9,360 research outputs found

    What Do We Mean by ?Feminization of Poverty??

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    The ?feminization of poverty? is an idea that dates back to the 1970s. It was popularized at the start of the 1990s, not least in research by United Nation agencies. The concept has various meanings, some of which are not entirely consistent with its implicit notion of change. We propose a definition that is in line with many recent studies in the field: the feminization of poverty is a change in poverty levels that is biased against women or female-headed households. (...)What Do We Mean by ?Feminization of Poverty??

    Poverty among women in Latin America: Feminization or over-representation?

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    We propose two different concepts of feminization of poverty and analyze household survey data to verify if there is an ongoing feminization of poverty in eight Latin American countries, according to each of these concepts. We also verify if our results respond to changes in values of poverty lines and to different scenarios of intra-household inequalities, concluding that poverty may be higher among women, but there is no clear evidence of a recent and widespread feminization of poverty in the countries studied.Feminization of poverty, Gender inequalities, Poverty, Female headed households, Latin America


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    We discuss four different concepts of feminization of poverty and analyze household survey data to verify if there is an undergoing feminization of poverty in eight Latin American countries, according to each of these concepts. We also verify if our results are sensible to changes in values of poverty lines and to different scenarios of intra- household inequalities. We conclude that women may be over-represented among the poor but there is no clear evidence of a recent and widespread feminization of poverty in the Latin American countries studied. The implication of this conclusion for policymaking in the region is that issues such as achieving the economic autonomy of women are perhaps more important to the egalitarian agenda than the feminization of poverty.

    Apresentação de um método para calcular a reduçao do cateter utilizado na cateterização infraclavicular da veia subclávia.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Clínica Médica, Curso de Medicina, Florianópolis, 198

    "Gender Inequalities in Allocating Time to Paid and Unpaid Work: Evidence from Bolivia"

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    This working paper analyzes paid and unpaid work-time inequalities among Bolivian urban adults using time use data from a 2001 household survey. We identified a gender-based division of labor characterized not so much by who does what type of work but by how much work of each type they do. There is a trade-off between paid and unpaid work, but this trade-off is only partial: women's entry into the labor market tends to result in a double shift of paid and unpaid work. We also find very high levels of within-group inequality in the distributions of paid and unpaid work-time for men and women, a sign that, beyond the sexual division of labor, subgroup differentiation is also important. Using decompositions of the inequality in the distribution of total time spent at work, we show that gender plays an important role in determining the proportion of paid to unpaid work done by individuals, but it plays a lesser role in determining the higher total workload of some individuals relative to others.

    Gender Inequalities in Allocating Time to Paid and Unpaid Work: Evidence from Bolivia

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    This Working Paper analyzes paid and unpaid work-time inequalities among Bolivian urban adults using time use data from a 2001 household survey. We identified a gender-based division of labor characterized not so much by who does which type of work but by how much work of each type they do. There is a partial trade-off between paid and unpaid work, but such a substitution is only partial: women?s entry into the labor market tends to result in a double work shift of paid and unpaid work. We also find very high levels of within-group inequality in the distributions of paid and unpaid work-time for men and women, a sign that beyond the sexual division of labor, subgroup differentiation is also important. Using decompositions of the inequality in the distribution of total time spent at work, we show that gender is an important variable to explain how much paid and unpaid work is done by individuals, but not so important to explain why some people have a higher total workload than others.Gender, Inequalities, poor, Bolivia

