4,261 research outputs found

    Getting Accommodations at College: Tools for School [English and Spanish versions]

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    A Spanish translation of this publication is available to download under Additional Files. This tip sheet is for college students having trouble with school due to mental health. Schools are obligated to provide extra supports and services to help students succeed called accommodations. Topics covered include what accommodations can be asked for, how to get accommodations, and confidentiality. Originally published as: Transitions RTC Tip Sheet 2, 2011

    Avaliação qualitativa da influência das atividades grupais na promoção de saúde de um grupo de idosos de Florianópolis- SC

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Curso de Medicina. Departamento de Saúde Pública

    Accessory to Genocide? An Exploration of America’s Response to the Holocaust

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    In considering America\u27s reaction to the Holocaust, scholars must address serious charges that America bears some culpability for what happened. A survey of prominent historical studies and contemporary documents such as newspaper articles, committee reports, and other government documents prove America had some knowledge of the Holocaust, but did little in response. Considering the United States\u27 knowledge of the situation in Germany, America\u27s restrictive immigration policy in the 1930s makes her at least partially responsible for some of the lives lost. Other measures to stop the Holocaust, such as rescue, ransom, or bombing attempts, would not have been feasible or effective

    Die Rolle des Muskarinische Rezeptor 3 in der Modulation der Reaktion von Mikroglia nach ischämischem Schlaganfall

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    As the resident immune cells of the brain, microglia are the first cells to get activated after ischemic stroke and they contribute to disease progression in a context-dependent manner. We have previously shown that there is an increase in the microglial population expressing the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 3 in the lesion of mice after mild ischemia (middle cerebral artery occlusion - MCAo - model). Here, we further study the impact of such population in the outcome after ischemic stroke. First, we induced ischemia in mice depleted of the m3R exclusively in microglia (M3rKOmi) and respective m3R-expressing controls. We found that M3rKOmi male (but not female) mice show larger lesions and higher motricity impairments than controls in the acute/subacute phase after stroke (within the first week) and cognitive deficits in a chronic phase after stroke (over 3 weeks after stroke). Additionally, M3rKOmi mice have decreased density of Iba1+ cells in the lesion in comparison with controls. We then induced ischemia in male mice depleted of m3R in microglia and in peripheral monocytes (M3rKOmi/mo) causing M3rKOmi/mo mice to have lower overall survival rates, motor impairments and decreased density of Iba1+ cells in the ischemic lesion in comparison with controls. Collectively, our data show that, after an ischemic event, m3R-expressing microglia and monocytes promote neuroprotection in male mice resulting less severe outcome.Als residente Immunzellen des Gehirns sind Mikroglia die ersten Zellen, die nach einem ischämischen Schlaganfall aktiviert werden und dabei kontextabhängig zum Fortschreiten der Krankheit beitragen. Im Rahmen einer vorangegangenen Studie haben wir in einem Mausmodell für Schlaganfall, bei welchem ein Verschluss der mittlere Hirnarterie eingeleitet wird (MCAo Modell), gezeigt, dass die Läsionen von Mäusen nach einem ischämischen Schlaganfall eine erhöhte Anzahl an Mikroglia, die den muskarinischen Acetylcholinrezeptor 3 (M3R) exprimieren, aufwiesen. In dieser Studie haben wir die Auswirkungen einer solch erhöhten Expression des muskarinischen Acetylcholinrezeptors 3 auf den Ausgang eines ischämischen Schlaganfalls genauer untersucht. Zunächst induzierten wir eine Ischämie in Mäusen, deren Mikroglia spezifisch einen M3R Knockout (M3RKOmi) aufwiesen und konnten hierbei zeigen, dass männliche (jedoch nicht weibliche) M3RKOmi-Mäuse in der akuten/subakuten Phase nach dem Schlaganfall sowohl größere Läsionen und Bewegungsdefizite als die Kontrollgruppe aufwiesen, als auch kognitive Defizite in der chronischen Phase nach dem Schlaganfall. Zudem fanden wir heraus, dass M3RKOmi Mäuse eine geringere Dichte an Iba1-positiven Zellen in der Läsion im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe verzeichneten. Anschließend induzierten wir eine Ischämie in männlichen Mäusen, bei denen die Expression von M3R sowohl in den Mikroglia als auch in zirkulierenden Monozyten depletiert war (M3RKOmi/mo), und stellten fest, dass diese Mäuse im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe eine verkürzte Gesamtüberlebensrate sowie motorische Beeinträchtigungen aufwiesen. Männliche M3RKOmi/mo wiesen zudem auch eine geringere Dichte von Iba1-positiven Zellen in der ischämischen Läsion auf. Insgesamt zeigen unsere Daten, dass die Expression von M3R in Mikroglia und Monozyten nach ischämischem Schlaganfall neuroprotektiv ist und bei männlichen Mäusen zu einem weniger schweren Verlauf führt

    Tips and Tricks to Starting a Young Adult Council Part 2: The Do’s and Don’ts of Young Adult Councils [English and Spanish versions]

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    A Spanish translation of this publication is available to download under Additional Files. Young adult advisory councils are groups of likeminded young adults who come together on a consistent basis to share resources and advise organizations on how to better serve and support young people. This tip sheet, which is based on direct experiences from young adult council members across the United States, provides a list of Do’s and Don’ts for your organization to consider when developing and running a young adult council. Part 1 of this tip sheet is available at https://escholarship.umassmed.edu/pib/vol15/iss5/1

    Tips and Tricks to Starting a Young Adult Council Part 1: 10 Steps to Starting a Young Adult Advisory Council [English and Spanish versions]

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    A Spanish translation of this publication is available to download under Additional Files. This tip sheet will walk you through ten steps of developing a young adult mental health advisory council. Young adult advisory councils are groups of likeminded young adults who come together on a consistent basis to share resources and advise organizations on how to better serve and support young people. By incorporating young adult expertise into the design and delivery of mental health services, these councils provide direct feedback on how to improve services and make them more relevant to young adult culture. These steps are based on the Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research’s (ACR\u27s) own experience with creating a Youth Advisory Board (YAB). Part 2 of this tip sheet is available at https://escholarship.umassmed.edu/pib/vol15/iss6/1

    Do I Tell My Boss?: Disclosing My Mental Health Condition at Work [English, Spanish and Vietnamese versions]

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    Spanish and Vietnamese translations of this publication are available for download under Additional Files below. This publication provides some guidance to young adults living with a mental health condition as to whether or not to disclose that information in the workplace