalism; International Environment

    Entrepreneurship, methodologies in higher education an experience in a portuguese business school

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    Today entrepreneurship education is an important issue to improve the process of creating new firm assuming new risks and rewards. The theoretical discussion about around the question: “Entrepreneurs are born or made?” assume that is possible educate to be entrepreneurs. Schools have an important role in this process. Believing in this possibility our Business School developed a set of pedagogical methodologies supported in apprenticeship based on “learning by doing”. This pedagogical methodology was created through a study of best practices. This study aims to propose a set of innovative methodologies and students perceptions about their apprenticeship experience/process. The study concludes with a set of recommendations and a best practices manual useful to appliance in higher education.Innovative methodologies; entrepreneurship education; learning by doing

    Breve diagnóstico da investigação em Ciências da Informação e Documentação em Portugal: teses e dissertações entre 2003 e 2017

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    O estudo faz um levantamento, ainda não exaustivo, e análise das dissertações de mestrado e teses de doutoramento em Ciências Informação da Documentação apresentadas nas instituições de ensino superior nacionais. Procura-se sistematizar a produção académica nacional, na área das Ciências da Informação e Documentação em termos de evolução anual, principais temáticas e tendências na investigação. Contactaram-se as instituições que oferecem ou já ofereceram formação ao nível do 2.º e 3.º ciclos de estudos desta área, entre os anos de 2003 e 2017, a fim de se obterem as listas dos trabalhos de mestrados e doutoramento apresentados e depositados nos repositórios institucionais, neste período. O estudo é do tipo exploratório, descritivo, bibliométrico, realizado a partir do levantamento das teses e dissertações, num total de 649 trabalhos. Conclui-se que os estudos em Ciências Informação da Documentação aumentaram em Portugal, em particular na área das bibliotecas, começando a emergir novas áreas, sobretudo associadas aos repositórios e ao movimento do acesso aberto.CIDHEUS-UE/FC

    The diffusion of patented oil and gas technology with environmental uses: a forward patent citation analysis [WP IEB]

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    Relevant advances in the mitigation of environmental impact could be obtained by the appropriate diffusion of existing environmental technologies. In this paper, we look at the diffusion of knowledge related to environmental technologies developed within the oil and gas industry. To assess knowledge spillovers from oil and gas inventions as a measure of technology diffusion, we rely on forward patent citations methodology. Results show that there is a strong likelihood that the citing patent will be eventually linked to environmental technologies if the original oil and gas invention has already environmental uses. Moreover, both intra and intersectoral spillovers produce a "turnabout" effect, meaning that citing patents show the opposite quality level of the cited patent. Our results support the idea that more sector-specific environmental policies, with an emphasis on diffusion, would significantly improve the use of environmental technologies developed within the oil and gas industry

    The diffusion of patented oil and gas technology with environmental uses: a forward patent citation analysis

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    Relevant advances in the mitigation of environmental impact could be obtained by the appropriate diffusion of existing environmental technologies. In this paper, we look at the diffusion of knowledge related to environmental technologies developed within the oil and gas industry. To assess knowledge spillovers from oil and gas inventions as a measure of technology diffusion, we rely on forward patent citations methodology. Results show that there is a strong likelihood that the citing patent will be eventually linked to environmental technologies if the original oil and gas invention has already environmental uses. Moreover, both intra and intersectoral spillovers produce a 'turnabout' effect, meaning that citing patents show the opposite quality level of the cited patent. Our results support the idea that more sector-specific environmental policies, with an emphasis on diffusion, would significantly improve the use of environmental technologies developed within the oil and gas industry. Keywords: Forward patent citations; petroleum industry; technology flows; environmental and technology policies

    Análise da utilização e da produção científica pela comunidade académica portuguesa

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    Nos últimos anos têm sido desenvolvidas iniciativas que visam promover a generalização do acesso à Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento. É nesta dinâmica que em 2004 surge em Portugal a Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online (b-on). Com ela ficou facilitado o acesso aos conteúdos em texto integral de um alargado conjunto de publicações científicas internacionais. Este estudo enquadra-se num trabalho de investigação de doutoramento e visa apresentar e analisar alguns dos principais indicadores estatísticos/bibliométricos da Produção Científica Portuguesa procurando associá-los com a b-on. Analisou-se para os anos de 2007 a 2011 o uso dos recursos b-on por parte das universidades públicas membros do consórcio, tendo sido selecionadas como amostra as cinco com mais downloads por FTE (full time equivalent). Para além dos dados de uso do consórcio, utilizou-se a Web of Science (WoS) a partir da qual se identificaram os artigos indexados com afiliação institucional nas universidades portuguesas. A partir daí, e através de uma metodologia quantitativa, apuraram-se os Autores com maior número de artigos indexados. Posteriormente analisaram-se dados como: produção por área científica, colaboração internacional, revistas científicas com maior número de artigos públicados, entre outros