    Correlation study of clinical and MRI findings of the temporomandibular joint

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    Objetivo: avaliar a correlacao entre discos deslocados, osteoartrose e achados clinicos na articulacao temporomandibular. Metodos: estudou-se 51 pacientes com diagnostico de disfuncao temporomandibular, atraves de ficha clinica, que avaliou, ruidos articulares, dores, apalpacao nos musculos da mastigacao e na articulacao temporomandibular, reducao na movimentacao da mandibula. Os pacientes realizaram ressonancia magnetica para a deteccao da presenca de disco deslocado e da osteoartrose e desvio na forma. Estes achados foram comparados entre si e com os achados clinicos: apertamento dental, bruxismo, abertura da boca menor que 40 mm, diferenca da abertura ativa e passiva maior que 5 mm, dor a apalpacao no masseter profundo, dor a apalpacao na capsula, historia de trauma. Resultados: existe uma forte associacao positiva entre osteoartrose e disco deslocado para ambos os lados da articulacao temporomandibular. No estudo da significancia da associacao foi detectada uma probabilidade maior da artrose acontecer antes do disco deslocado do que o contrario. O unico item clinico de associacao positiva com a osteoartrose foi o bruxismo (articulacao temporomandibular direita). O item que apresentou correlacao com disco deslocado foi a reducao da abertura da boca menor de 40 mm. Conclusoes: a osteoartrose tem alta correlacao com o disco deslocado e pode ser a causa do deslocamento, o bruxismo pode levar a osteoartrose e a reducao da abertura pode ser um sinal clinico de disco deslocadoPurpose: to evaluate the correlation among osteoartrosis displaced disc and clinical findings in the temporomandibular joint. Methods: fifty one patients with temporomandibular dysfunction diagnosis, were evaluated thought clinical examination; witch were consisted by the presence of articular noises, mastigation muscles and temporomandibular joint pain on palpation, reduction of mandible movements, magnetic resonance was required, and interpreted in order to detect displaced disc, osteoartrosis and deviation in form. The findings were compared among themselves and some clinical data, as dental clenching, bruxism, mouth opening less than 40 mm, difference between active and passive mouth opening more than 5 mm, pain on deep massater palpation, capsule pain on palpation and trauma history. Results: there was a strong positive association between osteoartrosis and displaced disc for both temporomandibular joints (right and left). Thought a meaning association study, the osteoartrosis has more chances to happen first instead of the displaced disc than the opposite. The only clinical item to have a positive association with osteoartrosis was the bruxism within the right temporomandibular joint, another item with positive association with displaced disc was mouth opening less than 40 mm. Conclusions: osteoartrosis has a high correlation with displaced disc, and may be the cause of the displacement, bruxism may lead to osteoartrosis and opening reduction may be a clinical sign of displaced disc.BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertaçõe

    National Constituent Assemblies of 1946 and 1988 and the role of Brazilian Congress in Foreign Policy

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    This research analyses the constituent process of 1946 to 1988 in Brazil concerning the role of Congress in Foreign Policy. In 1946 the National Constituent Assembly did not receive great interest from congressmen; however in 1988 many deputies had significant roles in that process. This finding is related to the historical process concerned with Brazil's path to democracy while its hierarchical congress structure was maintained by the Constituent Assembly of 1988.Este artigo analisa os processos constituintes brasileiros de 1946 e 1988 no aspecto da definição constitucional do papel do Congresso Nacional na Política Externa. A Assembleia Nacional Constituinte de 1946 não apresenta grande interesse dos parlamentares pelo tema, ao passo que o mesmo não ocorre na de 1988. Contudo, existe uma grande diferença entre as preferências dos constituintes e as que foram registradas nas Cartas Magnas de 1946 e 1988. Esse fato decorre do contexto histórico no qual a ruptura com os governos autoritários militares mantém a estrutura hierarquizada do parlamento constituinte, no qual a Comissão de Sistematização seguiu a tradição do Executivo com papel preponderante na execução da Política Externa Brasileira.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    The Role of Ethanol in the Brazilian Economy: Three Decades of Progress

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    Sustainable energy strategies require decision-makers in government, industry, academia and civil society alike to make choices among tradeoffs. Within the transport sector alone, ethanol has been shown to be the dominant solution among viable, low carbon options to date, yet questions remain over the economic and ecological impacts of this industry. In Brazil - the largest producer of sugarcane-based ethanol and a country with over three decades of ethanol development – we find a strong basis for evaluating the ethanol industry’s role in a national economy. In the mid 1970’s, Brazilian ethanol production received an important boost with the launch of the “Proálcool†program. The ethanol industry has subsequently evidenced flux until its consolidation in the period following 2000. Over the course of three decades, economic, institutional, technological and environmental determinants have factored in the success of Brazilian ethanol diffusion. In economic terms, price tradeoffs for ethanol vs. sugar and ethanol vs. gasoline played a role in scale-up of the biofuel together with balance of payment considerations. From an institutional standpoint, support for the Proálcool program, deregulation of the sugar-cane sector in the 1990’s and fuel pump adaptations also factored. With respect to technology, the development of flex fuel cars, greater use of mechanized harvesting, and launch of domestic, co-generated, electrical power were key drivers. Finally, in environmental terms, challenges associated with pollution and public health in major cities as well as questions related to climate change gained visibility. In this paper, we analyze a set of input-output tables for the Brazilian economy from 1975 to 2008, taking the above factors into consideration. Deriving a series of indicators, such as multipliers and linkages, we study the evolution of the ethanol sector’s role in the Brazilian economy and its relation to the productive structure of the country.