    Characterization of the health Portuguese scientific production on Scopus

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    Introdução – É particularmente importante uma avaliação objetiva e imparcial da qualidade da atividade científica dos investigadores, mas também do comportamento científico e pedagógico das instituições de ensino superior, as quais, por sua vez, são o espelho do empenho de um país na sua componente de I&D. Objetivo – O presente estudo bibliométrico pretende caracterizar a presença portuguesa na Scopus e analisar a produção científica portuguesa classificada na área da saúde e indexada nesta base de dados. Métodos – Analisou-se a produção científica portuguesa referente ao período de janeiro de 2000 a dezembro de 2015. A abordagem centrou-se nas seguintes variáveis: categorias de classificação da Scopus; tipologia de documentos indexados; títulos de revistas; autores; distribuição por anos de publicação; afiliação institucional e países de origem dos autores com quem foram estabelecidas relações de parceria científica. Consideraram-se três grandes categorias de classificação na Scopus (Life Sciences, Health Sciences e Social Sciences & Humanities, usando filtros temáticos), porque a área da saúde tanto assume componentes exatas como transversais. Conjugou-se o descritor Portugal com a modalidade affiliation country. Os dados foram alinhados pela terminologia das variáveis em estudo (affiliation, author, country, doctype, source, subject, year) e fundidos num só ficheiro por variável. Resultados – A Scopus contempla 198.749 resultados com afiliação em Portugal. Na área da saúde contabilizaram-se, no total, 71.232 trabalhos, o que significa uma percentagem de 35,8%. Estes encontram-se distribuídos pelos três grupos de classificação: Health Sciences (59,1%), Life Sciences (34%) e Social Sciences & Humanities (6,9%). O artigo original (78,1%) consubstancia a forma mais usada pelos autores portugueses para a divulgação dos resultados de investigação, logo seguido do artigo de revisão (8,9%), dos paper (3,9%) e das letter (3,1%). Os últimos cinco anos são os mais representativos na produção científica (58,4%). Analisando as revistas onde os investigadores portugueses mais publicam, constata-se que são portuguesas sete das primeiras dez. A maioria da produção científica com visibilidade internacional é oriunda das universidades, sendo a Universidade do Porto a que mais se destaca. A parceria científica com outros investigadores destaca a colaboração nacional, mas também com os Estados Unidos, Espanha, Reino Unido, Alemanha, França, Itália, Países Baixos e Brasil, por esta ordem. De destacar que é a Universidade de São Paulo (no Brasil) a maior instituição parceira com 788 trabalhos. Discussão e Conclusões – Na informação da área da saúde indexada na Scopus, as universidades desempenham um papel fundamental, destacando-se a Universidade do Porto. Também os índices de coautoria e sobretudo a colaboração internacional com investigadores de outras nacionalidades têm aumentado ao longo dos anos. Os benefícios e os méritos desta colaboração internacional ao nível da investigação incluem a partilha e a transferência de conhecimento e equipamento, associando os investigadores a uma grande rede científica, bem como o acelerar do processo de investigação, aumentando a visibilidade dos artigos. A produção científica portuguesa da saúde evidencia a existência de vínculos com diversos países, produto das parcerias, dos projetos globais e dos financiamentos.ABSTRACT - Introduction – Evaluation of the quality of the scientific research as well as the scientific and teaching attitude of the higher education institutions is of paramount importance since it reflects the R&D landscape in a country. Objective – This bibliometric study aims at characterizing the Portuguese sample in Scopus and analyzing the Portuguese contribution to the scientific outputs indexed in this database on Health. Methods – The scientific outputs produced in Portugal between January 2000 and December 2015 were analyzed. The study focused on the following variables: Scopus classification categories, type of indexed documents, journal titles, authors, publication year, affiliation, country of origin of collaborators. Three major Scopus categories were considered (Life Sciences, Health Sciences and Social Sciences & Humanities) as the healthcare area can assume both exact and transversal components. The description Portugal was conjugated with category affiliation country. Data was aligned according to the variables considered in this study (affiliation, author, country, doctype, source, subject, and year) to produce a single file per variable. Results – Scopus includes 198,749 results with Portuguese affiliation. In the health sector, a total of 71,232 outputs were found which represents 35.8%. These outputs fall into the three categories considered as follows: Health Sciences (59.1%), Life Sciences (34%) and Social Sciences & Humanities (6.9%). Original paper (78.1%) is the most common type of document used by Portuguese authors to communicate research results, followed by review paper (8.9%), paper (3.9%) and letter (3.1%). The past 5 years are the most representative in terms of scientific outputs (58.4%). By analyzing the journals in which Portuguese authors publish the most, we found that 7 out of 10 are Portuguese journals. Most of scientific outputs published in international journals come from universities being the Oporto University the most prolific. In terms of scientific collaborations, national partnerships are the most common but there are also collaborations with scientists from other countries such USA, Spain, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands and Brazil, in this order. Noteworthy, Universidade de São Paulo in Brazil is the institution with which Portuguese scientists have produced more scientific outputs: 788. Discussion & Conclusions – Universities and, in particular, Oporto University, are major contributors for the health information indexed in Scopus. Also, the collaboration index, specially, the international collaboration, has risen in the last few years. The benefits of these collaborations include sharing and transferring knowledge and equipment which greatly contributes to the widespread dissemination of research and accelerates scientific discovery. Portuguese health scientific outputs reveal close collaborations with other countries through partnerships, global projects and funding

    Why do manufacturing industries invest in energy R&D?

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    Energy R&D can have major social and economic impacts and is a critical factor in addressing the challenges presented by climate change mitigation policies. As well as the energy utilities themselves, firms in other sectors also invest in energy R&D; however, while various studies have examined the determinants of R&D in the former, there are no analyses of energy R&D drivers in other industries. This paper seeks to fill this gap by examining the determinants of investment in energy R&D in non-energy industries. We focus on manufacturing industries where we can differentiate between energy and non-energy R&D related expenditure. The empirical analysis is carried out for 21 sectors in Spain for the period 2008–2013. To overcome problems of data availability, we construct a comprehensive database from several surveys. The data show the importance of taking into account the efforts devoted to energy R&D by the manufacturing sectors in order to have more complete information about the total investment made in energy R&D. The results of the estimations indicate the importance of the energy R&D developed by firms that supply the energy utilities

    Retail price effects of feed-in tariff regulation

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    The feed-in tariff regulation is the widest spread instrument used to promote electricity generation from renewable energy sources in the EU, with the costs of resources devoted to this promotion usually being borne by final consumers. Two components of the electricity retail price are expected to be influenced by the feed-in tariff regulation: the incentive to those firmsproducing electricity fromrenewable energy sources and thewholesale price of electricity. In this studywe analyze the effects that the feed-in tariff regulation has on the electricity retail price for industrial consumers. Weestimate the relative intensity of the impact of the cost of support electricity generation under the feed-in tariff and the electricity wholesale price on the Spanish industrial retail price. Special attention is devoted to technology-specific considerations, as well as short and long run effects. The results show that there is not a strong link between the retail and wholesale market for Spanish industrial consumers. Moreover, the results indicate that an increase of solar generation leads to a higher increase in the industrial retail price than in the case of a proportional increase of wind generation. This suggests that, when evaluating the feed-in tariff regulation impact on the retail price, the cost of incentives effect prevails over the wholesale price effect, and this is stronger for solar than for wind generation

    FTIR, a powerful technique in organic coatings failure diagnosis

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    FTIR spectrometry (Fourier Transform Infrared) is an instrumental technique of analysis that presents significant advantages on the dispersive traditional system, such as the increase of the relation signalnoise, the capacity of getting absorption spectra of low energy and therefore, bands of absorption of weak intensity. This technique is widely used in study, resin characterization and evaluation of polymeric materials as well as of its degradation when exposed to the most varied conditions of service, or still in the analysis and diagnosis of defects that occur during the application or production process. Techniques connected to the FTIR had more recently appeared as the photoacoustic (PAS-FTIR), the microscopy (MCT-FTIR) and the attenuated total reflectance (ATR), which allow to analyze weekly transparent and dark samples without removal of coatings from the substrates. The choice of the technique to use depends on the morphology of the surfaces to analyze and the type of failure in cause (lack of adhesion, contamination, aging degradation, etc). In this work the application of FTIR and techniques associates to the identification of the causes that had originated diverse types of defect in applied organic coatings on polymeric materials is presented. Key words: FTIR, Organic Coatings, Failure Diagnosi